Sarmentypnum Tuomikoski & T. Koponen, 1979.
Sarmentypnum is one of a group of aquatic pleurocarps with reddish pigmentation, blunt leaves and nematogons in distal portions of the leaf lamina. Among these mosses it stands out for its elliptical leaves with those leaves pressed into a blunt bud. Sarmentypnum sarmentosum has been placed by Hedenäs in the genus Warnstorfia, but we are uncomfortable with that placement. Sarmentypnum is not yet known from California but we expect it in some of the calcareous fens of the Marble Mountain area of northern California.
see key to Calliergon Etc.
Species included:
Sarmentypnum sarmentosum (Wahlenberg) Tuomikoski & T. Koponen, not known from CA