- Map Distribution
- Description
- eFlora Distribution
- Illustrations
- Cal Photos images
- Elevation by latitude plot
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Database links
UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal
Specimens of Weissia condensa in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)
No Taxonomic Notes.
No Description.
Vouchers: Lake Co.: Highway 29 about 1 mile north of Middletown, Toren & Dearing 7305 (CAS) [determined by Stoneburner]; San Bernardino Co.: Coyote Canyon, Granite Mountains, Mojave National Preserve, Norris 87859 and summit ridge of Chemechuevi Peak, Chemechuevi Mountains, Laeger 640 (CAS); Siskiyou Co.: Scott River about 8 miles west of Fort Jones, Norris 58190; Tulare Co.: Sequoia National Park: Kaweah River near Clough Cave, Norris & Shevock 92743 and Yucca Point Trail near Ash Mountain Park Headquarters, Shevock & Whitmarsh 16995.
Geographic subdivisions for Weissia condensa: DMoj, DSon, NW, SN. |
Illustration References: Allen 2002; Sharp et al. 1994.
No illustrations found in database.
No expert verified images found for Weissia condensa. |