Field Notes of Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg | 1939 Field Notes (Continued) |
Alexander |
Topics in this Article: April May June | This article
contains the 1939 Field Notes of Annie Alexander and Louise Kellogg. I have attempted to reproduce the field notes as faithfully as possible while taking advantage of opportunities presented by the World Wide Web. For details about the Field Notes, please see About the Field Notes."
| June
| Locations: Kyle Canyon. Little Falls.
… a few specimens of an eriogonum which according to Mr. Clokey is rare. A small, wiry shrub, matted and seldom more than a foot across clung to the steep wall of the cliffs and was quite common. We looked for the shrub species of Mountain Mahogany but all the dark shrubs hanging on to the rocks were Coleogyne. Found some Jamesia coming into bloom and Holodiscus, Galium, and Saxafraga.
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Before going up Kyle Canyon visited the seep about the water tank at the Resort for specimens of the Carex named from this locality.
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June 11 | | Locations: Kyle Canyon.
Climbed to a mahogany flat on the east side of Kyle Canyon just above the bridge ½ mile north of Resort. Found a small crucifer we(?) needed(?) but nothing new to add to our collection. Common plants were Gilia nuttali and a Phacelia. There were several ___ ____ of Orobanche _____. Artemisia tridentata and a clump of Opuntia ursina or erincea. A short grass – Gramma? – carpeted the ground.
| | Locations: Little Falls.
We then went up to Little Falls to secure specimen of wild gooseberry and and wild ________ and followed around the base of the cliff for ferns. Found the largest aspen we have come across yet, 18 inches in diameter 2 ½ feet above ground.
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On returning to the hard(?) road, walked over to the type locality of Pedicularis semi-barbatus charlestonensis as pointed out by Mr. Clokey – just north of Camp 26, above the paved road in aspens and yellow pine. Collected some specimens in fruit.
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June 12 | | Locations: Cathedral Rock.
Walked up the Cathedral Rock Trail to the summit 8600 ft. A good trail shaded by yellow pines along the way. At and near the summit among the rocks and associated with Erigeron rosea were a number of Erigeron reductus(?) a small low growing plant. Flowers with lavendar colored rays. Besides the two species of Erigeron on the summit, noted Symphoricarpus, Holodiscus, Ribes cereum, two species of Eriogonum, Galium, a small yellow pine, juniper, pinyon pine, Cercocarpus ledifolius, Coleogyne, | |
On the way down we took a branch trail to Twin Falls ¼ mile from the turn off, 8250 ft., passing thru a grove of aspen. Many …
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… of the aspens were bent over from the weight of winter snows. Some of the plants among the aspens were corydalis, frittalaria, Berberis repens, blue lupines, Castelleja, and angelica. The two small streams from the falls come together just below the trail and there was considerable growth on the banks between and on either side. Just back of the first fall on the trail were some large Woodsia ferns. Collected some small plants in this area.
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June 13 | | Locations: Deer Creek.
Moved over to Deer Creek eight miles from the Charleston Resort and drove up the creek on a private road. Camping at 8250 ft. At this point two branches of the creek come together. Are told by the people who have charge of the cabins here that the real Deer Creek is north over two ridges from here – a larger stream than the one here but – does not run far.
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June 14 | |
Today climbed the ridge north and were disappointed not to see the big Deer Creek. There were some fine examples of Pinus aristata near the summit. We were surprised to find Junipers or cedars with it also plants from lower levels reaching up so higher(?) as Salvia, Gilia aggregata, cryptantha, Senecio leucoreus(?) and Artemisia tridentata. We returned by way of the Deer Cr. Spring …
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… a marshy place where Dodecatheon, Aquilegia, and an orchid, Habernaria?
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… a marshy place where Dodecatheon, Aquilegia and an orchid were growing luxuriantly.
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June 15 | | Locations: Deer Creek.
Collected up the south branch of Deer Creek today and below the bridge on the private road. The wooded stream seemed ideal for Sorex myops(?) (A kind of shrew; refer to Mammals of Nevada at: but traps out there might have taken only Peromyscus . In the deeper woods up stream found Pyrola not in bloom also Juniperus communis var. montana . Two species of fern in some rocks near the creek -- Woodsia and Cheilanthes -- Pedicularis back of the stream. Collected meadow rue, columbine, and angelica – latter first bloom noted. Downstream found the Rock Daisy in crevice in a facing _______ of rock. Nearby in the rock was saxifrage in bloom.
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June 16 | |
Drove back on the Lee Canyon rock to the top of the ridge or divide between Deer Creek and Kyle Canyon, type locality according to Mr. Clokey of the violet he named “Viola Charlestonensis.” Besides the violet, collected a flat-growing purple penstemon, yellow primrose and a composite. The ridges were covered with a thicket of Mt. Mahogany with scattering yellow pine, white fir and juniper. Saw one foxtail pine. Small plants as Gilia aggregata, Linum lewisii, Cryptantha Jamesii var. abortive, Symphoricarpus, and a species of primrose not yet in bloom were quite plentiful – soils, loose gravels.
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From the ridge we drove back to Deer Creek and on to Lee Canyon making two stops on the way, one at a rocky point north of Lee Canyon where Mr. Clokey had said we would find a dwarf species of Mountain Mahogany that clumps about cliffs. We found some scraggly bushes that appeared to be this form growing with the larger variety.
| | Locations: Lee Canyon.
The second stop was what we took to be the type locality of Senecio leucorous “Ridge south of Lee Canyon” 8150 ft. Here we found Senecio on the wooded slope above the road – nearly all specimens collected had rays. On the flat in Lee Canyon below the Government Camp found Senecio again – more rayless than with rays. The predominant plant on the flat was a species of astragalus – flat silvery leafed not yet in flower. Visited the upper end of Lee Canyon where we collected Valeriana May 24 and took some seeded specimens. Found there a single specimen of Erigeron (small white rays) no. 780 taken on the slope above and north of Deer Creek, Erigeron radicatus and a form of no. 744.
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June 17 | | Locations: Mummy Rock.
