- Map Distribution
- Description
- eFlora Distribution
- Illustrations
- Cal Photos images
- Elevation by latitude plot
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Database links
UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal
Specimens of Stegonia latifolia in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)
No Taxonomic Notes.
No Description.
Vouchers: Fresno Co.: Near summit of Dogtooth Peak, Dinkey Lakes Wilderness, Sierra National Forest, York 1217 (CAS); Lassen Co.: Highway 395 about 3 miles north of Litchfield at milepost 79.7, Norris 22596; Tehama Co.: Highway 36, 56 miles east of Shasta County line, Norris 8745.
Geographic subdivisions for Stegonia latifolia: CaR, MP, SN. |
Illustration References: Ochyra 1998a; Zander 1993. As Pottia latifolia Lawton 1971.
No illustrations found in database.
No expert verified images found for Stegonia latifolia. |