- Map Distribution
- Description
- eFlora Distribution
- Illustrations
- Cal Photos images
- Elevation by latitude plot
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Database links
UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal
Specimens of Syntrichia caninervis in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)
No Taxonomic Notes.
No Description.
Vouchers: Inyo Co.: Forest Road 7S01, 0.4 mile from Highway 168 west of Bishop, Inyo National Forest, Shevock 15252 and Emigrant Canyon Road at Aguereberry Point Road, Panamint Mountains, Death Valley National Park, Shevock & Harpel 19055; Kern Co.: Sand Canyon just off Highway 58, Shevock 13236; Lake Co.: Highway 20 east of Highway 53 junction at Grizzly Spring, Toren 6821 (CAS) [determined by Mishler]; Lassen Co.: narrow canyon along Amedee Canyon north of Honey Lake, Norris 80992; Modoc Co.: about 9 miles east of Cedarville along Highway 299, Norris 47460 & 47474; San Bernardino Co.: Granite Mountains, Mojave National Preserve, Mojave Desert, Norris, Shevock, & Barahona 87745.
Literature: As Tortula bistratosa Harpel 1980a; Harthill, Long,and Mishler 1979; Lawton 1971; Long 1978; Toren 1977.
Geographic subdivisions for Syntrichia caninervis: DMoj, DSon; MP, NW, SNE. |
Illustration References: Malcolm et al. 2009 p. 145; Ignatov and Ignatova 2003; Lawton 1971.