California oak woodland - Photo credit: John Game

CCH Update History
For current news and updates, see the CCH News page.

Updates for 2013

  Dec 20 — CLARK Updated

Record count: 1,868,758 (1,113,159 of which are georeferenced) December 20

  Dec 13 — SJSU Updated

Record count: 1,868,318 (1,101,318 of which are georeferenced) December 13

  Dec 6 — SDSU Updated

Record count: 1,867,909 (1,100,095 of which are georeferenced) December 6

  Nov 15 — RSA Updated

Record count: 1,867,693 (1,097,505 of which are georeferenced) November 15

  Nov 8 — OBI Updated

Record count: 1,864,682 (1,094,139 of which are georeferenced) November 8

  Nov 1 — Bureau of Land Management, Arcata Field Office (BLMAR) welcomed as data provider

Record count: 1,856,599 (1,092,116 of which are georeferenced) November 1

  Oct 25 — CAS updated

Record count: 1,855,981 (1,090,387 of which are georeferenced) October 25

  Oct 11 — UCR updated

Record count: 1,821,776 (1,085,134 of which are georeferenced) October 11

  Sep 20 — UCLA, SEINET updated

Record count: 1,819,636 (1,075,798 of which are georeferenced) September 20

  Aug 16 — SD updated

Record count: 1,815,265 (1,049,612 of which are georeferenced) August 16

  Aug 14 — Cal State, Sacramento (SACT) welcomed as data provider; SEINET updated

Record count: 1,812,461 (1,046,946 of which are georeferenced) August 14

  Aug 9 — SBBG, UCR updated

Record count: 1,809,939 (1,045,551 of which are georeferenced) August 9

  Aug 2 — SEINET joins CCH

The Southwest Environmental Information Network is now providing California records from the following herbaria: UTC, ARIZ, DES, NMC, ASC, SJNM, UNM, CS, ASU, BRY, FLD, KHD, RM, UVSC, MNA, CCH, USON, WSC, FLFO, EPHR, RMBL, PRI, and TEUI. About 25,000 records went in. A semi-automatic upload system has been developed to facilitate updates.

  Jul 18 — RSA updated

Record count: 1,780,787 July 18

  Jun 28 — OBI updated

Record count: 1,770,431 (1,006,052 of which are georeferenced) June 28

  Jun 22 — Clark Herbarium of the Riverside Metropolitan Museum welcomed as data provider

Record count: 1,763,662 (1,001,563 of which are georeferenced) June 22

  Jun 16 — UCD data updated and augmented

Record count: 1,762,195 (996,676 of which are georeferenced) June 16

  Jun 12 — UCLA Herbarium welcomed as data provider

Record count: 1,757,608 (991,818 of which are georeferenced) June 12

  May 4 — CAS updated

Record count: 1,755,657 (971,252 of which are georeferenced) May 4

  Apr 26 — UCSB, OBI, SDSU updated

Record count: 1,720,184 (966,062 of which are georeferenced) April 26

  Feb 15 — RSA updated, Cal State Northridge (SFV) welcomed as data provider

Record count: 1,699,161 (934,865 of which are georeferenced) February 15

  Feb 2 — HUH, UCD data updated and augmented

Record count: 1,680,444 (921,881 of which are georeferenced) February 2

  Jan 26 — CHSC data updated and augmented

Record count: 1,669,758 (919,435 of which are georeferenced) January 27

  Jan 7 — SBBG data updated and augmented; ~2,000 records added

Record count: 1,669,401 (912,166 of which are georeferenced) January 7

Updates for 2012

   Dec 22 — JOTR records updated

Record count: 1,667,397 (908,889 of which are georeferenced) December 22

   Dec 14 — SD records updated (~2,500 new records)

Record count: 1,667,133 (902,999 of which are georeferenced) December 14

   Nov 20 — CAS data updated; 45,000+ new records, many revisions. Victor Valley College (~2000 records in initial shipment) welcomed as data provider.

Record count: 1,662,545 (892,553 of which are georeferenced) November 20

   Nov 15 — DAV data updated; 11,500+ new records, many revisions

Record count: 1,616,534 (886,907 of which are georeferenced) November 15

   Oct 19 — UCSB, HUH data updated; 10,000+ new records, many revisions

Record count: 1,605,192 (874,984 of which are georeferenced) October 19

   Oct 15 — UCR data updated and augmented; 3000+ new records

Record count: 1,594,863 (874,816 of which are georeferenced) October 15

  Oct 10 — Joshua Tree National Park (JOTR) welcomed as data provider. ~3,500 records added.

