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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
For up-to-date information about California vascular plants, visit the Jepson eFlora. |
Annual, perennial herb, shrub, vine
Leaves simple or compound, cauline (or most in basal rosette), alternate or opposite; stipules 0
Inflorescence: cymes, heads, or flowers solitary
Flower: calyx generally 5-ribbed, ribs often connected by translucent membranes that are generally torn by growing fruit; corolla generally 5-lobed, radial or bilateral, salverform to bell-shaped, throat often well defined; stamens generally 5, epipetalous, attached at same or different levels, filaments of same or different lengths, pollen white, yellow, blue, or red; ovary superior, chambers generally 3, style 1, stigmas generally 3
Fruit: capsule
Seeds 1many, gelatinous or not when wet
Genera in family: 19 genera, 320 species: Am, n Eur, n Asia; some cultivated (Cantua, Cobaea (cup-and-saucer vine), Collomia, Gilia, Ipomopsis, Linanthus, Phlox )
Recent taxonomic note: *See also revised taxonomy of Porter and Johnson 2000 Aliso 19(1):5591; Porter 1998 Aliso 17:8385
Annual, generally erect; branches spreading or ascending, hairy, glandular or puberulent
Leaves simple, alternate, generally deeply pinnately lobed or entire
Inflorescence: head; bracts pinnately to palmately toothed or lobed, spine-tipped; flowers sessile or subsessile
Flower: calyx membranous between ribs, lobes 45, entire or toothed, unequal, spine-tipped; corolla lobes 45; stigmas 2 or 3
Fruit generally ovoid, chambers 13
Seeds 1many per chamber, free or stuck together, brown, gelatinous when wet
Species in genus: ± 30 species: w North America, also in Argentina, Chile
Etymology: (F. Navarrete, Spanish physician, 1700's)
Native |
Stem generally branched, 525 cm, white-puberulent
Leaf 2-pinnate; axis and lobes thread-like; upper lobes clustered, pointed tipward
Inflorescence compact, white-hairy, like woolly ball; bract lobes puberulent, tips exposed, spreading
Flower: calyx ribs 45, strap-shaped, wider at base than membrane, hairy at middle, longest lobes toothed; corolla 812 mm, slightly > head, white, blue-tipped, throat generally lacking spots, lobes 45, 23 mm; stamens unequal, longest exserted; style exserted; stigmas 2
Fruit obovoid; chamber 1; valves 4, dehiscing in lower half
Seed 1
Ecology: UNCOMMON. Heavy soil of seasonally wet flats
Elevation: < 400 m.
Bioregional distribution: n&c Sierra Nevada Foothills, e Sacramento Valley.Intergrades somewhat with N. heterandra.