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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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Annual, perennial herb, shrubs, trees, generally stellate-hairy; juice sticky; inner bark tough, fibrous
Leaves alternate, simple, petioled; blade generally palmately veined or lobed, stipules present
Inflorescence often leafy; whorl or involucre of bractlets often subtending calyx
Flower generally bisexual, radial; calyx lobes 5, margins abutting in bud; petals 5, free (fused at base to filament tube, so falling together); stamens many, filaments fused into a tube surrounding style, tube fused in turn to petal bases; pistil 1, ovary superior, chambers generally 5 or more, style branches, stigmas generally 1 or 2 X as many as chambers
Fruit of 5many disk- or wedge-shaped segments, loculicidal capsule, or berry
Genera in family: 100 genera, 2000 species: worldwide, especially warm regions; some cultivated (e.g., Abelmoschus , okra; Alcea ; Gossypium , cotton; Hibiscus , Malvaviscus )
Recent taxonomic note: Recently treated to include Sterculiaceae [Angiosperm phylogeny Group 1998 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 85:531553; Alverson et al. 1999 Amer J Bot 86:14741486; Bayer et al. 1999 Bot J Linn Soc 129:267303]
Mature fruit important for identification.
Annual, perennial herb, shrub
Leaf: blade entire to palmately lobed
Inflorescence: flowers axillary, generally solitary or clustered; pedicels often jointed; bractlets 0
Flower: petals generally yellow or white; stigmas head-like
Fruit: segments generally 515, indehiscent, often beaked, side walls firm, persistent
Seed 1 per fruit segment, not enclosed by net-veined envelope
Species in genus: 150 species: tropical, subtropical, especially Am
Etymology: (Greek: name of Theophrastus for a similar plant)