   Sep 29 — RSA/POM data updated and augmented

Record count: 1,588,003 (863,304 of which are georeferenced) September 29

   Aug 24 — CHSC data updated and augmented

Record count: 1,573,381 (855,092 of which are georeferenced) August 24

   Aug 21 — SDSU data updated and augmented

Record count: 1,572,393 (851,091 of which are georeferenced) August 21

  Jun 30 — UCR and HUH data updated and augmented; ~3,000 records added.

Record count: 1,570,889 (833,956 of which are georeferenced) June 30

  Jun 22 — California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (OBI) welcomed as data provider. ~11,000 records added.

  Jun 12 — UCSC and HUH data updated and augmented; ~3,000 records added.

Record count: 1,555,295 (816,951 of which are georeferenced) June 12

  May 8 — SD data updated and augmented; ~8,000 records added.

Record count: 1,549,130 (793,089 of which are georeferenced) May 8

  May 4 — RSA/POM, CAS data updated and augmented; ~44,000 records added.

Record count: 1,540,923 (782,065 of which are georeferenced) May 4

  Apr 15 — HUH data updated and augmented; ~5000 records added

Record count: 1,494,036 (771,421 of which are georeferenced) April 15

  Mar 5 — UCR data updated and augmented; >1,600 records added

Record count: 1,483,809 (758,213 of which are georeferenced) March 5

  Feb 25 — SBBG data updated and augmented; ~7,000 records added

Record count: 1,482,133 (756,499 of which are georeferenced) February 25

  Feb 8 — DAV data updated and augmented; ~20,000 records added

Record count: 1,475,306 (745,455 of which are georeferenced) February 8

  Feb 1 — RSA/POM data updated and augmented; ~24,000 records added

Record count: 1,456,018 February 1

  Jan 19 — HUH data updated and augmented; ~1,500 records added

Record count: 1,432,281 January 19

  Jan 4 — UCR data updated and augmented; >1,600 records added

Record count: 1,430,369 January 4

News for 2011
  Dec 31 — Sagehen Creek Field Station is now a data provider. 1,000 SCFS records have been added.

Record count: 1,428,745 December 31

  Dec 26 — HSC data updated and augmented; ~30,000 records added

Record count: 1,427,702 December 26

  Dec 20 — CAS data updated and augmented; ~40,000 records added

Record count: 1,396,918 December 20

  Nov 28 — CHSC data updated and augmented; >2,000 records added

Record count: 1,357,890 November 28

  Nov 4 — UCR data updated and augmented; >4,000 records added

Record count: 1,355,556 (692,364 of which are georeferenced) November 4

  Nov 2 — SD data updated and augmented; >3,000 records added

Record count: 1,351,330 November 2

  Oct 17 — Yosemite National Park (YM) welcomed as data provider. ~8,000 specimens from the Park and environs. The earliest collection dates from 1914. Half of the records are associated with geographic coordinates and thus can be mapped.

Record count: 1,347,289 October 17

  Oct 3 — Harvard University Herbaria (A, AMES, ECON, GH) welcomed as data provider. 4,000+ California specimens, mostly types, mostly from early in California history, have been added. The detail display links back to Harvard's web site for additional information.

Record count: 1,339,447 October 3

  Sep 17 — RSA data updated and augmented; >32,000 records added

Record count: 1,335,166 September 17

  Aug 9 — SD data updated and augmented; ~4,000 records added

Record count: 1,303,051 August 9

  Jul 22 — California State University at San Bernardino is now a data provider. 2,000 CSUSB records have been added.

