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Database links
UC Specimens in the University and Jepson Herbaria Public Portal
Specimens of Antitrichia gigantea in the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria portal (CNABH)
Antitrichia gigantea
Plants forming loose and deep mats; glossy green to yellow green with strongly contrasting reddish stems, mostly with a whitish cast in exposed sites. Primary stems (stolons), secondary stems, and branches little differentiated except as to size with larger axes to 15 cm long, ascending to decumbent, not julaceous, mostly regularly pinnate with branch apices blunt to occasionally attenuate or even flagelliform; paraphyllia absent. Leaves falcate-secund on better developed plants, not imbricate or julaceous, plicate, erect-ascending to spreading, not much altered when dry, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, to 4 mm long, 2–3: 1, with apex acuminate, erect or flexed but not deflexed. Margins serrulate to sharply serrulate from base to apex, recurved but with the angle of that recurvature rather broad, short decurrent. Costa extending about 3/4, strongly flattened and broadened at base filling about 1/3 of that leaf base; forked into 2–4 auxiliary lateral costae. Median Laminal cells smooth and rhomboidal, 6–8 µm wide, 3–5: 1, strongly pitted especially near the base. Basal juxtacostal cells somewhat wider, pitted, with long axes radiating from costa at a 45 degree angle. Apical cells coronate-papillose at least on apical leaves smaller branches. Alar cells thick-walled with rounded to elliptic lumens, numerous, quadrate to transversely elongate, to 14 µm wide, only gradually demarcated from laminal cells, primarily restricted to area of recurved margin. Axillary hairs to 100 µm, 4–6 celled, with 2–3 basal brown cells, not offset from leaf insertion. .Rhizoids red-brown, smooth, to 8 µm in diameter, clustered on expanded abaxial costal base and sometimes on adjacent portions of stem. Juvenile leaves orbicular, strongly overarching the bud. Stolon and stipe cross-section without central strand, with stereome 6–8 cells thick, red-brown, only moderately thick-walled.
Dioiccous with male plants similar in size and morphology to the females. Perigonia nearly spherical, bud-like, densely placed on the main axis and larger branches. Perigonial leaves to 0.8 mm long, broadly ovate with an abrupt, somewhat reflexed acumen, essesntially ecostate, mostly with a limbidium of a single row of rectangular cells. Perichaetia on main axis, much longer than subtending vegetative leaves. Outer perichaetial leaves essentially identical to perigonial leaves; inner perichaetial leaves 4–6 mm long, ecostate to weakly costate, strongly convolute and investing the base of the seta, abruptly acuminate from an elliptic base. Setae pale-brown, 5–10 mm long, erect to somewhat flexuose, smooth. Capsule exserted, erect and symmetric, brown, cylindric, to 3 mm, 2–4: 1, not distorted or sulcate when dry. Exothecial cells mostly isodiametric, 20–30 µm wide with a lumen/wall ratio of 4–6: 1. Operculum conic to apiculate, about 1/4 as long as urn. Annulus absent or poorly developed. Exostome teeth 16, erect and pale, narrowly lanceolate, about 10: 1, papillose but often inconspicuously so.. Endostome segments very narrow, smooth, about as long as exostome and with no basal membrane and no cilia. Calyptra cucullate, smooth or with a few hairs. Spores spherical 20–30 µm, papillose, light brown.
Vouchers: Del Norte Co.: French Hill Road about 3.5 miles above Highway 199 southwest of Gasquet, Six Rivers National Forest, Norris 85058; Humboldt Co.: East Fork about 5 air miles north of Mad River, Six Rivers National Forest, Norris 83891; Mendocino Co.: Mill Creek County Park Recreational Area about 8 miles east of Ukiah, Norris 72636, and Hopland, Layne s.n. (UC); San Mateo Co.: Butano Fire Trail, Butano State Park, Becking 910614 (UC); Siskiyou Co.: Doe Creek, Norris 23077 and McCloud River Preserve, The Nature Conservancy, Norris & Hillyard 106581; Trinity Co.: Canyon Creek between Ripstein Camp and McKay Camp, Norris 8001.
Literature: As Antitrichia curtipendula Christy and Wagner 1996; Harthill et al. 1979; Holmberg 1969; Jamieson 1969; Koch 1950a; Lawton 1971; Lesquereux 1868; Long 1978; Sullivant 1856; Thomson and Ketchledge 1958. As Antitrichia curtipendula var. gigantea Lesquereux 1868; Watson 1880.
Geographic subdivisions for Antitrichia gigantea: CaR, CW, NW. |
Illustration References: Malcolm et al. 2009 p. 304; Abramov and Volkova 1998; Crum and Anderson 1981; Lawton 1971; Schofield 1969b.