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UC specimens and range limits for Dasya sinicola
  • Blue markers: specimen records
  • Yellow marker: type locality, if present
  • Red markers: endpoints of range from literature

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Dasya C. Agardh 1824

Thalli erect, radially branched, terete, with 4 or 5 pericentral cells cut off in clockwise sequence, each segment bearing monosiphonous, persistent, pigmented laterals, sometimes branched and occasionally polysiphonous basally; axes corticated. Tetrasporangia in stichidia, tetrahedrally divided. Spermatangia dense on stichidial branches. Procarps arising on third-formed pericentral cell, bearing 1 4-celled carpogonial branch and 2 groups of sterile cells; carposporangia in branching chains; pericarp formed after fertilization, large, usually elongate and beaked.

Dasya sinicola (S. & G.) Daws.

Heterosiphonia sinicola Setchell & Gardner 1924a: 770. Dasya sinicola (S. & G.) Dawson 1959: 32; 1963b: 408.

Thalli deep purple-red, several erect or partly procumbent axes arising from fleshy holdfasts; axes mostly bare of branches except at top, where tufts of monosiphonous laterals densely cover branches, the axes with 5 pericentral cells, heavily corticated; tetrasporangia in stichidia; spermatangial branches elongate, tapered, isolated or paired; the cystocarps large, scattered, urceolate, with beaked ostioles.

Dasya sinicola var. sinicola

Dawson 1963b: 408.

Thalli 3-10+ cm tall, frequently very lax when old, the axes 0.4-1.2 mm diam., the determinate laterals usually 60-80 µm near bases, tending to be deciduous, leaving much of axis bare.

Rare, subtidal (6-10 m), Santa Catalina I., Calif.; more common from I. Guadalupe, Mexico, through Baja Calif. and Gulf of Calif. into tropics. Type locality: La Paz, Gulf of Calif.

Vars. abyssicola and californica are smaller, and both occur outside the warmer areas favored by var. sinicola. Larger numbers of collections may show that there is an intergrading series, and thus no need to recognize varieties. Var. sinicola has been reported (Buggeln & Tsuda, 1969) from the mid-Pacific (Johnston I.).

Dasya sinicola var. abyssicola (Daws.) Daws.

Dasya abyssicola Dawson 1949b: 19. D. sinicola var. abyssicola (Daws.) Daws. 1963b: 410.

Thalli like the species but very small, the laterals 40-50 µm diam. at bases, 10-13 mm tall, the axes 200-300 µm diam.; laterals attenuate, less persistent than in var. californica.

Bare, saxicolous, subtidal (10-41 m), Santa Catalina I., Calif., to Pta. Frailes, Baja Calif. Type locality: San Clemente I., Calif.

Dasya sinicola var. californica (Gardn.) Daws.

Dasya californica Gardner 1927a: 340. D. sinicola var. californica (Gardn.) Dawson 1963b: 409.

Thalli like the species, but determinate laterals generally coarser, 80-100 µm at bases; laterals tending to persist, thus the upper branches more densely covered with laterals than in other varieties.

Frequent, saxicolous or entangled with other algae, low intertidal, Santa Catalina I., Newport Bay (Orange Co.), and La Jolla (type locality), Calif., to I. Magdalena, Baja Calif.

Excerpt from Abbott, I. A., & Hollenberg, G. J. (1976). Marine algae of California. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. xii [xiii] + 827 pp., 701 figs.

Classification: Algaebase


Type locality: Mexico: Baja California Sur: e of La Paz

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Copyright © 2024 Regents of the University of California
Citation for this page: Dasya sinicola, in Kathy Ann Miller (ed.), 2024 California Seaweeds eFlora, [accessed on April 25, 2024]
Citation for the whole website: Kathy Ann Miller (ed.) 2024. California Seaweeds eFlora, [accessed on April 25, 2024].

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