

This list represents all pteridophyte species known to grow on Moorea. Most pictures are of living specimens taken in the field. Herbarium specimens from the University and Jepson Herbaria at the University of California at Berkeley were used when field pictures were not available.

Diagnostic Key to Pteridophytes of Moorea

Ethnobotanical Uses of Pteridophytes

Click on photos or on links to see larger pictures.


Asplenium australasicum

Bird's Nest Fern

Photos: Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic at middle to high elevations; in rainforests, generally in high tree forks.

Notes: Differs from the less common Asplenium nidus by midrib rounded abaxially.

Asplenium caudatum

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Asplenium gibberosum

Description: Terrestrial at middle elevations.

Synonym: Loxoscaphe gibberosa

Asplenium nidus

Description: Epiphytic at middle to high elevations; in rainforests, generally in high tree forks.

Notes: Often mistaken for A. australasicum, which is much more common on Moorea. Differs from A. australasicum by flat midrib.

Asplenium polyodon

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic, found in tree forks, at times with Asplenium australasicum, as well as on logs and rocks.

Asplenium tenerum

Description: Lithophytic, rainforest, generally near creeks.


Deparia confluens

Description: Terrestrial at middle elevations in rainforest.

Deparia petersenii ssp. congrua

Description: Epipetric on damp rock faces in cloud forest. Morphologically similar to Deparia confluens but larger in overall size.

Diplazium ellipticum

Description: Terrestrial in forest understory.

Diplazium grantii

Description: Terrestrial in forest understory.

Diplazium harpeodes

Photos: Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial in forest understory.

Diplazium proliferum

Photos: Field 1* 2* Fertile frond*

*Marie Fourdrigniez 2009

Description: Terrestrial in forest understory. Note numerous bulbets along rachis. Introduced.

Description: Terrestrial at low to middle elevations, usually found in exposed, drier areas, often in colonies.

Blechnum pacificum

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest. Lamina of fertile segments reduced, sterile segments expanded on the same frond.

Blechnum patersonii

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest. Young leaves bright red.

Description: Terrestrial at middle elevations. Pinna gradually reduced towards base.

Blechnum vulcanicum

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest. Young leaves bright red.


Alsophila tahitensis

Photos: Field 1 2 Frond sections Fertile frond Frond tip Stipe base Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, tree fern to 10 meters, in rainforests and cloud forests; extirpated from some previously known localities on Moorea.

Cyathea epaleata

Description: Rare tree fern, terrestrial at high elevations. Scales concentrated on apex of growing bud tip.

Sphaeropteris medullaris

Photos: Field 1 2 Fertile frond Frond tip Stipe base Herbarium specimen 1 2 3

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in rainforests and cloud forests; extirpated from some previously known localities on Moorea.


Davallia solida

Photos: Field 1* 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Midrib Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic at all elevations, usually in rainforests.

Humata anderssonii

Photo: Field

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations in cloud forest.

Humata pectinata

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic, climbing on trees in rainforests.

Wibelia denticulata

Photos: Field Whole frond Frond tip Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial at low to middle elevations, in forest understory near streams and/or in rocky areas.


Histiopteris incisa

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Hypolepis dicksonioides

Photos: Field Whole frond Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen

Description: Terrestrial at high elevation, in cloud forest.

Hypolepis tenuifolia

Description: Terrestrial, middle elevations in forest understory.

Microlepia scaberula

Photos: Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial in forst understory.

Paesia divaricatissima

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest.


Arachniodes aristata

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial, in moist areas in forest understory and among boulders.

Bolbitis lonchophora

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial, damp areas near streams in small valleys.

Ctenitis sciaphila var. sciaphila

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2 3

Description: Terrestrial, in forest understory.

Dryopteris dicksonioides

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations.

Dryopteris macrolepidota

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations.

Elaphoglossum florencei

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations.

Note: Morphologically similar to Elaphoglossum samoense, but varies by thinner rhizomes covered with smaller scales and by serrulate petiolar scales that are flat and not erect.