Followed the creek (south branch) up today to the saddle below Mummy Rock, on ridge between Deer Creek and Kyle Canyon 9850 ft. alt. according to our altimeter. Valeriana persisted to the summit and Ribes montigenum. There …
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… were some fine examples of weather beaten Pinus aristata. One huge tree had a girth of almost 20 feet 3 ft. above ground. There was a great deal of fallen timber that showed no signs of decay. Their bleached barkless trunks sculptured like stones by the changes of season and weather. From the ridge we could look down into Kyle Canyon and the precipitous Cathedral Rocks, as well as the other cliffs looked a small part of the landscape in the distance. There were many small plants growing on the divide among the flint-like angular fragments of rocks – three species of astragalus, a draba (?), the purple rayed erigeron, a penstemon and white primrose. We found a trail on reaching the summit one branch pointing to Kyle Canyon and the other to Saw Mill – Deer Creek and we took the latter on returning to camp finding a penstemon in bloom just after leaving the source of the south branch of the creek.
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June 18 | | Locations: Charleston Park Resort. |
Broke camp at Deer Creek this morning returning to the Charleston Park Resort, collecting an unusually tall Galium on the way and a “Blazing Star Thistle.” P.iu. took more traps up to Twin Falls to try again for shrews, collecting apocynum and a Brickellia(?) on the way.
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June 19 | |
No shrews in traps. Collected a cliff plant … |
… and a _______ leaf penstemon, first seen in bloom, and Holodiscus now in flower.
| | Locations: Spring Hill.
Collect again in the afternoon on Spring Hill north of resort. |
June 20 | |
Locations: Mary Jane Falls.
Take horses and ride up Kyle Canyon going first to where we collected Draba June 10. Find only a few dried up specimens. We then continued up the canyon for a short distance and ride up the east slope to within ¼ mile of Mary Jane Falls and tying our horses climbed to the base of the cliffs which we followed along to the falls – a small stream that drops a hundred feet or more and runs down a steep ravine – Grasses, dodecatheon and thistle (named after Mr. Clokey) the principal growth along the banks. In following along the base of the cliffs saw more Erigeron unicalis(?) than we had seen in any one place. They were growing in the crevices of the rocks and through the mats of Spirea caespitosa -- we found a few Draba among the rocks below the cliffs, gone to seed but still greem, and in one small slot a cricifer resembling “candy tuft” which we had not come across before. The plants were closer together and had mostly gone to seed. Had a fine view across the canyon of the precipitous slopes of twisted and weathered limestone below Charleston Peak. There were banks of snow that contributed to a waterfall that dropped from one cliff to another. Half way up the slope was a bench that afford a ______ for _______
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June 21 | | Locations: Lead Mine.
Walked up the old road to the Lead Mine, on the north side of Kyle Canyon, starting below the Resort, distance about a mile and grade, steep – a pring starts near the mine and the stream from it runs for some distance down the ravine. The upper part well wooded with yellow pine and fir – Saw some young foxtail pine. Growing in the moist banks were Dodecatheon, Angelica, orchids and Symphoricarpos. A few Jamesia in flower higher up the banks. Mr. Clokey had told us that for four years he had been trying to get 130 sheets of a certain Cruciferae growing at the mine. We think we found it at the log cabin, the same as no 810 collected yesterday at the base of cliffs near the Mary Jane Falls. It wasn’t plentiful – we counted twenty plants – took two – later found a few a short distance down the road – small and dried up, climbed the ridge above and west of the cabin trying to get a view of the cliffs of Kyle Canyon. The slope was dry and rocky and among the rocks found a species of pink (arenaria?) the same as collected at Deer Creek, no. 775.
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Before reaching the stream the road climbs through thickets of Mt. Mahogany, pinyon pine, oaks, and manzanita. One Mt. Mahogany was in fruit – the only one noted.
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June 22 | | Locations: Clark's Sawmill. Lee Canyon.
Got an early start for Lee Canyon this morning to walk up the old Clark’s Sawmill. That evidently no longer exists. The trail or old road we followed took us after a stiff climb to the source of Lee Canyon’s water supply as indicated by a concrete box and pipe. 10,300 ft. alt. we learned at the government buildings below; a fine little stream comes down from snow banks on the limestone ridges above. The descent is very rapid and the banks are swept clean of any timber. By accident we found a small crucifer collected at Twin Falls. What plants of it we found were within a few square yards. Under a dripping rock were Woodsia ferns growing. From the trail we cut across the woods to a rocky spur finding pyrola on the way growing under rotting logs and in decayed vegetation. All had flower stalks but buds were not yet open. Collected some only because we are leaving the Charleston Mts. Tomorrow. The common plants in the woods and in open places were Pedicularis in blossom at that altitude and a small astragalus no 794 in profuse bloom. Valeriana was also common.
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June 22 | | Locations: Las Vegas.
Pack up driving to Las Vegas in afternoon. |
526 Madia Machanthera leucanthamifolia (Greene) Greene
| |
527 Composite Hymenoxys lemoni (Greene) Cockerell
| |
Mesa | |
528 Crucifer Sisymbrium altissimum L.
| |
529 Zigadenus paniculatus Wats. |
530 Leucelene ericoides (Torr) Greene
| |
531 Ceanothus Greggii Gray var. vestitus (Greene) McMinn
| |
532 Calachortus flexuosus |
533 Penstemon eatonii |
534 Linum lewisii | |
535 Amelanchier alnifolia var. covillei A. utahensis Koehne
| |
536 Berberis ripens |
537 Crucifer Erysimum |
538 “ | |
539 Ribes cereum | |
540 Crucifer | | Locations: Charleston Park Resort. |
May 19 | Charleston Park Resort 7500 ft. Camps 1 & 2 7700 ft. |
541 Pedicularis semibarbata Charlestonensis |
542 Cercocarpis ledifolius |
543 Trifolium | |
544 Crucifer Arabis fendleri |
545 Erysimum asperum |
546 Prunus emarginata (Dougl.) Walp. |
547 Crucifer | | Locations: Deer Creek.
May 20 | Deer Creek Trail
548 Arctostaphylous |
550 | |
551 Felix fragilis (L.) Gilib.?
| |
552 Spiraea caespitosa |
553 Cryptantha Jamesii var. abortive |
554 Euphorbia | | Locations: Charleston Park Resort. |
Charleston Park Resort |
555 Phacelia | |
556 Lithospermum | |
557 Antenaria | |
558 Lupine | |
May 21 | Charleston Park Resort Road, Clark Co., 6700 ft. |
559 Crucifer | |
531 Ceanothus | |
560 Crucifer Sisymbrium altissimum
| |
561 Linum | |
562 Castilleja | |
563 Eriodictyon trichocalyx |
553 Cryptantha Jamesii var. abortive |
564 | |
565 Orobanche cooperi |
566 | |
567 Mimulus | |
568 Sphaeralcea grossulariaefolia (H. & A) Rydb. var. pedata (Torr.) T. H. K.
| |
569 Phacelia Cryptantha gracilis Osterh.
| |
570 Garrya flavencens |
571 Composite Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) H. & A.
| |
572 Sambucus | |
573 Lupine Lupinus alpestris Nels.
| |
574 Gilis Nuttallii Linanthus nuttallii (Gray) Greene ex Mlkn.
| |
593b O. caespitosa Nutt. subsp. crinata (Rydb.) Munz
| |
All below & above det. Warren L Wagner, 1980
| |
593c Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. subsp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz
| |
593d O. c. subsp. marginata |
593e ditto |
| Locations: Little Falls.
