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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.



Gary D. Wallace, except as specified

Perennial, shrub, tree
Stem: bark often peeling distinctively
Leaves simple, generally cauline, alternate, opposite, rarely whorled, evergreen or deciduous, often leathery, petioled or not; stipules 0
Inflorescence: raceme, panicle, cyme, or flowers solitary, generally bracted; pedicels often with 2 bractlets
Flower generally bisexual, generally radial; sepals generally 4–5, generally free; petals generally 4–5, free or fused; stamens 8–10, free, filaments rarely appendaged, anthers awned or not, dehiscent by pores or slits; nectary generally at ovary base, disk-like; ovary superior or inferior, chambers generally 1–5, placentas axile or parietal, ovules 1–many per chamber, style 1, stigma head- to funnel-like or lobed
Fruit: capsule, drupe, berry
Seeds generally many, sometimes winged
Genera in family: ± 100 genera, 3000 species: generally worldwide except deserts; some cultivated, especially Arbutus, Arctostaphylos, Rhododendron, Vaccinium
Reference: [Wallace 1975 Wasmann J Biol 33:1–88; 1975 Bot Not 128:286–298]
Subfamilies Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Vaccinioideae sometimes treated as families. Nongreen plants obtain nutrition from green plants through fungal intermediates.



Erich Haber

Species in genus: 1 sp
Etymology: (Greek: single delight, from single flower)


M. uniflora (L.) A. Gray


Perennial < 10 cm, evergreen, not rhizomed (but root rhizome-like)
Leaves ± basal, < 3.5 cm, ovate to obovate, not leathery, finely round- or sharp-toothed, petioled
Inflorescence: flower solitary; peduncle minutely papillate above; bracts 1–2, ovate
Flower: radial, nodding, parts in 5's, free; sepals fringed; petals < 1 cm, spreading, entire or minutely fringed, waxy-white to pinkish; stamens 10, filaments ± widened at base, glabrous, anther pores on tubes; disk 0; ovary superior, style straight, projecting beyond ovary, stigma ± peltate, lobes 5, prominent, erect, marginal
Fruit: capsule, erect; valves opening from tip to base, margins not fibrous
Chromosomes: 2n=26
Ecology: Uncommon. Moist, mossy conifer forests
Elevation: 100–1000 m.
Bioregional distribution: n North Coast, w Klamath Ranges, n Outer North Coast Ranges, High Cascade Range, c High Sierra Nevada (Fresno Co.)
Distribution outside California: circumboreal, N.America, Eurasia
Synonyms: var. reticulata (Nutt.) S.F. Blake

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