Elaphoglossum samoense

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest

Note: E. societarum Copel. is possibly a synonym, certainly it is closely related

Elaphoglossum savaiense

Photos: Field

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations

Note: Copeland called this E. gorgoneum, but that species is a synonym of the Hawaiian endemic E. aemulum (as indicated by D. Palmer and others). The most applicable name to Society Islands material is E. savaiense (type from Samoa). Reported for Moorea by Drake del Castillo (1893) as E. gorgoneum.

Leucostegia pallida

Description: Epiphytic at middle elevations.

Note: Long thought to be a member of Davalliaceae, but molecular data shows it to be in Dryopteridaceae.

Lomagramma tahitensis

Photos: Field 1 2 3 Whole plant Frond surface Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial and climbing trees in forests.

Teratophyllum wilkesianum

Photos: Field Whole plant Frond surface Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial and climbing trees, sometimes in open areas.


Dicranopteris linearis var. linearis

Photos: Field* Herbarium specimen 1 2

*Vicente Garcia 2002

Description: Terrestrial, thicket-forming, aggressive weed in dry, open, disturbed areas at all elevations; will completely colonize fire scars, growing in dense thickets up to 3 m tall., often in very hot, exposed ridges, where it forms the dominant ground cover; extensive use in decorating for festivals, also used medicinally by various Pacific cultures.

Diplopterygium longissimum

Photos: Field Whole plant Pinna Midrib and pinnae bases

Description: Similar growth habit as Dicranopteris linearis var. linearis, but less common.

Sticherus tahitensis

Photos: Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Similar growth habit as Dicranopteris linearis var. linearis, but less common.


Abrodictyum asae-grayi

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest, rare. Lamina is reduced to only a few cells wide on either side of vein.

Note: Very similar in morphology to Southeast Asian Abrodictyum pluma; further studies needed to determine relationship between the two.

Abrodictyum caudatum

Photo: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at middle to high elevations. Grows exclusively on tree fern rhizomes.

Abrodictyum dentatum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Sporangia Herbarium specimen

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations in rainforest understory. Fronds have tough, coriaceous texture.

Callistopteris apiifolia

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Stipe Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest. Often near streams.

Crepidomanes bipunctatum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Sporangia Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Lithophytic or, less commonly, epiphytic in rainforest understory, sometimes growing with Crepidomanes humile.

Crepidomanes humile

Photos: Field Fertile frond Herbarium 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic in rainforest.

Crepidomanes kurzii

Photos: Field Whole frond Sporangia

Description: Lithophytic in rainforest, rocks on streambanks. Resembles Crepdiomanes humile, but smaller (average frond 1 cm).

Crepidomanes minutum

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant 1 2 Gametophyte

Description: Epiphytic at mid to high elevations. In some individuals, "proliferations" occur where a new frond is produced directly from the stipe or lamina of another.

Note: Two morphotypes present on Moorea supported by molecular data.

Didymoglossum tahitense

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Herbarium specimen

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic on trees and wet rocks in rainforests; fronds peltate, closely appressed to substrate.

Hymenophyllum digitatum

Photos: Field Whole plant Involucre

Description: Epiphyte at high elevations in cloud forest. Often occurs on well covered tree bases in very low light.

Hymenophyllum flabellatum

Photos: Field 1 2 3 Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Note: Molecular data shows that this species is closely related to Hymenophyllum pallidum. The two are very different in morphology except for the conspicuous yellow rhizome hairs.

Hymenophyllum cf. javanicum

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Notes: Specimens of H. javanicum and Hymenophyllum samoense form a continuous series of morphological forms. More study needed on this group.

Hymenophyllum aff. multifidum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Notes: Involucres bent up relative to the lamina are characteristic of H. multifidum, but Moorean material is dimunitive in size and differs in other morphological details such as stipe wing. Further study needed.

Hymenophyllum pallidum

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Involucre

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest. Frond surface has distinctive white sheen.

Notes: (see Hymenophyllum flabellatum)

Hymenophyllum polyanthos

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Involucres

Description: Epiphytic at mid to high elevations, in cloud forest.

Notes: A cosmopolitan, polyphyletic species.

Polyphlebium borbonicum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Notes: Sometimes confused with Polyphlebium endlicherianum, but differs by lack of specialized sub-marginal cells.

Polyphlebium endlicherianum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Lamina Rhizome

Description: Epipetric on moist rocks in low elevation cloud forest.

