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Database links
UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal
Specimens of Pohlia bolanderi in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)
Pohlia bolanderi
Plants erect in glossy green turfs, to 1.5 cm high. Leaves closely imbricated, erect and appressed when dry but erect spreading when moist, not very concave, ovate-lanceolate with acute apices, to 1.2 mm long, about 2–2.5: 1, not plicate. Median laminal cells elongate-hexagonal with thin walls (lumen: wall ratio more than 10: 1) 4–7: 1, smooth, not at all pitted, to 12 µm wide. Leaf lamina unistratose throughout. Basal and alar cells shorter and broader than median cells. Cells near leaf apex somewhat shorter elliptic than median cells, 2–4: 1, with scattered cells distally slightly prorate. Margins not decurrent, plane throughout, serrulate to almost entire. Limbidium inconspicuous, of 1–3 rows of more narrow cells, mostly rectangular, unistratose throughout. Costa not at all flattened, filling about 1/10 of leaf base, tapered from the base, green to yellow-brown, ending in the acute leaf apex. Costa cross-section round with well defined ad- and abaxial epidermis, with a single layer of guide cells, with a large abaxial band of stereid but with adaxial stereids mostly absent. Axillary hairs to 5 cells long, to 80 µm, with a single small and unpigmented basal cell and with thin-walled distal cells which are short and of similar diameter to the basal cells. Rhizoids to 20 µm wide at insertion, papillose, brown to red brown, sparingly branched, surrounding an isodiametric macronematal area to 100 µm wide. Stem cross-section round, with a conspicuous central strand, with the hyaline and leptodermous inner corticals abruptly transitting to a single layer of only moderately pachydermous, red brown outer cortical cells, without a hyaloderm. Gemmae absent.
Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves undifferentiated or with few very small leaves hidden within the perichaetium. Seta red-brown, smooth, erect, to 15 mm long. Urn to 5 mm long, long-cylindric, 3–4: 1, inclined, neither sulcate nor strumose. Operculum conic to conic apiculate. Exothecial cells at capsule mouth to 10 µm broad, rounded isodiametric in 2–3 rows. Exothecial cells at middle of urn elongate rectangular 5–8: 1, with straight lateral walls and oblique transverse walls, to 10 µm broad, in regular rows, evenly thick walled with lumen: wall ratio 4–6: 1. Stomates phaneroporous, restricted to neck of capsule, raised on short pustules, somewhat longer than broad. Annulus of 2–3 rows of very thick-walled cells. Exostome pale to yellow-brown, to 300 µm long, inconspicuously shouldered, very inconspicuously horizontally striate at base but strongly papillose distally, dorsal lamellae low. Endostome with basal membrane constituting about 1/2 of total length. Segments smooth, about as long as exostome, keeled and narrowly perforated along center line. Cilia short or abortive. Calyptra cucullate, mostly shed before capsule maturity. Spores to 22 µm, coarsely papillose.
Vouchers: Siskiyou Co: between Waterdog and Russian Lakes, Klamath National Forest, McGrew 363 (UC) [confirmed by Spence]; Tuolumne Co.: below Olmstead Point, Tioga Road, Yosemite National Park, Kellman 552 (CAS).
Geographic subdivisions for Pohlia bolanderi: NW, SN. |
Illustration References: Shaw 1982.
No illustrations found in database.