Native California Roses

copyright Barbara Ertter, 2001
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Comparative Table of Wood and Ground Roses in California

IMPORTANT NOTE: the distinctions between rose species are best understood as broad generalizations, with ample room for overlap, intergradation, and exceptions. See Historical Background and Taxonomic Decision-making for a general overview of the taxonomic challenges presented by roses.

PRICKLES somewhat thick based, paired few to numerous numerous numerous, slender
LEAVES gen 2-3 per side, finely hairy and/or glandular, tip often blunt (image) gen 2-3 per side, (sub)glabrous (image) gen 3 per side, glabrous or hairy (image) 3-4 per side, glabrous (image)
PEDICELS glabrous or glandular gen glandular glabrous or glandular prominently stalked-glandular (exc in Siskiyou Mts) (image)
SEPALS not deciduous, gen glandular, tip < body not deciduous, gen glandular, tip = body not deciduous, gen glandular, tip = body deciduous in fruit, glandular or not, tip short (image)
HIPS rarely glandular, ovoid in bud, pistils 5-20 (image) prominent stalked glands, ovoid in bud, pistils 10-20 (image) glabrous, round in bud, pistils 10-20 (image) glabrous, slender in bud, pistils < 10 (image)
SIZE ca 1-2 ft tall ca 0.5-2 ft tall ca 2-4 ft tall to 6 ft tall
HABITAT open floor of lower montane forest, to rocky ridges mixed forest (esp. after fire) & coastal scrub Monterey pine forest mostly forest shade (chaparral on serpentine)
DISTRIBUTION Sierra Nevada & southern Cascades (map) north & central Coast Ranges, Siskiyou Mts (map) Monterey Peninsula and nearby stands of Monterey pine (map) north California, Coast Ranges, disjunct on Palomar Mts, to British Columbia & Montana (map)

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