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©Copyright 1993 by the Regents of the University of California
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Nancy Morin, except as specified

Annual to tree
Leaves generally cauline, generally simple, generally alternate, petioled or not; stipules 0
Inflorescence: panicle, raceme, spike, or flowers solitary in axils, generally open; bracts leaf-like or not
Flower: bisexual, radial or bilateral, sometimes inverted (pedicel twisted 180°; hypanthium generally present, ± fused to ovary; sepals generally 5; corolla radial to 2-lipped, generally fused (tube sometimes split down back), lobes generally 5; stamens 5, free or ± fused (anthers and filaments fused into tube or filaments fused above middle); ovary inferior, sometimes half inferior, chambers 1–3, placentas axile or parietal, ovules many, style generally 1, 2–5-branched
Fruit: generally capsule, dehiscing on sides or at tip by pores or short valves
Seeds many
Genera in family: ± 70 genera, ± 2000 species: worldwide. Some cultivated for ornamental (Campanula, Jasione, Lobelia ). Subfamilies sometimes treated as different families.



Annual, perennial herb, from taproot, fibrous roots, or rhizome, glabrous to densely hairy
Stem reclining or erect, branched, 5–150 cm, 4-angled
Leaves cauline, sometimes also basal, generally lanceolate to ovate, thin, fleshy, or leathery, entire to toothed, sessile or petioled
Inflorescence: raceme, panicle, or flowers solitary, terminal or axillary
Flower: corolla cylindric to funnel- or bell-shaped, white to deep blue, lobes linear to triangular; ovary inferior, hemispheric to obconic
Fruit dehiscing by 2–3 lateral pores
Seeds 2 mm, oblong
Species in genus: ± 300 species: n hemisphere; many cultivated, some medicinal
Etymology: (Latin: little bell, from corolla shape)
Reference: [Morin 1980 Madroño 27:149–163]


C. angustiflora Eastw.

Annual, stiffly hairy; roots fibrous
Stem erect, 5–20 cm
Leaf 4.5–9 mm, oblong-ovate, leathery, few-toothed, sessile
Flower: pedicel 3–20 mm; sepals erect, in fruit converging; corolla 2.5–6 mm, cylindric, pale blue to white, lobes spreading; stamens 2–2.5 mm, bases sparsely ciliate; ovary 2–3 mm, obovoid, style 2–3 mm, white, upper 50% papillate
Fruit spheric, strongly ribbed; pores near middle
Seed ± 0.7 mm, fusiform
Chromosomes: n=15
Ecology: Chaparral, burns, serpentine soil
Elevation: 30–600 m.
Bioregional distribution: Inner North Coast Ranges, San Francisco Bay Area.

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