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Jepson Interchange (more information) |
©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
For up-to-date information about California vascular plants, visit the Jepson eFlora. |
Perennial, shrub, tree, glabrous or hairy
Stem often forked
Leaves opposite, sessile or petioled, pairs generally unequal; blade generally entire
Inflorescence generally forked; of spikes, clusters, or umbels, each unit sometimes with a calyx-like involucre
Flower bisexual, radial; perianth of 1 whorl, petal-like, bell- to trumpet-shaped, base hardened, tightly surrounding ovary in fruit, lobes 45, generally notched to ± bilateral; stamens 1many; ovary superior (appearing inferior because of hardened perianth base), style 1
Fruit: achene or nut, smooth, wrinkled, or ribbed
Genera in family: 30 genera, 300 species: warm regions, especially Am; some ornamental (Bougainvillea ; Mirabilis , four o'clock).
Annual, perennial herb
Stem prostrate to erect; internode often with sticky area
Leaf petioled; blade 16 cm, paler beneath, often brown-dotted
Inflorescence openly branched; unit a raceme, umbel, or head; bracts 13, free, not forming an involucre
Flower: perianth < 30 mm, bell-shaped, closing by afternoon; stamens 15; stigma ± spheric, generally exserted
Fruit < 3.5 mm, club-shaped; ridges 45; wings 0
Species in genus: ± 30 species: warm regions. B. spicata Choisy (fruit ribs narrow, acute) is widespread in sw US, expected as agricultural weed near Mex border
Etymology: (H. Boerhaave, Dutch botanist, 16681738)
Native |
Stem branched from base, erect, < 7 dm, glandular-hairy
Leaf: blade lanceolate to oblong-ovate, acute
Inflorescence loose, spike-like
Flower 12 mm, subtended by wide, reddish, persistent bracts, 23 mm in fruit
Fruit 22.5 mm, nearly as wide, wrinkled between the 4 wide ridges
Ecology: Dry, sandy places
Elevation: < 1400 m.
Bioregional distribution: Desert
Distribution outside California: to Nevada, Texas, Mexico
Flowering time: AugDec