575 Acer glabrum | |
576 Pellea | |
577 Ribes cereum | |
578 Pinus aristata | |
580 Pinus flexilis | |
581 | |
582 Populus tremuloides |
583 Pinus ponderosa scopulorum |
| Locations: Lee Canyon.
May 24 | Lee Canyon 8650 ft.
583 Valeriana | |
584 Juniperus communis var. montana |
585 Crucifer 8300 ft. | |
586 “ | |
587 Pinus aristata | |
588 Pinus p. scopulorum |
May 25 | Charleston Park Road 6900 ft.
568 Sphaeralcea |
589 Lappula redowskii (Hormen) Greene
| |
590 Lupine Astragalus oophorus Wats.
| |
591 Streptanthus cordatus Nutt. |
608 Quercus | |
592 Lupine Astragalus minthorniae (Rydb.) Jepson
| |
592 Lupine Astragalus minthorniae (Rydb.) Jepson
| |
593 Oenothera caespitosa (Nutt.) Munz var. crinita (Rydb.) Munz
| |
593a O. caespitosa (Nutt.) Munz var. crinita (Rydb.) Munz
| |
594 Crucifer Sphaeralcea |
568 Sphaeralcea | |
595 Grass Bromus rubens L. |
596 Grass Poa secunda Presl. |
597 Grass | |
| |
598 Indian rice Oryzopsis hymenoides (Roem. & Schmidt) Ricker
| |
599 Foxtail Sitanion hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. Smith
| |
600 Bronco | |
601 Senecio | |
602 Erigeron | |
603 Atriplex | |
604 Delphinium parishii Gray |
605 Phacelia | |
606 Grass Tridens pulchellus (HBK.) Hitchc.
| |
607 “ | |
608 Mammalaria deserti Coryphantha sp. either C. chlorantha (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose or C. vivipara var. rosea det. A. D. Zimmerman, 1983.
| | Locations: Deer Creek.
May 26 | Deer Creek Trail 8450 ft. |
554 Euphorbia 8300 ft. |
611 Grass Poa longiligula Scribn. & Merr.
| |
612 Erigeron uncialis |
613 Viola charlestonens |
614 Crucifer Sisymbrium pinnatum |
615 Holodiscus discolor |
616 “ | |
549 Corydalis | |
617 Lupine 7600 ft. | |
May 27 | Hill slope north of resort
618 Dodecatheon jeffreyi |
| Locations: Spring Hill.
619 Grass Carex hasseiBailey. Spring Hill, Charleston Park Resort.
| |
620 Comandra pallida |
620.1 Ditaxis diversiflora |
621 Gilia aggregata |
622 Ditaxis Commandra pallida A. DC.
| |
623 Lupine | |
624 Berberis fremontii |
| |
625 Phlox | |
626 Juniperus | |
627 | |
628 Smilacina liliacea |
629 Fritallaria | |
543 Trifolium Camp 1 & 2. |
541 Pedicularis | |
549 Corydalis | |
630 Fritillaria atropurpurea Nutt. | Both F. atropurpurea det. Santana, 1980. |
May 28 | Chalreston Park Road, 3450 ft.
632 Krameria | |
633 Parosela | |
634 Composite Petalonyx nitidus Wats.
| |
631 Eriodictyon angustifolium Nutt. |
635 Eriogonum nidularium Cov. |
636 “ nidularium Cov. (near E. gracile var. effusum)
| |
637 “ | |
Highway 6 mi. E. Indian Springs 3100 ft. |
639 Oenothera brevipes var. pallidula
| |
640 Navarretia Langloisia setosissima (T & G) Greene ssp. setosissima Timbrook, 1978
| |
641 Composite | |
642 “ Psathyrotes annua (Nutt.) Gray
| |
643 Phacelia | |
644 Composite | |
645 “ | |
646 Eriogonum | | Locations: Indian Springs.
Road to Cold Creek, 3.8 mi. S. Indian Springs, 3600 ft.
| |
647 Composite. | |
| |
648 Buddleia utahensis |
649 Mimulus biglovii Gray |
650 Nemacladus rigidus rubescens Greene.
| |
651 Oenothera refracta |
652 Composite | | Locations: Cold Creek Ranch.
Cold Cr. Ranch irrigation ditch 6300 ft. |
653 Veronica beccabunga ssp. Americana (Raf.) Sellers, det. Sellers, 1983.
| |
654 Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh. var. saximontanus Fern.
| |
655 Mimulus | |
656 Radicula nasturtium-aquaticum |
657 Grass Carex praegracilis Boalt.
| |
658 Grass Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey.
| |
659 Symphoricarpus longiflorus |
660 Cercocarpus | |
661 Phacelia | |
662 Ribes cereum | |
663 Salix | |
664 Aquilegia | |
665 Lupine | |
666 | |
667 Berberis fremontii |
668 Composite | |
669 Streptanthus | |
Cold Creek Road 3600 ft. |
670 Rafinesquia neomexicana |
| Locations: Cold Creek.
Cold Creek 6300 ft. |
671 Gilia | |
672 | |
Charleston Park Road |
673 Composite | |
674 | |
| Locations: Spring Hill.
