Carl Purpus, Plant Collector in Western America U. S. Types Based on Purpus Collections  

Jerry Tiehm  

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Full Size Image Abronia alpina.   Abronia alpina T. S. Brandegee, Bot Gaz. 27: 456. 1899. Monachy Meadows, Tulare County, California. #1497 Aug, 1895, #1877 1896. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.) Comments: Location described as "Monatchy Meadows."
  Abronia sparsifolia Standley, Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 12:322. 1909. Mount Irish, Lincoln County, Nevada. #6325 Aug, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: UC!.) = A. elliptica A. Nels..
  Allocarya salsa T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 452. 1899. Twin Springs, Nye County, Nevada. #6339 Aug, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: CAS!, NY!, US!.) = Plagiobothrys salsus (T. S. Brandegee) I. M. Johnston.
  Amsinckia purpusii Suksdorf, Werdenda 1:92. 1911. Kernville, Kern County, California. #5726 1898. (UC.) Comments: 1898, #'s 5726 & 5726½ (both UC US).
    Amsinckia ramosissoma Suksdorf, Werdenda 1:72. 1931. Mendocino County, California. (US.) Comments: Location: "Mendocina(sic) Co.," 1897 US =?
    Arabis breweri var. figularis Jepson, F. I. Calif. 2: 65. 1936. Potter Valley, Mendocino County, California. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.) = A. breweri S. Wats. var. breweri. Comments: Apr 1898, #
  Arabis conferta E. L. Greene, Repert (sic) Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 5: 243. 1908 Little Kern River, Tulare County, California. #5231 Sep, 1897. (Holotype: US. Isotype: UC in part.) = A. platysperma var. howellii (S. Wats.) Jepson.
  Arabis paupercula E. L. Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 2: 77. 1910. Farewell Gap, Tulare County, California. #5229 Sep, 1897. (Holotype: US.) = A. lyallii var. nubigena (Macbride & Payson) Rollins. Comments: # 5229½ (5229 = A. polyclada type)
  Arabis pendulina E. L. Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 2: 81. 1910. Charleston Mountains, Clark County, Nevada. #6104 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: UC!.)
  Arabis polyclada E. L. Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 2: 75. 1910. Farewell Gap, Tulare County, California. #5229 Sep, 1897. (Holotype: US. Isotype: GH, UC.) = A. lemmonii S. Wats. var. lemmonii.
  Arnica scaberrima E. L. Greene, Pittonia 4:165. 1900. Little Kern River, Tulare County, California. #5260 Sep, 1897. (Lectotype: US--Ediger & Barkley, N. Amer. Fl. II. 10: 25. 1978.) = A. mollis Hook..
  Arnica tomentella E. L. Greene, Pittonia 4:166. 1900. Middle Tule River, Tulare County, California. #5625 Jul, 1897. (Holotype: US.)
  Aster bellus S. F. Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35:174. 1922. Palmetto Range, Esmeralda County, Nevada. #5906 May, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: UC!.) = Leucelene ericoides (Torrey) E. L. Greene.
  Astragalus lentiginosus var. scorpionis M. E. Jones, Rev. Astagalus 124. 1923. Morey Peak, Nye County, Nevada. #6365 Aug, 1898. (Holotype: POM!. Isotype: UC!, US!.)
  Astragalus leucolobus var. subvestitus Jepson, Fl. Calif. 2: 361. 1936. Erskine Creek, Kern County, California. #5098 Jun, 1897. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: GH, POM, US.) = A. subvestitus (Jepson) Barneby.
  Boykinia purpusii T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 447. 1899. Uncompahgre River, Colorado. #512 Jul, 1893. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.)
  Cleomella gracilis T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 444. 1899. Twin Springs, Nye County, Nevada. #6342 Aug, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: US!.) = C. parviflora A. Gray.
    Corethrogyne filaginifolia var. pacifica H. M. Hall, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 3: 73. 1907. Pacific Beach, San Diego County, California. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.) = C. filaginifolia var. incana (Nutt.) M. L. Canby. Comments: # ___
  Corydalis engelmannii var. exaltata Fedde, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11:497. 1913. La Sal Mountains, Grand County, Utah. #6550 1899. (Holotype: ?. Isotype: US.) = C. aurea Willd..
  Cowania mexicana (Torr.) Jepson var. dubia T. S. Brandegee, Zoe 5: 149. 1903. Morey Peak, Nye County, Nevada. #6356 Aug, 1898. (Isotype: US. Lectotype: UC.) Comments: Ex-syntype, the other syntype (T. S. Brandegee s.n. Providence Mts, UC 11417?) has been designated a lectotype. Current identification is a hybrid between Purshia mexicana var. stansburyana and P. tridentata var. glandulosa.
