Pseudoleskeella Kindberg, 1897.

Pseudoleskeella serpentinensis, photo by Wilson

Pseudoleskeella has leaves mostly smaller than 1 mm long, and these leaves have short costae which typically fork and disappear before mid-leaf. The median laminal cells are typically elliptical and less than 4:1. They have a well defined area of numerous quadrate alar cells. Unlike the majority of plants in the Leskeaceae, Pseudoleskeella has neither paraphyllia nor laminal cell papillosity. Our two species include Pseudoleskeella serpentinensis, a plant endemic to serpentine areas of northern California and Oregon, and Pseudoleskeella tectorum, a species scattered through the state but common only in our eastern deserts, primarily restricted to calcareous rocks.
see key to Lescuraea Etc.

Species included:
Pseudoleskeella serpentinensis P. Wilson & Norris
Pseudoleskeella tectorum (Funck ex Bridel) Kindberg in Brotherus

A. Cells of mature leaves on ultimate branches thick-walled, in places noticably pitted; leaf margins mostly toothed; costa often to more than 1/2 leaf length .....Pseudoleskeella serpentinensis
A. Cells of mature leaves on ultimate branches not particularly thick walled, not much pitted; leaf margins nearly entire; costa generally to less than 1/2 leaf length ..... Pseudoleskeella tectorum