University Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
Previous taxon California Moss eFlora Next taxon

Epipterygium tozeri (Greville) Lindberg [Mniaceae]


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Database links

UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal

Specimens of Epipterygium tozeri in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)

No Taxonomic Notes.

No Description.






Vouchers: Butte Co.: Brush Creek, Dillingham 805 (UC); Humboldt Co.: near Round Prairie about 3 miles north of Highway 299 on Wiregrass Ridge, Norris 52894 (determined by Shaw); Monterey Co.: Campground at Pfeiffer-Big Sur State Park, Norris 75886; San Francisco Co.: Golden Gate Park, Shevock 18836; Santa Barbara Co.: Windmill Canyon, Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park, Shevock 20886; Shasta Co.: road to Olinda about 2.3 miles east of Anderson, Norris 47629; Sonoma Co.: Russian Gulch about 1 mile from bridge, Koch 3502 (UC).

Literature: Bourell 1981; Crum 1967b; Holmberg 1969; Jamieson 1969; Kellman 2003; Koch 1950a, 1951e; Koch and Ikenberry 1954; Lawton 1971; Shaw 1984; Shevock and Toren 2001; Smith 1970; Stark and Whittemore 1992; Steere et al. 1954; Sullivant 1856; Toren 1977; Whittemore and Sommers 1999; Yurky 1990, 1995. As Bryum tozeri Lesquereux 1868; Watson 1880. As Webera tozeri Bradshaw 1926; Brandegee 1891; Lesquereux and James 1884.

Geographic subdivisions for
Epipterygium tozeri: CaR, CW, NW, SW.
map of distribution

Illustration References: Malcolm et al. 2009 p. 176; Lawton 1971; Smith 1978.

Norris 12228
Norris 12228

Epipterygium tozeri
click for enlargement
© 2016 John Game
Epipterygium tozeri
click for enlargement
© 2016 John Game

More photos of Epipterygium tozeri in CalPhotos

Elevation by latitude plot for Epipterygium tozeri

Elevation by latitude plot for Epipterygium tozeri
   in California