  Cryptantha pterocarya var. purpusii Jepson, Man. Fl. Pl. Calif. 849. 1925. Argus Range, Inyo County, California. #5433 Jun, 1897. (Holotype: JEPS. Isotype: US.) = C. pterocarya (Torrey) E. L. Greene var. pterocarya.
  Cuscuta indecora var. bifida Yuncker, Illinois Biol. Monogr. 6: 149. 1921. #6343 Jul, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: US.) = C. indecora Choisy.
  Delphinium purpusii T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 444. 1899. #5015 May, 1897. (Holotype: UC.) See also: Piute Mtns, California.
  Dendromecon elliptica E. L. Greene, Pittonia 5: 300. 1905. Middle Tule River, Tulare County, California. #5041 Jul, 1897. Comments: Coville & Funston, Purpus, Parish and Vasey. Not in Munz. Annotated by K. Kliem(?), 1977 as TYPE.
  Draba longisquamosa 0. E. Schulz, Pflansenr. IV. 105 (part 3): 94. 1927. Little Kern Creek, California. #5118 Aug, 1897. (UC, GH, MO.) = D. lemmonii S. Wats. var. lemmonii.
  Dudleya angustiflora Rose in Britton & Rose, Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 3: 14. 1903. Daunt, California. #5672 Apr, 1897. (Holotype: US.) = D. cymosa (Lem.). Comments: UC: This label, as "Cotyledon," on sheet of Castilleja jepsonii.
Full Size Image Dudleya purpusii.   Echeveria purpusii K. Schum. Gartenflora 45: 608. 1896.[check date] Mount Whitney, Inyo County, California. #1415 may-jun, 1895, #1713 Jun, 1896. Comments: ?1713 Purpus 1415, 1895 See also: Havilah, California.
  Elymus cinereus Scribn. & Merr. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 467. 1902. Pahrump Valley, Nye County, Nevada. #6050 Jun, 1898. (UC!.) Comments: (Where is the holotype??)
  Erigeron caespitosus var. anactis S. F. Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35: 175. 1922. Mount Irish, Lincoln County, Nevada. #6321 Aug, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: UC!.) = E. ovinus Cronq..
  Eriogonum elatum ssp. glabrescens S. Stokes, Genus Eriogonum 98. 1936. Cottonwood Creek, California. #1922 Aug, 1896. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.) = E. elatum var. villosum Jepson.
  Eriogonum gramineum S. Stokes, Genus Eriogonum 60. 1936. Argus Range, Inyo County, California. #5676 Jun, 1897. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.) = E. nudum var. pubiflorum Benth..
  Eriogonum microthecum ssp. aureum var. expansum S. Stokes, Genus Eriogonum 76: 1936. White Mountains, Inyo and Mono Counties County, California. #6424 Sep, 1898. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: SD, US.) = E. microthecum var. ambiguum (M. E. Jones) Reveal. Comments: [Reveal says 6464]
  Eriogonum purpusii T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 457. 1899. Argus Range, Inyo County, California. #5484 Jun, 1897. (Holotype: UC.)
  Eschscholzia minuscula E. L. Greene, Pittonia 5: 270. 1905. Erskine Creek, Kern County, California. (US.) = E. minutiflora S. Wats.. Comments: NV, Hawthorne, Jones s.n. (CAS, NY, POM, US). See also: Hawthorne, Nevada.
    Eschscholzia petrophila E. L. Greene, Pittonia 5: 283. 1905. Pah-Ute Peak, Kern County, California. (Holotype: US.) = E. ?.
  Euphorbia podagrica I. M. Johnston, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 7: 440. 1922. Gold Mountain, Esmeralda County, Nevada. #6437 Sep, 1898. (Holotype: UC!.) = E. micromera Boiss..
  Festuca ovina ssp. saximontana var. purpusiana A. St. Yves, Candolla 2: 247. 1925. Farewell Gap, Tulare County, California. #3076 1896, #5117 Aug/Sep, 1897. = F. ovina var. brachyphylla (Schult.) Piper. Comments: -- fide Hitchcock & Chase, 1951.
  Frasera induta Tidestrom, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 36: 183. 1923. Charleston Mountains, Clark County, Nevada. #6083 1898. (Holotype: US. Isotype: UC!.) = F. albomarginata S. Wats..
    Fraxinus oregana var. glabra A. von Lingelsheim, Bot. Jahr. 40: 220. 1907 Comments: No type listed check US
  Gilia collina Eastwood, Bot. Gaz. 37: 445. 1904. Hockett Meadows, Tulare County, California. #1783 Jun, 1896. (Holotype: UC.) = G. ieptantha ssp. purpusii (Milliken) A. & V. Grant.
