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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
For up-to-date information about California vascular plants, visit the Jepson eFlora. |
Annual, perennial herb, shrub, tree, vine, monoecious or dioecious
Stem generally branched, sometimes fleshy or spiny
Leaves generally simple, alternate or opposite, generally stipuled, petioled; blade entire, toothed, or palmately lobed
Inflorescence: cyme, panicle, raceme, spike; flowers sometimes in clusters (dense, enclosed by involucre, flower-like in Chamaesyce, Euphorbia ), terminal or axillary
Flower unisexual, ± radial; sepals generally 35, free or fused; petals generally 0; stamens 1many, free or filaments fused; ovary superior, chambers 14, styles free or fused, simple or lobed
Fruit: generally capsule
Seeds 12 per chamber; seed scar appendage sometimes present, pad- to dome-like
Genera in family: 300 genera, 7500 species: ± worldwide especially tropical; some cultivated (Aleurites , tung oil; Euphorbia subsp.; Hevea , rubber; Ricinus )
Reference: [Webster 1967 J Arnold Arbor 48:303430]
Many species ± highly TOXIC .
Annual, perennial herb, generally monoecious, glabrous or hairy
Stem ascending to erect, < 1 m; branches forked, forks equal
Leaves cauline, generally alternate; stipules 0 or gland-like; petiole present or 0; leaf base symmetrical
Inflorescence flower-like or not, generally clustered; clusters generally umbel-like or cyme-like; involucre ± bell-shaped; bracts 5, fused; glands generally 4, distal appendages generally 0; flowers central
Staminate flowers 5many, generally in 5 clusters around pistillate flower
Pistillate flower 1, central, stalked; ovary chambers 3, ovule 1 per chamber, styles 3, separate or fused at base, divided or entire
Fruit: capsule, round to 3-angled or -lobed in X -section
Seed round or angled in X -section; surface smooth or sculptured, generally with a knob-like structure at attachment scar
Species in genus: ± 1500 species: warm temp to tropical, worldwide. See Chamaesyce
Etymology: (Latin: Euphorbus, Physician to the King of Mauritania, 1st century)
Reference: [Wheeler 1936 Bull S Calif Acad Sci 35:127147]
Horticultural information: STBL.
Native |
Stem erect, 1.54.5 dm, glabrous
Leaf 13 cm, petioled to sessile; blade obovate to spoon-shaped, glabrous, tip obtuse to notched, margin finely toothed
Inflorescence: involucre < 1.5 mm, bell-shaped, glabrous; gland < 1 mm, oblong
Staminate flowers 58
Pistillate flower: style divided ± 1/2 length
Fruit 23 mm, spheric, lobed, tubercled
Seed 1.52 mm, elliptic, round, yellow-brown; surface net-like
Ecology: Open, generally disturbed places
Elevation: < 1300 m.
Bioregional distribution: California Floristic Province
Distribution outside California: to Washington, e N.America, S.America