Vandenboschia maxima

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in cloud forest.


Lindsaea repens var. marquesensis

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at middle elevations.

Lindsaea rigida

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations.

Sphenomeris chinensis

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Common fern of dry, disturbed sites.


Lomariopsis brackenridgei

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond segment Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2 3

Description: Terrestrial and climbing trees in forest understory, rocky, shaded areas.

Nephrolepis biserrata

Photo: Field

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations.

Nephrolepis cordifolia

Fishbone fern, Herringbone fern

Photo: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Stipe bases Rhizome Herbarium specimen

Description: Terrestrial in open exposed areas.

Nephrolepis exaltata

Photos: 1 2

Description: Terrestrial.

Notes: This species is the source of the "Boston Fern," the world's most popular indoor cultivated fern variety.

Nephrolepis hirsutula

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2 3

Description: Terrestrial or epiphytic, fronds to ca. 1 m, common at all elevations in forested areas.


Huperzia phlegmaria

Common tassel-fern

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Microphylls Fertile segment Rhizome Herbarium specimen

Description: Epiphytic, rarely lithophytic or terrestrial, pendant.

Huperzia ribourtii

Photos: Field Whole plant Microphylls Strobili Roots

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Huperzia squarrosa

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile section Roots

Description: Epiphytic at middle elevations.

Lycopodiella cernua

Photos: Field 1 2* Whole plant Fertile segment Roots Herbarium specimen 1 2

*Photo Vicente Garcia 2002

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations, erect "clubmoss" with nodding strobili, found in open dry to moist areas, or on forest borders in understory.


Lygodium reticulatum

Climbing fern

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2 3

Description: Twining vine at middle to high elevations, in rainforests, frequently in disturbed sites.


Angiopteris evecta

Photos: Field 1 2* Herbarium specimen

*Vicente Garcia 2002

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations, fronds 3 or 4 meters, widespread in damp areas near streams in valleys; larger than Ptisana, sporangia not completely fused into synangia, common.

Ptisana salicina

Photos: Field 1 2 Pulvini Stipe base Whole frond Fertile segment Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations, in wet valleys; smaller than Angiopteris, sporangia fully fused into synangia, uncommon.

Synonym: Marattia salicina


Marsilea polycarpa


Description: Aquatic or semi-aquatic fern with clover-like leaves, in shallow water and very moist areas.


Oleandra sibbaldii

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations in cloud forest. Common on ridges on Mt. Tohiea.


Ophioglossum pendulum

Ribbon fern

Photos: Field 1 2 Sporophore Roots Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or on fallen logs, at middle to high elevations epiphyte, pendant on forest trees, frequently growing with Asplenium australasicum.

Ophioglossum reticulatum


Description: Terrestrial at low elevations, in forest or open areas near water sources. Rare, possibly naturalized from cultivated plants.


Archigrammitis tahitensis

Photos: Field Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Notes: Formerly placed in Grammitis (see note for Grammitis marginelloides) but lacks black margins; the new combination with Archigrammitis is not yet published.

Belvisia spicata

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome with two rows of phyllopodia Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphyte or lithophyte in rainforests at middle to high elevations.

Calymmodon cf. orientalis

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphyte at high elevations in cloud forest.

Notes: Calymmodon grantii is also reported from Tahiti, but differences between these two species are unclear.

Ctenopterella blechnoides

Photos: Field Herbarium specimen

Description: Lithophytic or epiphytic in moist rainforests.

Synonym: Ctenopteris blechnoides

Dasygrammitis cf. purpurascens

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile fronds Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Notes: Dasygrammitis purpurascens is reported from Moorea, but current collections need to be checked against type material.

Grammitis marginelloides

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, in cloud forest.

Notes: Grammitis as currently circumscribed includes only those species with black margins, which form a monophyletic group.

Microsorum commutatum


Photos: Field Frond Sori Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or terrestrial in forest understory.

Notes: Commonly called Phymatosorus commutatus or Polypodium vitiense. This species is commonly used medicinally in the Society Islands; Crushed leaves emit a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of cinnamon and coumarin. The more common Microsorum grossum is used even more extensively as a medicine.

