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beginning with PORPHYRA

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  1. PORPHYRA C. Agardh
  2. PORPHYRA C. Agardh
  3. PORPHYRA sect. DENTATA C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
  5. PORPHYRA sect. EDENTATA C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
  6. PORPHYRA sect. MARGINATA C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
  9. PORPHYRA subg. DIPLODERMA Rosenvinge
  10. PORPHYRA subg. EUPORPHYRA Rosenvinge
  11. Porphyra abbottiae f. fasciaria L.P. Perestenko
  12. Porphyra abbottiae ('abbottae') V. Krishnamurthy
  13. Porphyra abyssicola Kjellman
  14. Porphyra acanthophora E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
  15. Porphyra acanthophora var. brasiliensis E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
  16. Porphyra adamsiae W.A. Nelson
  17. Porphyra akasakae ('akasakai') A. Miura
  18. Porphyra akasakae ('akasakai') A. Miura
  19. Porphyra amethystea Kützing
  20. Porphyra amplissima (Kjellman) Setchell & Hus
  21. Porphyra amplissima f. crassa S. Kawabata
  22. Porphyra amplissima f. elliptica Nagai
  23. Porphyra amplissima f. lanceolata Nagai
  24. Porphyra angusta Okamura & Ueda
  25. Porphyra angusta f. sanrikuensis M. Kurogi
  26. Porphyra areolata Kjellman
  27. Porphyra argentinensis M.L. Piriz
  28. Porphyra atropurpurea (Olivi) De Toni
  29. Porphyra atropurpurea f. undulata Schiffner apud Schiffner & Vatova
  30. Porphyra augustinae Kützing
  31. Porphyra autumnalis Zanardini
  32. Porphyra bangiaeformis Kützing
  33. Porphyra boryana Montagne
  34. Porphyra boryi Trevisan
  35. Porphyra brumalis T.F. Mumford
  36. Porphyra brumalis T.F. Mumford
  37. Porphyra brumalis subsp. oligospora L.P. Perestenko
  38. Porphyra bulbopes (Yendo) Ueda
  39. Porphyra bulbopes Yendo
  40. Porphyra cameronii W.A. Nelson
  41. Porphyra capensis Kützing
  42. Porphyra carnea Grunow
  43. Porphyra carolinensis J. Coll & J. Cox
  44. Porphyra ceramicola (Lyngbye) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  45. Porphyra ceramicola var. vertebrata P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  46. Porphyra ceylanica J. Agardh
  47. Porphyra chauhanii C. Anil Kumar & M.V.N. Panikkar
  48. Porphyra ciliaris (Carmichael) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  49. Porphyra coccinea J. Agardh
  50. Porphyra coccinea J. Agardh ex Areschoug
  51. Porphyra columbina Montagne
  52. Porphyra columbina var. laingii Levring
  53. Porphyra cordata Meneghini
  54. Porphyra cordata var. orbicularis Grunow
  55. Porphyra coriacea Zanardini
  56. Porphyra crassa Ueda
  57. Porphyra crispata Kjellman
  58. Porphyra cucullata De Notaris
  59. Porphyra cuneiformis (Setchell & Hus) V. Krishnamurthy
  60. Porphyra delicatula Welwitsch
  61. Porphyra dentata Kjellman
  62. Porphyra denticulata Levring
  63. Porphyra dentimarginata C.Y. Chu & S.C. Wang
  64. Porphyra drachii J. Feldmann
  65. Porphyra drachii J. Feldmann
  66. Porphyra drewiae ('drewae') M.K. Elias
  67. Porphyra elegans (Chauvin) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  68. Porphyra endiviifolia ('endiviifolium') (A. Gepp & E. Gepp) Y.M. Chamberlain
  69. Porphyra fallax S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
  70. Porphyra fallax subsp. conwayae S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
  71. Porphyra fucicola V. Krishnamurthy
  72. Porphyra fuscopurpurea ('fusco-purpurea') (Dillwyn) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  73. Porphyra gardneri (G.M. Smith & G.J. Hollenberg) M.W. Hawkes
  74. Porphyra grateloupicola P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  75. Porphyra grayana Reinsch
  76. Porphyra haitanensis T.J. Chang & B.F. Zheng
  77. Porphyra helenae A.D. Zinova
  78. Porphyra hiberna S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
  79. Porphyra hiemalis Kylin
  80. Porphyra hiemalis T.F. Mumford
  81. Porphyra hollenbergii E.Y. Dawson
  82. Porphyra hospitans Zanardini ex Frauenfeld
  83. Porphyra hospitans Zanardini
  84. Porphyra inaequicrassa L.P. Perestenko
  85. Porphyra indica V. Krishnamurthy & M. Baluswami
  86. Porphyra insolita P. Kornmann & P.-H. Sahling
  87. Porphyra ionae R.W. Ricker
  88. Porphyra irregularis E. Fukuhara
  89. Porphyra ishigecola A. Miura
  90. Porphyra kanakaensis T.F. Mumford
  91. Porphyra kanyakumariensis V. Krishnamurthy & M. Baluswami
  92. Porphyra kaspar W.A. Nelson & N.M. Adams
  93. Porphyra katadae ('katadai') A. Miura