718 Grass Carex hassei Bailey |
719 Sorrel | |
720 Watergrass Heleocharis montevidensus Kunth. var. parishii (Britt.) V. Grant
| |
721 Crucifer Sisymbrium altissimum
| |
722 Senecio leucoreus |
Charleston Park Road 6700 ft. |
723 Eriodictyon | |
724 Aster Erigeron argentatus Gray ssp. lypicum Stewart
| |
725 Hedeoma | |
726 Composite | |
727 Grass Elymus condensatus Presl. var. pubens Piper.
| |
529 Zygadenus | | Locations: Rainbow Falls.
June 8 | Walk to Rainbow Falls Deer Creek? 1 mi. S Little Fall, 8000 ft. |
728 Erigeron concinnus |
729 Ceanothus fendleri |
740 Mentzelia albicaulis |
741 Crucifer | |
742 Symphoricarpus vascinoides |
743 Arabis pengulina |
744 Gilia pungens | |
722 Senecio leucoreus |
745 Cryptantha | | Locations: Spring Hill.
June 10 | Spring hill north of resort, 7500 ft. |
746 Carex interior Bailey var. charlestonensis Pennell & Clokey
| |
747 Equisetum | |
748 Juniperus scopulorum |
749 Composite | | Locations: Kyle Canyon.
½ mi. above resort Kyle Canyon, 7600 ft. |
750 Jamesia Americana T. & G. |
550 Cheilanthes | |
853 Grass | |
Near head of Kyle Canyon 8000 ft |
613 Viola | |
751 Forsellesia nevadensis A. Gray
| |
722 Senecio leucoreus |
752 Galium parishii |
743 Arabis | |
753 Eriogonum McDougal(?) |
754 Draba cuneifolia Nutt. |
755 Cereus mohavensis |
612 Erigeron uncialis |
769 Holodiscus microphyllus Rydb.
| | Locations: Spring Hill.
June 11 | Spring Hill, north of resort, 7650 ft. Mahogany Flat, east side of Kyle Canyon |
756 Crucifer Gayophytum Nuttallii Torr. & Gray
| |
561 Linum Lewisii | |
565 Orobanche | |
734 Antennaria rosea |
757 Ribes montigenum McClatchie |
758 Rubus leucodermis Dougl. |
582 Populus tremuloides |
576 Pellea | | Locations: C. C. C. Camp.
June12 | C.C.C. Camp 7000 ft.
759 Asclepiodora | |
Road 6700 ft. |
647 Composite | |
723 Eriodictyon | |
589 Cryptantha | |
722 Senecio | |
770 Phlox | | Locations: Cathedral Rock.
Cathedral Rock Trail 8000 ft. |
761 | |
762 Erigeron radicatus 8600 ft. |
763 Castilleja 8600 ft. |
764 Penstemon 8500 ft. |
765 Osmorhiza obtuse (C. & R.) Fernald. |
551 | |
610 Valeriana | |
767 Draba | |
768 Crucifer | |
769 Holodiscus | |
770 Phlox | | Locations: Charleston Park Resort. |
June 13 | Charleston Park Resort
771 Composite | | Locations: Deer Creek.
Deer Creek 8259 ft. |
772 Lupine Crucifer |
773 Lupine |
| |
774 Erigeron townsendia scapigera Eat.
| |
775 Arenaria aculeate Wats. |
June 14 | |
776 Galium 8250 ft. |
777 Gilia 8500 ft. | |
778 Streptanthus 8500 ft. |
779 Salvia carnosa 8500 ft. |
780 Erigeron 9000 ft. |
762 Erigeron radicatus |
| Locations: Deer Creek Spring.
Deer Cr. Spring |
781 Urtica | |
782 Habenaria sparsiflora Wats. |
722 Senecio | | Locations: Deer Creek.
June 15 | Deer Creek 8259 ft.
610 Valeriana occidentalis Heller
| |
768 | |
784 Thalictrum fendleri Engelm. |
664 Aquilegia | |
785 Angelica Kingii (Wats.) C. + R.
| |
612 Erigeron uncialis 8100 ft. |
731 Heuchera rubescens |
722 Senecio 8250 ft. |
593 Oenothera | |
June 16 | Ridge between Deer Cr. Canyon and Kyle Canyon Road, |
786 Oenothera lavandulaefolia var. glandulosa
| |
787 Penstemon menziesi P. thompsoniae (Gray) Rydb. ssp. Jeageri Keck
| |
613 Viola | |
788 Composite Hymenoxys acaulis (Pursh) Parker var. arizonica (Greene) Parker
| |
592 Lupine | |
| |
625 Gilia | |
791 Astragalus ?pictus Gray |
| Locations: Rock Point.
Rock Point, S. Lee Canyon, 7800 ft. |
| Locations: Lee Canyon.
725 Hedoma | |
753 Eriogonum McDougal |
789 Erigeron | |
790 Cercocarpus | |
Ridge, S. Lee Canyon | Type locality Senecio leucoreus |
722 Senecio | |
Upper end Lee Canyon, 8650 ft. |
792 Astragalus manca (Rybd.) Wheeler
| |
780 Erigeron | |
762 Erigeron radicata |
610 Valeriana | |
794 Astragalus | |
776 Galium 7800 ft. |
| Locations: Mummy Rock.
June 17 | Ridge between Deer Cr. And Kyle canyon Saddle at base of Mummy Rock, 9850 ft. |
795 Draba 9450 ft. | |
792 Astragalus | |
798 Oxytropis oreophila Gray |
797 Penstemon Kekeai |
593 Oenothera | |
796 Crucifer 9450 ft. | |
593 Oenothera Camp, 8250 ft. |
780 Erigeron | |
June 18 | Road to Kyle canyon from Deer Cr.
533 Penstemon eatonii |
776 Galium | |
775 Arenaria |
799 Mentzelia laevicaulus 7000 ft. |
| Locations: Cathedral Rock.
Cathedral Rock Trail |
| |
801 Osmorrhiza | |
802 Brickellia | |
551 | | Locations: Twin Falls.
June 19 | Twin Falls 8150 ft.
767 Draba Has a question mark to left of number.
| |
803 Potentilla Ivesia Jaegeri Munz & Johnson
| |
769 Holodiscus | |
764 Penstemon bridgesii |
| Locations: Spring Hill.
Spring Hill 7500 ft. |
620 Comandra | |
749 Composite Hymenopappus filifolius var. eriopodus
| |
804 | |
805 | |
806 Grass | |
665 Astragalus | |
807 Astragalus | |
Spring on hill |
718 sedge |
808 Grass | |
809 Rosa | |
746 Carex | |
664 Dodecatheon | |
619 Grass | |
766 Calochortus | | Locations: Kyle Canyon.
June 20 | Kyle Canyon – West Side
754 Draba | |
540 Crucifer | |
Locations: Mary Jane Falls.