  Gilia ophthalmoides A. Brand, Pflanzenr. IV (250): 108. 1907. Gold Mountain, Esmeralda County, Nevada. #5990 Jul/Jun, 1898. (Holotype: CAS!. Isotype: UC!, US!.)
  Gilia sedifolia T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 451. 1899. Uncompahgre Range, Colorado. #697 Jul, 1893. (Holotype: UC.)
  Gilia tenuiflora ssp. eutenuiflora var. triceps A. Brand, Pflanzenr. IV (250): 102. 1907. Gold Mountain, Esmeralda County, Nevada. #5950 Jun, 1898. (Lectotype: UC! -- Grant & Grant, Aliso 3:232. 1956. Isolectotype: CAS!, NY!, US.) = G. cana ssp. triceps (A. Brand) A. & V. Grant.
  Gilia tenuiflora var. purpusii Milliken, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 2: 29. 1904. Hockett Meadows, Tulare County, California. #1783 Jun, 1896. (Holotype: UC.) = G. leptantha ssp. purpusii (Milliken) A. & V. Grant.
  Glossopetalon pungens T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 445. 1899. Sheep Mountains, Nevada. #6131 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: US!.)
  Glyceria californica Beetle, Madroño 8:161. 1946. Mount Farewell, Tulare County, California. #2057 Aug, 1896. Comments: Collected August 1896, #2057
  Haplopappus brickellioides Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35: 173. 1922. Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada. #6022 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: UC!.) Comments: Original listing showed location as 'NV Ash Meadows, Sheep Range.'
  Horkelia chaetophora Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 26: 543. 1899 Farewell Gap, Tulare County, California. #1409 Aug, 1896. (Lectotype: UC!--Rydberg N. Amer. Fl. 22: 290, 1908.) = Ivesia pygmaea A. Gray. Comments: Location described as "Farewell Gap and Little Kern River." See also: Little Kern River, Tulare County, California.
  Horkelia mutabilis T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 446. 1899. Charleston Mountains, Clark County, Nevada. #6079 1898. (Lectotype: UC! -- Rydberg, N. Amer. Fl. 22: 288. 1908. Isolectotype: NY!, RSA!.) = Ivesia sabulosa (M. E. Jones) Keck.
  Hymenoxys canescens var. nevadensis Cockerell, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 31: 484. 1904. Charleston Mountains, Clark County, Nevada. #6095 1898. (Holotype: CAS. Isotype: US!.) = H. cooperi (A. Gray) Cockerell var. cooperi.
  Laphamia fastigiata T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 451. 1899. Sheep Mountains, Nevada. #6142 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: US!.) = Perityle gracilis (M. E. Jones) Rydb..
  Laphamia intricata T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27:450. 1899. Sheep Mountains, Nevada. #6134 Jun, 1898. (Lectotype: UC! -- Powell, Sida 5:94. 1973. Isolectotype: DS!, US!.) = Perityle megalocephala var. intricata (T. S. Brandegee) Powell.
  Leptodactylon brevifolium Rydb. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 40: 474. 1913. Juniper Mountains, Washington and Iron County, Utah. #6306 Jul, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: NY!.) = L. pungens (Torrey) Nutt.. Comments: # 6306 ... Gilia brevispi…
  Lupinus hypolasius E. L. Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 1: 74. 1904. Farewell Gap, Tulare County, California. #5221 Sep, 1897. (Holotype: US.) = L. lepidus var. ramosus Jepson.
  Mentzelia leucophylla T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 448. 1899. Ash Meadows, Nye County, Nevada. #6032 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: US!.)
  Mimulus discolor A. L. Grant, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 11: 257. 1924. Pah-Ute Peak, Kern County, California. #5331 Jun, 1897. (Holotype: MO. Isotype: US.)
  Mimulus subsecundus var. constrictus A. L. Grant, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 11: 287. 1924 Middle Tule River, Tulare County, California. #5070 Jul, 1897. (Holotype: MO. Isotype: UC, US.) = M. viscidus ssp. constrictus (A. L. Grant) Munz.
  Penstemon floridus T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 454. 1899. Mount Magruder, Esmeralda County, Nevada. #5928 May, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: US!.)
  Penstemon incertus T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 454. 1899. Argus Range, Inyo County, California. #5346 Jun, 1897, #5351 Jun, 1897. (Holotype: UC.) See also: Walker Pass, Kern County, California.
  Penstemon petiolatus T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 455. 1899. Sheep Mountains, Nevada. #6136 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: NY!, US!.)
  Penstemon purpusii T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 455. 1899. Snow Mountain, California. #1157 Jul, 1894, #1259 1894. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.)
  Penstemon roezlii var. violaceus T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 456. 1899. Gold Mountain, Esmeralda County, Nevada. #5995 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: NY!, US!.) = P. kingii S. Wats.. Comments: Near Oriental. See also: Oriental, Esmeralda County, Nevada.