Record count: 1,299,006 July 22

  Jun 7 — CAS data updated and augmented; ~30,000 records added

Record count: 1,296,991 June 7

  Apr 8 — SBBG data updated and augmented; >10,000 records added

Record count: 1,268,218 April 8

  Mar 22 — SD data updated and augmented; ~4,000 records added

Record count: 1,257,853 March 22

  Mar 21 — DAV data updated and augmented; ~8,000 records added

Record count: 1,253,971 March 21

  Feb 26 — RSA data updated and augmented; ~20,000 records added

Record count: 1,245,930 February 26

  Feb 18 — CDA data updated and augmented; >6,000 records added

Record count: 1,228,991 February 18

  Feb 15 — UCR and CAS data updated and augmented; >21,000 records added

Record count: 1,222,974 February 15

News for 2010
  December 10 — HSC data updated and augmented; ~4,000 records added

Record count: 1,201,097 December 10

  November 2 — UCR data updated and augmented; ~1,200 records added

Record count: 1,196,888 November 2

  October 28 — SDSU has modified its representation of the accession number. Previously it was zero-padded to 5 digits. Now it is not zero-padded: SDSU00250 has become SDSU250. The internal consequences have been dealt with. However, anyone who has downloaded SDSU records heretofore will encounter mismatches.

  October 28 — SD data updated and augmented; ~3,800 records added

Record count: 1,195,623 October 28

  October 27 — SDSU data updated and augmented; ~500 records added

Record count: 1,191,847 October 27

  October 26 — slight addition to interface capability. On the main return page, the feedback column now displays the comment date; sorting on that column will order the records by comment date. Clicking on a column header will now toggle back and forth between sorting up and sorting down: that is, clicking once on "Elevation" will order the records so that the greatest elevation is on the first line; clicking a second time will order the records so that the greatest elevation is on the last line.

  October 8 — CAS/DS data updated and augmented; ~12,700 records added

Record count: 1,191,361 October 8

  October 1 — UCR, CHSC data updated and augmented; >3,500 records added

Record count: 1,178,587 October 1

  September 3 — UCR data updated and augmented; >1,500 records added

Record count: 1,174,859 September 3

  July 30 — UCR data updated and augmented; ~1,500 records added

Record count: 1,172,964 July 30

  July 28 — RSA data updated and augmented; ~14,000 records added

Record count: 1,171,385 July 28

  June 19 — UCR data updated and augmented; ~500 records added

Record count: 1,157,728 June 19

  June 4 — HSC data updated and augmented; ~31,000 records added

Record count: 1,157,139 June 4

  April 15 — SD data updated and augmented; ~2500 records added

Record count: 1,126,186 April 13

  April 13 — New York Botanical Garden is now a data provider. 13,000 NY records have been added. NY houses many type specimens of California plants.

Record count: 1,123,656 April 13

  February 28 — UCR data (~2000 new records) updated.

Record count: 1,110,425 February 28

  January 29 — Records of specimens collected by Reid Moran have been linked to scans of fieldbooks at SD. Fieldbooks of Moran, W.L. Jepson, C.A. Purpus, and A.M. Alexander are available completely or in part via the CCH interface.
There is now a graphic showing the proportion of records that have been databased. New features for displaying data on BerkeleyMapper have been added: a geological map layer and a revised Jepson bioregion layer.

  January 19 — SD and CAS/DS data updated and augmented: 3600 and 1600 new records respectively

Record count: 1,108,478 January 19

News for 2009
  December 21 — CAS/DS data updated and augmented: >8,000 new records

Record count: 1,101,483 December 21

  December 10 — RSA and UCR data updated and augmented: ~10,000 new records

Record count: 1,093,333 December 10

  October 30 — DAV data updated and augmented: ~1500 new records and numerous records provided with coordinates

Record count: 1,083,390 October 30

  October 26 — UCR data updated and augmented: ~2000 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,081,780 October 26

  September 2 — SD data updated and augmented: ~3300 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,078,730 September 2

  September 1 — DAV data updated and augmented: ~4200 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,075,480 September 1

  August 26 — SBBG data updated and augmented: ~5600 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,071,015 August 26

  August 20 — UCR data updated and augmented: ~6700 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,065,380 August 20

  July 11 — RSA data updated and augmented: ~20,000 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,058,130 July 11

  June 12 — UCSC data updated: 2000 new records.

Record count: 1,038,965 June 12

  May 1 — SD data updated and augmented: ~2500 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,036,866 May 1

  April 11 — CHSC data updated and augmented: >1500 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,034,198 April 11

  January 20 — SD data updated and augmented: >1000 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,031,910 January 20

  January 8 — RSA-POM and SBBG data updated and augmented: >35,000 new records and numerous revisions.

