University Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley

Conardia Robinson, 1976.

Conardia compacta has a complicated taxonomic history involving past placement in Amblystegium (Amblystegiaceae) and Rhynchostegium (Brachytheciaceae). Its placement in its own monotypic genus in the Campyliaceae is now moderately well-accepted. It is a small pleurocarpous moss common on calcareous rock or in alkaline desert seepages where it often makes rather dense cushions, not only on rocks but also on deciduous tree bases. Under the compound microscope, identification is made easy by the papillose rhizoids compared with the smooth rhizoids of other Amblystegiaceae-like plants. The binate teeth are a second distinguishing character on the base of some of the leaves on any clone. Binate teeth are not otherwise found in local mosses except in the very dissimilar Philonotis. "Binate" refers to teeth twinned in the plane of the leaf in contrast to "geminate" – teeth twinned one over the other in vertical view.
see key to Amblystegium Etc.

Species included:
Conardia compacta (C. Müller Hal.) H. Robinson