Mary Jane Falls 8200 ft. |
754 Draba | |
810 Crucifer | |
| |
612 Erigeron uncialis |
540 Crucifer | |
593 Oenothera | | Locations: Spring Hill.
Spring Hill |
553 Cryptantha Jamesii var. abortive |
622 Ditaxis |
June 20 | Spring Hill
800 Apocynum | |
Kyle Canyon Road |
811 Cirsium | |
812 Opuntia | | Locations: Lead Mine.
June 21 | Lead Mine Road
813 Composite 7700 ft. |
756 Crucifer | |
542 Cercocarpus | |
782 Habenaria sparsiflora |
549 Corydalis | |
775 Arenaria 8000 ft. |
561 Linum | |
810 Crucifer | |
543 Trifolium | |
814 Opunita occidentalis |
721 Crucifer | |
743 Crucifer | |
June 22 | Lee Canyon and return
735.1 Oenothera howardii (A. Nels.) Wagner
| |
593 Oenothera howardii (A. Nels.) Wagner
| |
767 Crucifer 10,320 ft. |
815 Pyrola 10,320 ft. |
816 Oenothera Potentilla crinata A. Gray (Wats.) var. lemmonii K & P 7800 ft.
| |
784 Thalictrum | |
793 Crucifer | |
789 Erigeron | |
802 Brickellia | | Locations: Deer Creek.
Deer Creek, 8000 ft. |
803 Potentilla See June 19 |
744 Gilia pungens | | Locations: Spring Hill.
Spring Hill, 7500 ft. |
806 Grass | |
808 Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv.
| |
808 Bromus carinatus L. |
June 23 | Base Spring Hill
817 Clematis ligusticafolia |
813 Composite This entry is crossed out.
| |
766 Calochortus Crossed out. Fritillaria atropurpurea Nutt. det. Santana, 1980
| |
Charleston Road, 3450 ft. |
854 Eriogonum | |
855 Eriogonum | |
810 Crucifer Lepidium |
(nos. 818 – 842 on pgs. 13 and 14) |
| Locations: Baker.
843 Dalea spinosa Gray |
844 Petalonyx E[ast of] Baker | Tidestroma oblongiflora (Wats.) Standl. | Locations: Barstow.
845 Abronia Between Yermo & Barstow |
351 See May 2 Cassia armata Wats. Between Barstow & Victorville
| |
846 Oenothera brevipes Between Barstow and Victorville.
| | Locations: Victorville.
847 Croton californica var. mohavensis. West of Victorville.
| |
848 Composite Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (Harv. & Gray) Gray var. hirtellus Blake. West of Victorville.
| |
849 Navarretia Eriastrum eremicum (Jeps.) Mason West of Victorville.
| |
850 Eriastrum plutiflorum (Heller) Mason. Mint Canyon, Los Angeles County.
| |
851 Nicotiana glauca Graham. 4 miles south of Newhall.
| |
852 Laganaria. Hollywood Hotel. |
Parker Dam, Colorado R., Calif – May 4, 1939
| Locations: Parker Dam. |
Parker Dam, Colorado R., Calif – May 4, 1939 |
Looking down river from Parker Dam, Calif.
| |
Looking down river from Parker Dam, Calif. |
Parker Dam, Colorado R., Calif. May 4, 1939
| Locations: Parker Dam. |
Parker Dam, Colorado R., Calif. May 4, 1939 |
Parker Dam |
Parker Dam, Colorado R., Calif., May 4, 1939 |
Road to Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif., May 7, 1939
| Locations: Gene Wash. |
Road to Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif., May 7, 1939 |
Parker Dam Lake, Calif., May 4, 1939
| |
Parker Dam Lake, Calif., May 4, 1939 |
Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif. May 7, 1939.
| Locations: Gene Wash. |
Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif. May 7, 1939. |
Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif., May 7 1939.
| |
Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif., May 7 1939. |
Arm of Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 5, 1939.
| Locations: Copper Basin Lake. |
Arm of Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 5, 1939. |
Gene Wash, Copper Basin Lake, Whipple Mts., Calif. May 5, ’39.
| |
Gene Wash, Copper Basin Lake, Whipple Mts., Calif. May 5, ’39. |
Cereus giganteus. Power Line Rd., Whipple Mts, Calif. May 7, 1939
Locations: Whipple Mountains.
Cereus giganteus. Power Line Rd., Whipple Mts, Calif. May 7, 1939
Palo Verde in bloom. Parkinsonia microphyllum Power Line Rd., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Palo Verde in bloom. Parkinsonia microphyllum Power Line Rd., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Dalea spinosa Bowman’s Wash, Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939
| Locations: Bowmans Wash.
Dalea spinosa Bowman’s Wash, Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939
Parkinsonia microphylla in bloom, Power Line Rd., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Parkinsonia microphylla in bloom, Power Line Rd., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Agave utahensis nevadensis Nolina bigelovii Road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939
| Locations: Copper Basin Lake. |
Agave utahensis nevadensis Nolina bigelovii Road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939
Road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Opuntia bigelovii. Rd. to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 7, 1939.
| Locations: Copper Basin Lake. |
Opuntia Bigelovii. Rd. to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 7, 1939.
On road to Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
On road to Gene Wash Intake, Parker Dam, Calif. May 7, 1939. |
Monument Peak, Whipple Mts., Calif., from Bowman Wash, May 7, 1939
| Locations: Monument Peak.
Monument Peak, Whipple Mts., Calif., from Bowman Wash, May 7, 1939
Monument Pk., from road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Monument Pk., from road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif. May 7, 1939.
| |
Road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 7, 1939.
| Locations: Copper Basin Lake. |
Road to N. W. side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 7, 1939.
Northwest side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 7, 1939.
| Locations: Copper Basin Lake. |
Northwest side Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 7, 1939.
| |
Colorado R., below Parker Dam, Calif., May 5, 1939
| Locations: Colorado River. |
Colorado R., below Parker Dam, Calif., May 5, 1939 |
Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 6, 1939.
| Locations: Copper Basin Lake. |
Copper Basin L., Whipple Mts., Calif., May 6, 1939. |
Echinocactus acanthodes, Copper Basin, Whipple Mts., Calif., May 6, 1939.
| |
Echinocactus acanthodes, Copper Basin, Whipple Mts., Calif., May 6, 1939.