Microsorum grossum

Metua pua'a

Photos: Field Whole plant Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2 3

Description: Terrestrial or lithophytic, at all elevations in exposed areas or under light tree cover, also found on “motu” (reef islands).

Notes: Commonly called Phymatosorus grossus, and all references to Phymatosorus scolopendria for the Society Islands are referable to this species. The most commonly used medicinal fern in the Society Islands, and likely in the entire Pacific.

Microsorum x maximum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen

Description: Terrestrial or lithophytic at low elevations, coastal areas. Rare hybrid with irregular blades.

Notes: Hybrid between Microsorum punctatum and Microsorum grossum

Microsorum membranifolium

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic in forest understory, fronds much larger than other similar Microsorum spp.

Synonyms: Microsorum nigrescens, Phymatosorus nigrescens, Phymatosorus membranifolium.

Microsorum powellii

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations.

Microsorum punctatum

Photos: Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial, lithophytic, or rarely epiphytic at low elevations, in xeric coastal areas, frequently in sandy soil in coastal forest.

Oreogrammitis raiateensis

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Sorus Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic in cloud forest.

Prosaptia contigua

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at middle to high elevations.

Prosaptia cf. subnuda

Photos: Field Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic in moist rainforests.

Pyrrosia serpens

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2 3

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic at low to middle elevations.

Selliguea plantaginea

Photos: Field Fertile frond Frond base Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations.


Psilotum complanatum

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Epiphytic at low to middle elevations, rare on Moorea.

Psilotum nudum

Skeleton fork fern

Photos: Field 1 2 Fertile frond Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or terrestrial, all elevations.

Tmesipteris gracilis

Photos: Field Whole frond Synangia Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic at high elevations, nearly always on tree ferns. Rare on Moorea.

Notes: All collections identified as Tmesipteris tannensis for the Society and Marquesas Islands are referable to Tmesipteris gracilis.


Acrostichum aureum

Golden mangrove fern

Photos: Field 1 2* 3* Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial at low elevations, fronds to ca. 1.5 m, in open, moist, muddy, and/or swampy areas, amongst mangroves, and on coastal cliffs.

Adiantum hispidulum

Rough maidenhair fern

Photos: Field Whole plant Frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial, rarely lithophytic on damp rocks in very shady places in understory, near streams and in moist areas.

Adiantum raddianum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial or lithophytic in forest understory. Native to South America, naturalized on Moorea.

Adiantum trapeziforme

Photos: Field 1 2 Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations, in exposed, dry to moist areas. Native to Mexico and Central America, naturalized on Moorea.

Antrophyum plantagineum

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic, in damp areas, usually under significant tree cover.

Antrophyum reticulatum

Photos: Field 1 2 Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium 1 2 3

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic, in damp areas, usually under significant tree cover. Can resemble a larger version of Antrophyum plantagineum.

Notes: There are many reports of A. callifolium (type from Java) from the Society Islands, but collections identified as this in herbaria are all referable to A. reticulatum (type from Tahiti), the older name. In any case, A. callifolium is dubiously distinct.

Cheilanthes cf. nudiuscula

Photos: Field Frond Frond underside Rhizome

Description: Lithophytic on dry exposed hillsides.

Notes: Material from the Society Islands has historically been called C. tenuifolia; C. nudiuscula is closely related and may differ in density of laminar hairs. Available Mo’orean material was immature and depauperate; additional research is needed to determine which name should be applied.

Doryopteris concolor

Photos: Field Whole plant Frond underside Rhizome

Description: Lithophytic, uncommon on Moorea.

Haplopteris elongata

Tape fern

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Epiphytic or lithophytic; grass-like fern, mostly on roots of other larger epiphytes, on fallen logs, or on rocks.

Pityrogramma calomelanos

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial at low to middle elevations, in rocky disturbed areas, forest margins, plantations. Native to the Neotropics.

Pteris comans

Netted brake fern

Photos: 1 2

Description: Terrestrial, fronds to 1 meter, in shaded rainforests near streams, in rocky soils.

Pteris ensiformis cv. 'Victoriae'

Photos: Field Whole plant Frond surface Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at low elevations in disturbed areas.