Record count: 1,030,793 January 8

News for 2008
  December 14 — SDSU data updated and augmented: ~1000 new records.

Record count: 990,036 December 14

  October 16 — CDA data updated and augmented: ~8000 new records. CDA records now have permanent record numbers; comments have been updated with new numbers. An itemization of new records and new determinations can be found on the curatorial tools page.

Record count: 988,494 October 15

  September 29 — SD data updated and augmented: ~1500 new records, ~400 annotations

Record count: 980,407 September 29

  September 5 — UCR data updated and augmented: ~5000 new records, ~500 annotations

Record count: 977,965 September 5

  August 25 — DAV data updated and augmented

Record count: 973,086 August 25

  August 21 — CHSC data updated and augmented

Record count: 970,268 August 21

Totals August 21


  August 5 — SD data updated and augmented

Record count: 965,369 August 5

  July 16 — ~2000 records from HSC added

Record count: 960,932 July 16

Record count: 958,566 April 21

  April 21 — First ~15,000 records from SDSU included

  April 14 — DAV records updated and augmented; ~6500 new records added

  April 10 — SBBG records updated and augmented; ~7000 new records added

  February 26 — SD records updated and augmented; georeferencing of Shasta County incorporated

  January 17 — UC Riverside records updated and augmented

  January 11 — First records from Humboldt State University (HSC) included

  January 10 — All Rancho Santa Ana (RSA-POM) records refreshed, with the addition of many new records.

News for 2007                  Record count: 891,322 (Dec 22 2007)

  December 21 — Georeferencing completed for Trinity County.

  December 5 — All San Diego (SD) records refreshed, with the addition of more than 2,500 new records.

  October 16 — The first 10,000 records from the California Department of Food and Agriculture Plant Pest Diagnostics, Botany Laboratory and Herbarium (CDA)
      have been added. The records come from every California county, with most coming from San Luis Obispo, Sacramento, and Plumas.

  October 8 — The first 12,000 records from the California Academy of Sciences (CAS-DS) have been added. Most of these additions are from Modoc Co.
      CAS-DS has more databased records from Modoc than the rest of the Consortium herbaria combined.

  September 17 — UC Riverside (UCR) records have been updated bringing total Consortium specimen record count to nearly 867,000

  August 17 — More than 2,000 new records from San Diego (SD) added bringing total Consortium specimen record count to 861,350

  July 7 — Santa Barbara Botanic Garden (SBBG) records updated; about 7,000 records added

  April 30 — New records from San Diego (SD) added bringing total Consortium specimen record count to about 851,000

  April 2 — Chico (CHSC) data refreshed bringing total Consortium specimen record count to nearly 840,000

  March 1 —
      Irvine data refreshed
      Consortium database now has 833,484 specimen records total
      Bar graphs showing distribution of participant herbaria holdings across counties are now available at

  February 2 —
      About 14,000 corrected or new records from RSA-POM have been added
      Current Consortium specimen record count exceeds 825,000

  January 29 —
      Welcome Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History (PGM), ~8,000 new records, mostly from Monterey and San Benito Counties
      Consortium database now has 810,949 specimen records total
      Georeferencing completed for Tulare County

News for 2006

  October 22 — UC Irvine (IRVC) data refreshed bringing total Consortium specimen record count to 801,334

  October 16 — UC Riverside (UCR) data refreshed bringing total Consortium specimen record count to 798,504

  September 14 — Georeferencing completed for Lake County; Shasta and Trinity counties are now in progress

  August 28 —
      Welcome San Diego Natural History Museum (SD), ~50,000 new records
      RSA-POM data refresh, including ~20,000 new records
      Consortium database now has ~791,000 specimen records total

  July 26 — Georeferencing completed for Mendocino County; Kern County is now in progress

  July 13 — UC Davis (DAV) data refreshed, ~1000 records added

  May 23 — UC Riverside (UCR) data refreshed, bringing total UCR records to nearly 87,000

  March 20 — Consortium pages have a new look

  UCR, DAV data refreshed and augmented

  SBBG data refreshed, more than doubled (30,000+ records added)

  SJSU data added (~10,000 records)

  RSA-POM data refreshed (~5000 records), ~2000 records added

  Copyright © 2025 Regents of the University of California — Updated August 22, 2024