Echinocactus acanthodes -- Copper Basin, Whipple Mts., Calif, May 6, 1939.
| |
Echinocactus acanthodes -- Copper Basin, Whipple Mts., Calif, May 6, 1939.
| |
Cereus giganteus, Gene Wash – Copper Basin Road, Whipple Mts., Calif., May 5, 1939.
| Locations: Gene Wash. |
Cereus giganteus, Gene Wash – Copper Basin Road, Whipple Mts., Calif., May 5, 1939.
| |
Cereus giganteus. Gene Wash – Copper Basin Rd., Whipple Mts., Calif.
| |
Cereus giganteus. Gene Wash – Copper Basin Rd., Whipple Mts., Calif.
| |
Crossroads, Calif., May 9, 1939.
| Locations: Cross Roads. |
Crossroads, Calif., May 9, 1939. |
Canal – Water from Parker Dam Lake, Calif., May 9, 1939.
| |
Canal – Water from Parker Dam Lake, Calif., May 9, 1939. |
Chilopsis linearis (Specimen #400) on road to Goffs from Needles, Calif., May 10, 1939.
| |
Chilopsis linearis (Specimen #400) on road to Goffs from Needles, Calif., May 10, 1939.
Chilopsis linearis |
Chilopsis linearis |
New York Mts., Calif., May 10, 1939.
| Locations: New York Mountains. |
New York Mts., Calif., May 10, 1939. |
One mile south of Barnwell, New York Mts., Calif., May 10, 1939
| Locations: Barnwell.
One mile south of Barnwell, New York Mts., Calif., May 10, 1939 |
Mormon Canyon, southeast Clark Mt. Station., Barstow – Las Vegas Highway, Calif., May 16, 1939.
| Locations: Mormon Canyon. |
Mormon Canyon, southeast Clark Mt. Station., Barstow – Las Vegas Highway, Calif., May 16, 1939.
Coliseum Mine Road, looking north to Kingston Peak., Calif., May 13, 1939.
| |
Coliseum Mine Road, looking north to Kingston Peak., Calif., May 13, 1939.
| |
Approach to Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 25, 1939.
| Locations: Kyle Canyon. |
Approach to Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 25, 1939. |
Opuntia acanthocarpa -- Mesa, 6700 ft., Kyle Canyon, May 25, 1939.
| |
Opuntia acanthocarpa -- Mesa, 6700 ft., Kyle Canyon, May 25, 1939.
| |
Pinus ponderosa scopulorum (Specimen #583) Charleston Park Resort, 7500 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev., May 24, 1939.
| |
Pinus ponderosa scopulorum (Specimen #583) Charleston Park Resort, 7500 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev., May 24, 1939.
Charleston Park Resort, Nev., June 21, 1939.
| Locations: Charleston Park Resort. |
Charleston Park Resort, Nev., June 21, 1939. |
Our cabin, Charleston Park Resort, 7000 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev. May
| Locations: Charleston Park Resort. |
Our cabin, Charleston Park Resort, 7000 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev. May 30, 1939.
Road from Kyle to Lee Canyon, looking south, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 22, 1939.
| |
Road from Kyle to Lee Canyon, looking south, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 22, 1939.
| |
Kyle Canyon, Charleston Pk., from Spring Hills, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939
| Locations: Kyle Canyon. |
Kyle Canyon, Charleston Pk., from Spring Hills, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939
Cathedral Rock from Spring Hills, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939
| Locations: Cathedral Rock.
Cathedral Rock from Spring Hills, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939
| |
Little Falls, Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939.
| Locations: Little Falls. |
Little Falls, Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939.
Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev. |
Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev. |
Looking south from Lead mine, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 21, 1939
| Locations: Lead Mine.
Looking south from Lead mine, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 21, 1939
Looking south from Spring Hill, Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939
| |
Looking south from Spring Hill, Kyle Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., May 26, 1939
| |
Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., 8300 ft., May 24, 1939
| Locations: Lee Canyon. |
Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., 8300 ft., May 24, 1939 |
Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., 8650 ft., May 24, 1939
| |
Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., 8650 ft., May 24, 1939 |
Abies concolor. Lead mine, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 21, 1939.
| Locations: Lead Mine.
Abies concolor. Lead mine, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 21, 1939.
Pinus ponderosa scopulorim. Lead mine, June 21, 1939.
| |
Pinus ponderosa scopulorim. Lead mine, June 21, 1939. |
Summit of ridge between Deer Ck., and Kyle Canyon, 9850 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939.
| |
Summit of ridge between Deer Ck., and Kyle Canyon, 9850 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939.
Summit of ridge bet. Deer Cr. and Kyle Canyon, 9850 ft., below Mummy Rock, Charleston Mts., Nev., Pinus aristata, June 17, 1939.
| |
Summit of ridge bet. Deer Cr. and Kyle Canyon, 9850 ft., below Mummy Rock, Charleston Mts., Nev., Pinus aristata, June 17, 1939.
| |
Pinus aristata -- girth 30 ft., ridge below Mummy Rock, 9850 ft., Chalreston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939
| |
Pinus aristata -- girth 30 ft., ridge below Mummy Rock, 9850 ft., Chalreston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939
Weathered root of Pinus aristata, ridge below Mummy Rock, 9850 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev.
| |
Weathered root of Pinus aristata, ridge below Mummy Rock, 9850 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev.
| |
Mummy Rock, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939
| Locations: Mummy Rock. |
Mummy Rock, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939 |
Kyle Canyon from ridge below Mummy Rock, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939.
| |
Kyle Canyon from ridge below Mummy Rock, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 17, 1939.
| |
Lee Canyon from source of water supply, 10, 3000 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev., June 22, 1939.
| Locations: Lee Canyon. |
Lee Canyon from source of water supply, 10, 3000 ft., Charleston Mts., Nev., June 22, 1939.
Old road to water supply, Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 22, 1939.
| |
Old road to water supply, Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts., Nev., June 22, 1939.
| |
June 23 | | Locations: Coliseum Mine. Las Vegas.
Drive in three hours from Las Vegas to the Coliseum Mine Road taking the Power Line Road soon after crossing the Nevada – California boundary. Make camp about one mile below the Coliseum Mine and in P. M. walk up a flat leading to the canyon that drains the narrow belt of firs at the base of the north facing cliffs of Clark Mt., a heavy growth of shrubs on the flat or mesa including Fallugia, Coleogyne, Lycium, Ephedra, and three species of Opuntia. Penstemon palmeri is now in seed.
| |
June 24 | | Locations: Clark Mountain.
