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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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  • Up-to-date information about California vascular plants is available from the Jepson eFlora.



Ronald L. Hartman (except Silene)

Annual, biennial, perennial herb, rarely dioecious, taprooted or rhizome generally slender
Leaves simple, generally opposite; stipules generally 0; petiole generally 0; blade entire, sheath generally 0
Inflorescence: cyme, generally open; flowers few–many or flower solitary and axillary; involucre generally 0
Flower generally bisexual, radial; hypanthium sometimes present; sepals generally 5, ± free or fused into a tube, tube generally herbaceous between lobes or teeth; awns generally 0; petals generally 5 or 0, generally tapered to base (or with claw long, blade expanded), entire to 2–several-lobed, blade generally without scale-like appendages (inner surface), generally without ear-like lobes at base; stamens generally 10, generally fertile, generally free, generally from ovary base; nectaries generally 0; ovary superior, generally 1-chambered, placentas basal or free-central, styles 2–5 or 1 and 2–3-branched
Fruit: capsule or utricle (rarely modified, dehiscent), generally sessile
Seeds: appendage generally 0
Genera in family: 85 genera, 2400 species: widespread, especially arctic, alpine, temp, n hemisphere; some cultivated (Agrostemma, Arenaria, Cerastium, Dianthus, Gypsophila, Lychnis, Saponaria, Silene, Vaccaria ).



Dieter H. Wilken

Annual, biennial, perennial herb, ± erect, rarely dioecious, taprooted or rhizomed
Leaves petioled or not; blade linear to oblanceolate; vein 1
Inflorescence: cyme, generally terminal, sometimes axillary, open to dense; flowers few–many, generally erect, generally with pedicels 5–40+ mm
Flower generally bisexual; sepals 5, fused, tube prominent, 4–25 mm, 2–13 mm diam, cylindric to bell-shaped, rounded, hairs various or 0, veins generally 10+, lobes or teeth 1–13 mm, < tube, triangular to linear; petals 5, 6–48 mm, claw long, blade entire or 2–6-lobed, appendages 0–6 at junction of claw and blade; basal lobes present or 0; stamens generally fertile, fused with petals to stalk; ovary chamber 1 or ± incompletely 3–5, styles 3–5, 1–35 mm
Fruit: capsule, cylindric to ovoid; stalk 0–7 mm, generally glabrous; teeth 3, 6, or 10, ascending to recurved
Seeds many, gray to red, brown, or black
Species in genus: 500 species: n hemisphere
Etymology: (Greek: Probably from mythological Silenus, intoxicated foster-father of Bacchus, who was covered with foam, from sticky secretions of many species)
Reference: [Hitchcock & Maguire 1947 Univ Wash Publ Biol 13:1–73; Showers 1987 Madroño 29–40]


S. laciniata Cav. subsp. major C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire

Perennial 30–70 cm; caudex simple or few-branched
Stem reclining or decumbent, ± glabrous below, glandular-puberulent above
Leaves slightly reduced upward, 1.5–10 cm, 2–10(20) mm wide; lower oblanceolate to lanceolate; upper ± linear
Inflorescence: flowers ascending to erect
Flower: calyx 12–26 mm, glandular-puberulent, faintly 10-veined, lobes 3–5 mm; petal claw glabrous to ciliate, appendages 2, blade 4–6-lobed, bright red; stamens slightly > petals; styles 3, exserted
Fruit oblong to ovoid; stalk 2–4 mm
Seed 1–1.5 mm, reddish brown
Chromosomes: 2n=96
Ecology: Chaparral, oak woodland
Elevation: < 1200 m.
Bioregional distribution: s Outer South Coast Ranges, Southwestern California
Distribution outside California: Baja California
Synonyms: vars. angustifolia C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire, latifolia C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire
Other subsp. in sw US, Mex; closely related to C. californica
Horticultural information: DRN: 15, 16, 17 &IRR: 7, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.

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