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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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Annual, perennial herb, shrub, generally hairy, generally taprooted
Stem prostrate to erect
Leaves simple to pinnately compound, basal or cauline, alternate or opposite; stipules 0
Inflorescence: cyme (generally raceme-like and coiled) or flowers solitary
Flower bisexual, generally radial; calyx lobes generally 5, generally fused at base, generally persistent, enlarging in fruit; corolla generally deciduous, rotate to cylindric, lobes generally 5, appendages in pairs on tube between filaments or 0; stamens generally 5, epipetalous, filament base sometimes appendaged, appendages scale-like; ovary generally superior, chamber 1, placentas 2, parietal, enlarged into chamber, sometimes meeting so ovary appears 25-chambered, styles 12, stigmas generally head-like
Fruit: capsule, generally loculicidal; valves generally 2
Genera in family: 20 genera, 300 species: especially w US; some cultivated (Emmenanthe, Nemophila, Phacelia )
Recent taxonomic note: Recently treated to be included in an expanded Boraginaceae (also including Lennoaceae) [Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 1998 Ann Missouri Bot Gard 85:531553; Olmstead et al. 2000 Mol Phylog Evol 16:96112]
Stem simple to openly branched, prostrate to erect, fleshy, brittle, angled or winged, glabrous to generally bristly
Leaves simple, cauline, opposite or alternate; petiole generally bristly-ciliate; blade pinnately toothed or lobed, generally bristly, upper generally reduced
Inflorescence: flowers solitary in axils or opposite leaves; pedicels longer in fruit, recurved
Flower: calyx bell-shaped to rotate, sinuses generally with spreading or reflexed appendages; corolla bell-shaped to rotate, white, blue, or purple, sometimes spotted or marked; stamens included; ovary chamber 1, style 1, generally lobed 1/31/2
Fruit generally 27 mm wide, spheric to ovoid, hairy, generally enclosed by calyx
Seeds ovoid, smooth, wrinkled or pitted, with a conic, colorless appendage at 1 end
Species in genus: 11 species: se US, w North America
Etymology: (Greek: woodland-loving)
Reference: [Constance 1941 Univ CA Publ Bot 19:341398]
Native |
Leaves opposite; petiole = or > blade; lower blades 830 mm, 315 mm wide, oblong to ovate, 59-lobed, lobes entire or 13-toothed; upper leaves oblanceolate to spoon-shaped, sessile, tip 3-toothed or entire
Inflorescence: pedicels stout, 1020 mm in flower, < 70 mm in fruit
Flower: calyx lobes 49 mm, appendages 14 mm; corolla 820 mm, 15 cm wide, bowl-shaped to rotate, white with dark veins and dots, lobe tips purple-spotted; filaments > corolla tube, anthers 13 mm; style 36 mm
Seeds 212, greenish brown, smooth or shallowly pitted
Chromosomes: n=9
Ecology: Meadows, roadbanks, woodlands
Elevation: 603100 m.
Bioregional distribution: Sierra Nevada, Sacramento Valley
Horticultural information: SUN: 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17 &SHD: 7, 14, 18, 24 &IRR: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.