  Phacelia geraniifolia A. Brand, Beil. Jahresb. Kgl. Gymnas. Sorau 7: 8. 1911. Sheep Mountains, Nevada. #6138 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: NY!, US!.) = P. perityloides var. jaegeri Munz.
  Phacelia glandulosa ssp. eglandulosa var. australis A. Brand, Pflanzenr. IV. 251: 83. 1913 #618 Jul, 1893. Comments: Clements 47.1, Baker 549.
  Phacelia neomexicana ssp. euneomexicana var. pseudomexicana A. Brand, Pflanzenr. IV. 251: 83. 1913. Flagstaff, Arizona. #8030 Jul, 1900. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.) = P. alba Rydb..
  Phacelia purpusii T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 451. 1899. Middle Tule River, Tulare County, California. #5603 Jul?, 1897. Comments: CA, Sequoia Mills, T. S..Brandegee and Middle Tule River. See also: Sequoia Mills, California.
  Phacelia serrata J. W. Voss, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 64: 88. 1937. San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. #8064 1900. (Holotype: POM. Isotype: UC, US.)
  Phacelia tanacetifolia var. cinerea A. Brand, Univ. Calif. Pubi. Bot. 4: 216. 1912. Argus Range, Inyo County, California. #5042 Apr-Sep, 1897. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.)
  Phacelia tanacetifolia f. staminea A. Brand, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 4: 216. 1912. Deer Creek, Tulare County, California. #5687 1898. (Holotype: UC. Isotype: US.)
  Plagiobothrys torreyi var. perplexes 1. M. Johnston, Contr. Gray Herb. 68: 72. 1923. Greenhorn Pass, Kern County, California. #5542 May/Jun, 1897. (Holotype: UC.) = P. torreyi (A. Gray) A. Gray.
  Platystemon acutatus E. L. Greene, Pittonia 5: 187. 1903. Middle Tule River, Tulare County, California. #5006 Apr, 1897. (Holotype: US.)
  Podistera albensus Jepson, Madrono 1: 140. 1923. White Mountains, Inyo and Mono Counties County, California. #5831 May, 1898.
  Potentilla paucijuga Rydb. N. Amer. Fl. 22: 348. 1908. La Sal Mountains, Grand County, Utah. #251 1892. (Holotype: US not found.) Comments: # 251 in part.
  Ptelea straminea E. L. Greene, Contr. U. S. Natl. Herb. 10: 70. 1906. Virgin Mountains, Arizona. #6165 Jul, 1898. (Holotype: US.) Comments: ------------- ask Art ---------------
  Ptiloria cinerea S. F. Blake, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 35: 177. 1922. Pahrump Valley, Nye County, Nevada. #6049 Jun, 1898. (Holotype: US!.) = Stephanomeria pauciflora var. parishii (Jepson) Munz.
  Purpusia saxosa T. S. Brandegee, Bot. Gaz. 27: 447. 1899. Pahroc Range, Lincoln County, Nevada. #6305 1 Aug, 1898. (Holotype: UC!. Isotype: DS!, GH, NY!, US!.) Comments: See J. T. Howell, Leafl. W. Bot. 4: 175. 1945 for a discussion of the type. Is this correct? See also: Pahroc Range, Lincoln County, Nevada.
  Pyrrocoma sessiliflora E. L. Greene, Leafl. Bot. Observ. Crit. 2: 11. 1909. Twin Springs, Nye County, Nevada. #6340 Aug, 1898. (Holotype: US!. Isotype: NY!, UC!.) = Haplopappus racemosus ssp. sessiliflorus (E. L. Greene) H. M. Hall.
  Sanicula nevadensis var. glauca Jepson, Madrono 1: 113. 1923. Pah Ute, California. #5093 Jun, 1897. (Holotype: UC.) = S. graveolens Poepp..
    Saxifraga caespitosa ssp. exaratoides var. purpusii Engler & Irmscher, (I 7- Pflanzenr. 4. 117: 377. 1916. La Sal Mountains, Grand County, Utah. (Holotype: WI. Isotype: RM, US.) = S. caespitosa var. minima Blankinship.
  Swertia albomarginata S. Watson var. purpusii Jepson, Manual Fl. Pl. Calif 767. 1925 Cottonwood Creek Canyon, Inyo County, California. #3065 Aug, 1896.
  Symphoricarpos parviflorus Eastwood, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30: 498. 1903. Hockett Meadows, Tulare County, California. #1792 Jun, 1896. (Holotype: US. Isotype: US.) = S. parishii Rydb.. See also: Little Kern River, Tulare County, California.

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Date and time this article was prepared: 6/7/2002 7:35:06 PM