University Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley
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Dicranella howei Renauld & Cardot [Dicranaceae]


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Database links

UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal

Specimens of Dicranella howei in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)

No Taxonomic Notes.

No Description.






Vouchers: Butte Co.: opposite spillway of Oroville Dam, Norris 52580; Fresno Co.: Peterson Mill Road at junction with Forest Roads 10S18 & 10S43, about 6 miles east of Highway 168, Sierra National Forest, Shevock & York 14970; Humboldt Co.: Humboldt Bay at foot of L Street, Eureka, Norris 57794; Lake Co.: Erickson Ridge Road to Mt. Sanhedrin, Mendocino National Forest, Toren 5085 (CAS); Nevada Co.: Washington Road, 2.7 miles from Highway 20, Tahoe National Forest, Shevock & Toren 20713; San Francisco Co.: Coastal Bluff Trail, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Shevock 18806; Santa Cruz Co.: Eagle Creek below Columbine Trail Crossing, Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park, Kellman 631 (CAS).

Literature: Cardot and Thériot 1900; Crundwell and Nyholm 1977; Howe 1896; Kellman 2003; Shevock and Toren 2001; Whittemore and Sommers 1999. Misapplied as Anisothecium varium Koch 1950a; Koch and Ikenberry 1954; Steere 1954; Steere et al. 1954. Misapplied as Dicranella varia Bourell 1981; Bradshaw 1926; Crum and Anderson 1981; Harpel 1980a; Harthill et al. 1979; Jamieson 1969; Lawton 1971; McCleary 1972; Mishler 1978; Sayre 1940; Shevock and Toren 2001; Toren 1977; Yurky 1990, 1995. Misapplied as Dicranum varium Lesquereux 1868; Watson 1880. As Dicranella rubra Millspaugh and Nuttall 1923. As Dicranum palustre Lesquereux 1868.

Geographic subdivisions for
Dicranella howei: CaR, CW, NW, SN.
map of distribution

Illustration References: Malcolm et al. 2009 p. 106; Crundwell and Nyholm 1977; Smith 1978.

R. R. Ireland 14322
R. R. Ireland 14322

No expert verified images found for Dicranella howei.

Elevation by latitude plot for Dicranella howei

Elevation by latitude plot for Dicranella howei
   in California