Today walked to the base of the cliffs of Clark Mountain facing north and sheltering a narrow belt of white fir. The canyon which drains this part of the mountain forks at the upper end forming the two basins which contain the fir forest. In climbing we took the right hand fork having to go around two rocks on precipices in the canyon and soon after we had reached the basin. It was a stiff up hill pull to the base of the cliffs at 7500 ft altitude. On the way noted Salvia in bloom, Garrya in fruit, and small plants in flower, the commonest one being a species of parsley(?) gone to seed. We had intended following around the base of the cliffs for rock loving plants but the climb had consumed too much time. However, we did find a few rock plants in sheltered places.
| |
| Locations: Needles.
400 Chilopsis linearis (Cov.) Sweet 11.3 mi. N. W. Needles
| |
401 Datura discolor D. meteloides DC. 13.3 mi. N. W. Needles.
| |
402 Cucurbita palmate Wats. 20.8 mi. N. W. Needles.
| |
Locations: New York Mountains.
403 |
Composite Eriophyllum pringlei Gray South slope N. Y. Mts.
| |
404 |
Delphinium Parishii or amabile ? South slope N. Y. Mts.
| |
405 |
Krameria canescens South slope N. Y. Mts. |
406 |
Brickellia South slope N. Y. Mts. |
407 |
Navarretia South slope N. Y. Mts. |
408 |
Eriophyllum Wallacei South slope N. Y. Mts. |
409 |
Mirabilis bigelovii Gray var. retrosa (Haller) Munz Mesa N. Y. Mts. 3850 ft.
| |
410 |
Layia glandulosa Mesa N. Y. Mts. 3850 ft. |
411 |
Calochortus Kennedyi Mesa N. Y. Mts. 4400 ft. |
| Locations: Barnwell.
412 |
Erigeron 1 mi. S. Barnwell. |
413 |
Erigeron Mesa 4450 ft. |
414 |
Gilia latifolia Mesa 4400 ft. |
415 |
Mesa 4400 ft. | |
416 |
Phlox stansburyi (Torr.) Heller Mesa 4500 ft.
| |
417 |
Brickellia incana Gray Mesa 4500 ft.
| |
418 |
Senecio Mesa 4500 ft. |
419 |
Erigeron pumilis Nutt. ssp. concinnoides Cronq. Wash 4600 ft., Juniper & Joshua trees.
| |
420 |
Cryptantha tumulosa Wash 4600 ft., Juniper & Joshua trees.
| |
421 |
Artemisia Franseria eriocentra Gray Wash 4600 ft., Juniper & Joshua trees.
| |
422 |
Penstemon Wash 4600 ft., Juniper & Joshua trees. |
423 |
Lupinus ? rubens Rydb. Wash 4600 ft., Juniper & Joshua trees.
| |
424 |
Salvia carnosa = S. dorrii (Kell.) Abram Wash 4600 ft., Juniper & Joshua trees.
| |
425 |
Fallugia Wash 4600 ft., Juniper & Joshua trees. |
426 |
Phacelia Verbena goodingii Briq. North slope N. Y. Mts.
| | Locations: Ivanpah.
427 |
Phacelia 1½ mi. E. Ivanpah |
428 |
Lepidium near Ivanpah |
| Locations: Clark Mountain.
430 |
Penstemon Palmeri | |
431 |
Stanleya pinnata (Pursh.) Britton
| |
432 |
Cowania | | Locations: Mormon Canyon.
May 12 Mormon Canyon | 2 mi. S.E. Clark Mt. Station 4600 ft. |
433 |
Coleogyne ramosissima |
434 |
Castilleja | |
435 |
Arenaria macradenia var. parishiorum
| |
436 |
Linanthus maculates |
437 |
Allium Dorr Cave, Mormon Canyon, 5400 ft. |
438 |
Linum Dorr Cave, Mormon Canyon, 5400 ft. |
| Locations: Dorr Cave.
439 |
Composite, Trail to Dorr Cave |
440 |
Mimulus, Trail to Dorr Cave |
441 |
Senecio, Trail to Dorr Cave |
442 |
Mentzelia albicaulis, Trail to Dorr Cave |
443 |
(Blank), Trail to Dorr Cave |
444 (Blank), Trail to Dorr Cave |
Collection No. 444 not found in SMASCH |
445 |
Tragia seylaris Muell-Arg., Trail to Dorr Cave.
| |
446 |
Ephedra viridis Cov. , Trail to Dorr Cave, 5,000 ft.
| |
447 |
Cheilanthes | |
448 |
Cowania mexicana, Dorr’s cabin. |
449 Yucca baccata, Dorr’s cabin, 5,000 ft.This collection not found in SMASCH, entered it into Observation table, instead of the Collection table.
| | Locations: Mormon Canyon.
450 |
Cereus mohavensis, Mormon canyon |
451 Orobanche cooperi, Mormon canyon. This collection not found in SMASCH, entered it into the Observation table instead of the Collection table.
| |
452 |
Pinus monophylla, Mormon canyon |
453 Juniperus californica, Mormon canyon. This collection is more likely J. osteosperma, but was not found in SMASCH. It has been entered in this web site as an Observation, rather than a Collection.
| |
454 |
Thamnosma Montana, Mormon canyon |
455 |
Grass Poa longiligula, Mormon canyon
| |
456 |
Festuca octoflora Walt., Mormon canyon
| |
457 |
Cheilanthes feei Moore, Mormon canyon
| |
| | Locations: Mormon Canyon.
459 |
Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. var. marginata (Nutt.) Munz (orig. det.); subsp. crinata (Rydb.) Munz, det. W. L. Wagner Unable to read date., Mormon canyon
| |
460 |
Lycium cooperi, Mormon canyon. |
461 |
Calochortus aureus, Mormon canyon. |
462 |
Oenothera multijuga Wats. var. parviflora (Wats.) Munz, Mormon canyon
| |
463 |
Spirea caespitosa, Mormon canyon. |
464 |
Juniperus | | Locations: Clark Mountain.
May 13 | Power Line Road, W slope Clark Mt., 4000 ft. |
466 |
Acamptopappus Schockleyi Gray |
467 |
Parosela Fremontii Dalea Fremontii Torr. var. minutifolia (Parish) L. Benson JEPS68901 has a determination of Psorothamnus arborescens (Torr. ex A. Gray) Barneby var. minutifolius (Parish) Barneby, while UC626059 has a determination of P. fremontii (Torr. ex A. Gray) Barneby var. fremontii
| |
468 |
Tiquilia canescens (DC.)A. T. Richardson var. canescens.
| | Locations: Coliseum Mine.