Notes: Ornamental cultivar which has escaped and become naturalized on Moorea.

Pteris mertensioides

Photos: Field 1 2 Fertile frond

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations. Rare on Moorea.

Pteris tripartita

Giant brake fern, Lacy brake fern

Photos: Field 1 2 Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen

Description: Terrestrial, fronds to 1 meter, in rainforests near streams.


Schizaea dichotoma

Fan fern

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations, in varying habitats, wet to dry, in forests and in open areas, uncommon.


Selaginella banksii

Photos: Field Whole plant Strobili and stem Stem base Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial in forests.

Selaginella laxa

Photos: Field Whole plant (adaxial) Whole plant (abaxial)

Description: Lithophytic, rocks in or near streams.


Arthropteris palisotii

Photos: Field Whole plant Frond Rhizome

Description: Epipetric, middle elevations.

Notes: Family affiliations based on morphology uncertain, but molecular data supports Arthropteris as an early-diverging lineage of Tectariaceae.

Tectaria decurrens

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at middle elevations.

Tectaria dissecta

Photos: Field Uncurling fiddlehead Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations.

Tectaria tahitensis

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial, in forest understory.


Amphineuron opulentum

Photos: Field Whole frond Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at low elevations, rainforest understory.

Chingia longissima

Photos: Habit Stipe bases Erect rhizome Whole frond Fertile frond Stipe base Midrib

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations. Rare on Moorea.

Christella dentata

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Yellow glands on underside of leaf Rhizome

Description: Introduced weedy fern of disturbed sites

Coryphopteris sp.

Photos: Field Fertile frond Stipe bases Root and rhizome

Description: Terrestrial on ridgetops at high elevation, in cloud forest.

Notes: Cannot be assigned to a known species from the Society Islands. Seems close to Coryphopteris pubirachis var. tahitensis, but additional study needed.

Macrothelypteris polypodioides

Taiwanese tree fern

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial in open areas.

Macrothelypteris torresiana

Photos: Field Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at low elevations, rainforest understory.

Plesioneuron attenuatum

Photos: Field 1 2 3 Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial or lithophytic in forest understory.

Plesioneuron sp.

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at high elevations.

Notes: Cannot be assigned to a known species from the Society Islands. Seems to be close to material of Plesioneuron marquesicum from the Marquesas, but further study needed.

Pneumatopteris mesocarpa

Photos: Field Whole plant Middle pinnae Rhizome

Description: Terrestrial at middle to high elevations.

Sphaerostephanos invisus

Photos: Field Whole frond Frond tip Fertile pinna Herbarium specimen 1 2

Description: Terrestrial in forest understory at low elevation.

Sphaerostephanos subpectinatus

Photos: Field Whole plant Fertile frond Rhizome Herbarium specimen

Description: Terrestrial in forest understory at low elevation.

For more detailed information on the pteridophytes of Moorea, particularly in regards to synonymy, collection history, location of collections, distribution of taxa and a list of other species likely to be on Moorea, please refer to the following references:

Murdock, A. G. and A. R. Smith. 2003. Pteridophytes of Moorea, French Polynesia, with a new species Tmesipteris gracilis. Pacific Science 57(3): 253-265.

Nitta, J.H. 2008. Exploring the utility of three plastid loci for biocoding the filmy ferns (Hymenophyllaceae) of Moorea. Taxon 57(3): 725–736.

Nitta, J.H., Meyer, J.-Y., and A.R. Smith. 2011. Pteridophytes of Mo'orea, French Polynesia: Additional New Records. American Fern Journal 101(1): 36–49.

Ranker, T. A., Trapp, P. G., Smith, A. R., Moran, R. C., and B. S. Parris. 2005. New Records of Lycophytes and Ferns from Moorea, French Polynesia. American Fern Journal 95(3): 126–127.

Rouhan, G., Lorence, D.H., Motley, T.J., Hanks, J.G., and R.C. Moran. 2008. Systematic revision of Elaphoglossum (Dryopteridaceae) in French Polynesia, with the description of three new species. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158(2): 309–331.

* Unless otherwise noted, all photos of live plants on this page by Joel Nitta (2006, 2008, 2010) and all herbarium specimens by Andy Murdock (2002).

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