- Map Distribution
- Description
- eFlora Distribution
- Illustrations
- Cal Photos images
- Elevation by latitude plot
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Database links
UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal
Specimens of Grimmia tergestina in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)
No Taxonomic Notes.
No Description.
Catalog Notes: According to Muñoz (pers. comm.) without sporophytes, this taxon is morphologically indistinguishable from G. poecilostoma. Excluded by Malcolm et al. 2009.
Vouchers: Kern Co.: Chimney Creek Road, Kern Plateau, Shevock 15170 and Sand Canyon north of Tehachapi, Hare 238 (CAS, MA) [determined by Muñoz]; Lake Co.: Forest Road M-1 at Eel River Bridge near Lake Pillsbury, Mendocino National Forest, Toren & Dearing 7357 (CAS) [determined by Muñoz] and Hell's Peak near Blue Lakes, Toren & Dearing 6857 (CAS) [determined by Muñoz] and Hell's Peak north of Bachelor Valley Toren 778 (SFSU, UC).
Geographic subdivisions for Grimmia tergestina: DMoj, NW, SN. |
Illustration References: Greven 1999c, 2003; Ignatov and Cao 1994; Ignatov and Ignatova 2003; Muñoz 1999a.
No illustrations found in database.
No expert verified images found for Grimmia tergestina. |