University Herbarium
The University and Jepson Herbaria
University of California, Berkeley

Aphanorrhegma Sullivant in A. Gray, 1848.

Aphanorrhegma is one example of a cluster of minute, essentially annual bryophytes that appear in winter and early spring on the open soils of grasslands and savannahs, or on the exposed soil of disturbed areas or drying pond margins. The members of this genus have the capsules immersed and nearly globose, and they arise from costate and ovate leaves with serrulate to entire margins closely inserted on a stem so short as to be inconspicuous to essentially absent. The median laminal cells are rather short-elongate, never isodiametric, and those cells are consistently smooth.
see key to Acaulon Etc.

Species included:
Aphanorrhegma serratum (W. J. Hooker & Wilson) Sullivant in A. Gray, not known from CA