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Bryum erythroloma (Kindberg) Syed [Bryaceae]


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Database links

UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal

Specimens of Bryum erythroloma in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)

No Taxonomic Notes.

No Description.





Catalog Notes: Needs update to Rosulabryum erythroloma (Kindberg) J. R. Spence.

Vouchers: Humboldt Co.: Redwood Valley Road about 0.65 mile from Highway 299, Farr 93 (UC) and Johnson Prairie, Norris 19039; Lake Co.: Tule Lake, Mt. Sanhedrin, Mendocino National Forest, Toren & Dearing 7192 (CAS) [determined by Spence] and Mt. Konocti at Buckingham Bluffs above Clear Lake, Shevock, Heise, Toren, & Harpel 20605.

Literature: Spence 1988a.

Geographic subdivisions for
Bryum erythroloma: NW.
map of distribution

Illustration References: Allen 2002; Sharp et al. 1994; Syed 1973.

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No expert verified images found for Bryum erythroloma.

Elevation by latitude plot for Bryum erythroloma
   in California