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John Bleck, Wayne R. Ferren Jr., Nancy J. Vivrette

Annual, perennial herb, shrub, generally fleshy
Stem underground or prostrate to erect
Leaves generally simple, generally cauline, generally opposite; stipule generally 0; blade generally glabrous, often glaucous
Inflorescence: cyme or flower solitary
Flower generally bisexual, radial; hypanthium present; sepals 3–8; petals generally many in several whorls, free or fused at base, linear, sometimes 0; stamens 1–many, free or fused in groups, outer often petal-like; nectary a ring or separate glands; pistil 1, ovary superior to inferior, chambers 1–20, placentas generally parietal, styles 0–20, stigmas 1–20
Fruit: generally capsule, opening by flaps or circumscissile, or berry or nut
Seeds 1–many per chamber, often with aril
Genera in family: 130 genera, 2500 species: generally subtropical, especially s Africa; many cultivated, some waifs in CA (e.g., Disphyma crassifolium (L.) L. Bolus: ovary glands convex and minutely crenate, stigmas densely plumose, fruit chambers 5, seeds ovate, ± smooth; Lampranthus species: ovary glands fused, fruit chambers 5, seeds pear-shaped, ± black, rough; both genera members of Ruschieae)
Reference: [Ferren et al. 1981 Madroño 28:80–85]
Glinus, Mollugo are in Molluginaceae.


John Bleck

Perennial, shrub
Stem prostrate to erect
Leaves opposite, < 6 cm, slightly fused at base, triangular to ± cylindric in X -section, smooth, often glaucous
Inflorescence: flower solitary
Flower < 5 cm diam; sepals 4–6; petals free; stamens many in several whorls; nectary a ring; ovary ± inferior, top flat, chambers 8–11, placentas parietal, styles 0, stigmas 8–11, wide, feathery
Fruit: capsule, persistent; valve winged and with lids
Seed flat, rough, with tubercles in rows
Species in genus: 15 species: s Africa
Etymology: (Greek: bearing arm-holes, from seed pockets of fruit)


M. crocea (Jacq.) Schwantes

Stem prostrate, stout, pale, corky; sometimes rooting at nodes
Leaves crowded on short shoots, 2.5–6 cm, 6 mm wide, ± triangular in X -section, pale glaucous-green, sometimes reddish
Inflorescence: peduncle 1–6 cm
Flower: calyx 0.8–1.5 cm diam, lobes 4–6, unequal, at least 2 short, acuminate, with translucent margins; petal upper surface generally orange, lower purple; outer stamens sterile, petal-like, inner stamens erect, often hairy at base; ovary chambers generally 8, stigmas generally 8, feathery
Fruit: placental tubercle at outer margin of chamber, 2-lobed with adjacent seed pockets
Seeds many, 1 mm, 0.8 mm wide, lenticular
Chromosomes: 2n=27,36
Ecology: Common. Margins of wetlands, bluffs along coast
Elevation: < 50 m.
Bioregional distribution: Central Coast, South Coast, s Channel Islands
Distribution outside California: native to s Africa
Synonyms: Mesembryanthemum c. Jacq
± invasive.

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