University Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Campylium polygamum (W. P. Schimper) C. E. O. Jensen [Campyliaceae]


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Database links

UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal

Specimens of Campylium polygamum in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)

No Taxonomic Notes.

No Description.





Catalog Notes: Drepanocladus polygamus

Vouchers: Fresno Co.: Rowell Meadow, Jennie Lakes Wilderness, Sequoia National Forest, Shevock & York 13706 & 13715 (determined by Ochyra); Inyo Co.: Warm Springs, White Mountains, Laeger 1455 (CAS) [determined by Hedenäs]; Lake Co.: Tule Lake, Mt. Sanhedrin, Toren 5101 (CAS) and Shevock, Ertter, Toren, & Dearing 19487; Mendocino Co.: pond off of Ant Ridge, Mendocino National Forest, Shevock & Isle 15912; Plumas Co.: Gray Eagle Valley floating in ponds, Leiberg 5495 (EGB); Siskiyou Co.: trail to English Lake between wilderness boundary and Abbott Ranch, Klamath National Forest, Spjut 1379 (UC); Tulare Co.: Crescent Meadow, Giant Forest, Sequoia National Park, Shevock 16672 (determined by Ochyra).

Literature: As Campylium polygamum var. fluitans Koch 1950a. As Drepanocladus polygamus Hedenäs 1997a.

Geographic subdivisions for
Campylium polygamum: CaR, NW, SN, SNE.
map of distribution

Illustration References: Malcolm et al. 2009 p. 233; Flowers 1973; Ireland 1982; Lawton 1971; Sharp et al. 1994.

F. M. Boas 949
F. M. Boas 949

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Elevation by latitude plot for Campylium polygamum

Elevation by latitude plot for Campylium polygamum
   in California