Dean W. Taylor's investigation of California Geological Survey Specimens

Since Dean Taylor passed away in 2020, these data are to be considered archived and will not be regularly updated.

Please note that this database used to display specimens from CAS, DS, RSA and POM. However, since the creation of CCH2, the accession numbers of these collections have changed to barcodes. As a result, the accession in Dean's database no longer link to specimens. In the future, Dean's database will be updated to link his notes to the corrected CCH2 accession numbers for these records.

Henry Bolander
Henry Bolander
Collection number: 2274
Current name: Calamagrostis rubescens Buckley
Field Book name:
Field Book data: "p. 339"grasses collected by Bolander, 1863""
Notes (Field Book): Calamagrostis aleutica, Trin. Oakland Hills. Habit of Bunch Grass
Collector: Henry N. Bolander
Collection date:
Taylor notes:
Accession numbers: US556708 NY346294 NY346295 OS
State: CA
County: Alameda
Camp number:
Place: Oakland Hills
Location description: Oakland Hills (mapped arbitrarily near present day Highway 13
Elevation (estimated): 500 ft
Coordinates: 37.84 -122.27
Notes: the US sheet is Oakland, Alameda County
Curatorial notes: the OS specimen cited in Ohio J. Sci. 74(1):26. 1974.
Publication: U.S.D.A. Div. Agrostol. Bull. 11:22. 1898

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