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Database links
UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal
Specimens of Schistidium maritimum in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)
Schistidium maritimum, Bry. Eur. fasc. 25–28. 1845. -- Grimmia maritima Turn., Musci Hib. 23. 1804. -- Grimmia alpicola var. maritima (Turn.) Wahlenb., Fl. Lapp. 320. 1812. -- Grimmia kindbergii Holz., Bryologist 14: 32. 1911.
Plants to 3 cm high, in yellow-brown cushions, opaque-green to brown below. Leaves lightly imbricate when dry, erect-spreading when moist, concave below but strongly keeled above the middle, to 3 mm long without an awn, lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, 4–8: 1. Median leaf cells in very regular longitudinal rows, unistratose throughout in some specimens but usually bistratose above the middle, smooth, to 8 µm wide, isodiametric with lumens regular and with small corner thickenings. Marginal cells not differentiated except for somewhat thinner walls and more pellucid lumens. Basal juxtacostal cells rectangular and thick-walled with lumen: wall ratio about 2–3: 1, to four times as long as broad, to 10 µm wide, with lateral walls straight. Cells of alar region to 8 µm wide, quadrate with rounded lumens, with lumen: wall ratio 3–4: 1; little different from more distal laminal cells. Costa filling less than 1/10 of immediate leaf base, not tapered above, percurrent to shortly excurrent. Costa cross-section at leaf middle somewhat flattened, more than 2.5 times as broad as deep, about twice as thick as the adjacent leaf, with 6–8 cells exposed on adaxial surface and more than 15 cells exposed on abaxial surface. Costa with abaxial stereid band obvious and mostly with adaxial stereid band. Margin of leaf limb recurved near base and often with that recurvature extending above leaf middle. Awn absent from perichaetial and vegetative leaves in our specimens. Axillary hairs to 125 µm long, with 5–6 short rectangular, thin and vesicular cells, without a basal brown cell. Rhizoids brown to red-brown and monopodially branched, to 20 µm wide at base, smooth to finely verruculose. Stem cross-section round with a small central strand, with stereome only gradually differentiated from the somewhat leptodermous, hyaline inner cortical cells,
Autoicous with perigonia located only a few leaf axils below perichaetia. Inner perichaetial leaves pale to hyaline, ligulate, erect and markedly shorter than the capsule. Outer perichaetial leaves loosely sheathing capsule, mostly a little longer than the adjacent vegetative leaves, never with awn. Seta to 1 mm long, yellow to pale brown, straight and smooth. Urn immersed, erect, symmetrical and short-ovoid to nearly globose when operculate, smooth when dry, to 1 mm long, about 1: 1, not strumose. Operculum rostrate, about 1/2 as long as urn. Annulus absent or indistinct. Calyptra cucullate and smooth, not much longer than operculum. Peristome vivid red-brown, to 500 µm long, finely striate papillose. Suboral exothecial cells in 4–6 rows, thick-walled, transversely elongate, to 25 µm wide, about 0.5: 1. Median exothecial cells very irregular in size and shape, 20–30 µm wide, not in regular vertical rows, quadrate to rectangular or hexagonal, 1–3: 1, thin-walled with lumen: wall ratio more than 5: 1. Basal exothecial cells short rectangular, 2–3: 1, in regular rows. Stomata few and phaneroporous, restricted to base of urn. Spores smooth, to 30 µm.
Vouchers: Humboldt Co.: College Cove, Trinidad State Beach, Silver 902 (UC) and Norris 47755, Trinidad Head, Wolski 2319 (UC) and near Abalone Point, Patricks Point State Park, Norris 23889; Mendocino Co.: Russian Gulch State Park, Koch 3764 (UC).
Literature: As Grimmia maritima Crum and Anderson 1981; Koch 1950a; Lawton 1971.
Geographic subdivisions for Schistidium maritimum: NW. |
Illustration References: Malcolm et al. 2009 p. 77; Blom 1998; Bremer 1980a; Crum and Anderson 1981; Ireland 1982; Lawton 1971; Smith 1978.