469 |
Salazaria mexicana Torr., Colisseum Mine road, 4600 ft.
| |
470 |
Gaura coccinea (Nutt.) Parish, Colisseum Mine road, 4600 ft.
| |
471 |
Near mine | |
472 |
Penstemon centranthifolius, Near mine. |
473 |
Physaria chambersi Rollins, Near mine.
| |
474 |
Streptanthus (Caulanthus) crassicaulis (Torr.) Wats.
| |
475 |
| |
476 |
Mesa Power Line Rd. |
477 Near mine.No record of this collection in herbarium.
| |
478 |
Astragalus lentiginosus, Near mine. |
479 |
Romneya coulteri, Near mine. |
480 |
Cheilanthes | |
481 |
Psilostrophe cooperi, Power line road, 4000 ft. |
482 |
Navarretia Langloisia setosissima (T&G) Greene ssp. punctata (Coville) Timbrook, Timbrook 1978, Power line road, 4000 ft.
| | Locations: Mountain Pass.
May 14 | S. slope Clark Mt. Road to old zinc mine opposite Mountain Pass Service Station |
483 |
Composite. Haplopappus linearifolius DC. ssp. interior (Cov.) Hale. Ericameria linearifolia (DC.) Urbatsch & Wussow, det. Urbatsch, 1979.
| |
484 |
Cryptantha confertiflora (Greene) Payson
| |
485 |
Phacelia | |
486 |
Phacelia Fremontii Torr. |
487 |
Astragalus | |
488 488.1 488.2 |
Fraxinus anomala Wats. (Fruit: see June 25) 6000 ft.
| |
489 |
Ribes cereum Dougl. |
490 Symphoricarpus This collection not found in SMASCH.
| |
491 |
Arabis | |
492 |
Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. subsp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz
| |
493 |
Composite Asclepias asperula (Dene.) Woodson
| |
494 |
Grass Poa longiligula Scribn. & Williams
| |
495 |
Garrya | |
496 |
Mirabilis froebelli Clark Mt. Sta. 4400 ft. |
497 Yucca mohavensis Clark Mt. Sta. 4400 ft. This collection was not found in SMASCH.
| |
Locations: Clark Mountain Station.
May 15 | Clark Mt. Station
498 |
Cowania | |
499 |
Composite Dyssodia Thurberi Gray
| |
500 Chaenactis This collection was not found in SMASCH.
| |
501 |
Hymenoclea salsola |
502 |
Navarretia Langloisia setosissima (T. & G.) Greene ssp. punctata (Coville) Timbrook. Timbrook 1978.
| |
503 |
Nemacladus rigidus |
| Locations: Coliseum Mine.
504 |
Eschscholtzia glyptosperma May 13 near Colisseum mine. |
| Locations: Mormon Canyon.
505 |
Fallugia Mormon Canyon. |
506 |
Amelanchier Mormon Canyon. |
| Locations: Mescal Spring.
Mescal Spring 4700 ft. | 1½ mi. S. E. Mountain Pass. |
507 |
Lupinus ? rubens Rydb. |
508 |
Eschscholtzia minutiflora |
509 |
Lomatium | |
510 |
| |
511 |
Symphoricarpus | |
512 |
Baccharis viminea | |
Locations: Clark Mountain Station.
May 16 | Mesa, Clark Mt. Station
513 Composite This collection was not found in SMASCH.
| |
514 |
Baileya multiradiata |
Locations: Mescal Spring Canyon.
515 |
Viguiera multiflora (Nutt.) Blake var. nevadensis (Nels.) Blake. Mescal Spring Canyon, 4750 ft.
| |
516 |
Syntrichopappus fremontii Gray Mescal Spring Canyon, 5000 ft.
| |
517 |
Allium nevadense Wats. |
518 |
Composite | |
519 |
Montia Limia utahensis Rydb.
| |
520 |
| |
521 |
Layia glandulosa | |
522 |
Chaenactis steviodes |
| Locations: Mormon Canyon.
523 |
Delphinium Parishii or amabile ? Mormon Canyon.
| |
524 Sphaeralcea ambigua Mormon Canyon This collection not found in SMASCH.
| |
June 24 | Power line road to junction Colisseum Mine Road, California |
818 |
Navarretia Langloisia setosissima (T. & G.) Greene ssp. Setosissima Timbrook 1978 5 mi., E
| |
819 |
Lepidium | | Locations: Coliseum Mine.
Colisseum Mine Road |
430 Penstemon Palmeri 4700 ft. This appears to be a duplicate field notes entry. See also Collection No. 430 on Page 10.
| | Locations: Clark Mountain.
N. slope Clark Mt., 5000 ft. |
820 |
Opuntia acanthocarpa |
821 |
Opuntia erinacea | |
822 822.1 822.2 |
Arenaria macradenia Wats. var. Parishorum Robins
| |
823 |
Menodora scoparia Engelm. |
824 |
Castilleja | |
825 |
Brickellia | |
| Locations: Clark Mountain.
826 |
Galium | |
822 |
Arenaria See Collection No. 822 on previous page.
| |
827 |
Whipplea utahensis = Fendlerella utahensis (Wats.) Heller 6000 & 7500 ft.
| |
828 |
Brickellia 6000 ft. |
829 |
Gilia Aggregata = Ipomopsis aggregata cf. ssp. arizonica 7000 ft.
| |
830 |
Lomatium parryi Wats. 6500 ft.
| |
831 |
Senecio stygius Greene 6000 – 7500 ft.
| |
832 |
Phacelia perityloides |
833 |
Composite | |
783 |
Composite | |
834 |
Penstemon eatonii Gray 7000 ft. |
835 |
Crucifer Lesquerella latifolia A. Nels. 7500 ft.
| |
836 |
Erigeron uncialis Blake 7500 ft.
| |
837 |
Gilia pungens var. tenuiloba 7500 ft. |
838 Symphoricarpus 7500 ft. This collection not found in SMASCH.
| |
839 |
Saxifrage | |
840 |
Ribes cereum Dougl. |
841 |
Frasera albomarginata Wats. 7000 ft.
| |
842 |
Composite Petradoria pumila (Nutt.) Greene 6500 ft.
| |
488.2 |
Fraxinus anomala Wats. |
June 26, 1939 (?) |
351.2 |
Cassia armata Wats. | |
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| Date and time this article was prepared: 12/24/2004 11:53:19 AM |