  94. Porphyra katadae var. hemiphylla C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
  95. Porphyra kinositae ('kinositai') (Y. Yamada & T. Tanaka) E. Fukuhara
  96. Porphyra koreana M.S. Hwang & I.K. Lee
  97. Porphyra kuniedae ('kuniedai') M. Kurogi
  98. Porphyra kunthiana Kützing
  99. Porphyra kurogii S.C. Lindstrom
  100. Porphyra lacerata A. Miura
  101. Porphyra laciniata (Lightfoot) C. Agardh
  102. Porphyra laciniata f. epiphytica Collins
  103. Porphyra laciniata f. linearis (Greville) Le Jolis
  104. Porphyra laciniata f. umbilicalis (Kützing) Kleen
  105. Porphyra laciniata f. vulgaris (Ruprecht) Le Jolis
  106. Porphyra laciniata var. capensis (Kützing) Grunow
  107. Porphyra laciniata var. elongata Areschoug
  108. Porphyra laciniata var. livida (De Notaris) Grunow
  109. Porphyra laciniata var. novae-zelandiae Laing
  110. Porphyra laciniata var. umbilicalis C. Agardh
  111. Porphyra laciniata var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh
  112. Porphyra lanceolata (Setchell & Hus) G.M. Smith
  113. Porphyra ledermannii Pilger
  114. Porphyra lejolisii ('le jolisii') (De Notaris) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  115. Porphyra leucosticta Thuret
  116. Porphyra leucosticta f. atlantica Hamel
  117. Porphyra leucosticta f. mediterranea Hamel
  118. Porphyra leucosticta f. suborbiculata (Kjellman) Yendo
  119. Porphyra linearis Greville
  120. Porphyra livida De Notaris
  121. Porphyra lucasii Levring
  122. Porphyra maculosa E. Conway
  123. Porphyra marcosii P.A. Cordero
  124. Porphyra marginata C.K. Tseng & T.J. Chang
  125. Porphyra martensiana Suhr
  126. Porphyra microphylla Zanardini
  127. Porphyra microphylla Reinsch
  128. Porphyra miniata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh
  129. Porphyra miniata f. cuneiformis Setchell & Hus
  130. Porphyra miniata f. latior Areschoug
  131. Porphyra miniata var. abyssicola (Kjellman) Rosenvinge
  132. Porphyra miniata var. amplissima (Kjellman) Rosenvinge
  133. Porphyra miniata var. pusilla Areschoug
  134. Porphyra minima P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  135. Porphyra minor Zanardini
  136. Porphyra monosporangia S. Wang & J. Zhang
  137. Porphyra moriensis H. Ohmi
  138. Porphyra mumfordii S.C. Lindstrom & K.M. Cole
  139. Porphyra naiadum C.L. Anderson
  140. Porphyra naiadum f. major Hus
  141. Porphyra naiadum f. major Hus
  142. Porphyra naiadum f. minor Hus
  143. Porphyra naiadum f. minor Hus
  144. Porphyra naiadum var. australis E.Y. Dawson
  145. Porphyra naiadum var. major (Hus) E.Y. Dawson
  146. Porphyra naiadum var. minor (Hus) E.Y. Dawson
  147. Porphyra nereocystis C.L. Anderson
  148. Porphyra nereocystis C.L. Anderson
  149. Porphyra nobilis De Notaris
  150. Porphyra nobilis J. Agardh
  151. Porphyra norrisii V. Krishnamurthy
  152. Porphyra occidentalis Setchell & Hus
  153. Porphyra ochotensis Nagai
  154. Porphyra ochotensis f. lanceolata T. Tanaka
  155. Porphyra okamurae ('okamurai') Ueda
  156. Porphyra oligospermatangia C.K. Tseng & B.F. Zheng
  157. Porphyra onoi ('onoii') Ueda
  158. Porphyra palleola M. Noda
  159. Porphyra papenfussii V. Krishnamurthy
  160. Porphyra pendula E.Y. Dawson
  161. Porphyra perforata J. Agardh
  162. Porphyra perforata f. lanceolata Hus
  163. Porphyra perforata f. lanceolata Setchell & Hus
  164. Porphyra perforata f. patens V. Krishnamurthy
  165. Porphyra perforata f. patens V. Krishnamurthy
  166. Porphyra perforata f. segregata Hus
  167. Porphyra perforata f. segregata Setchell & Hus
  168. Porphyra pertusa Postels & Ruprecht
  169. Porphyra plocamiestris R.W. Ricker
  170. Porphyra pseudoangusta A. Miura
  171. Porphyra pseudocrassa Y. Yamada & H. Mikami
  172. Porphyra pseudolanceolata V. Krishnamurthy
  173. Porphyra pseudolinearis Ueda
  174. Porphyra pujalsiae ('pujalsii') J. Coll & E.C. Oliveira
  175. Porphyra pulchra G.J. Hollenberg
  176. Porphyra pumila (Areschoug) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  177. Porphyra punctata Y. Yamada & H. Mikami
  178. Porphyra purpurea (Roth) C. Agardh
  179. Porphyra purpurea var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) C. Agardh
  180. Porphyra purpureoviolacea ('purpureo-violacea') (Roth) V. Krishnamurthy
  181. Porphyra rediviva J.W. Stiller & J.R. Waaland
  182. Porphyra reflexa (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  183. Porphyra reniformis Meneghini
  184. Porphyra rizzinii J. Coll & E.C. Oliveira
  185. Porphyra roseana Howe
  186. Porphyra rosengurttii J. Coll & J. Cox
  187. Porphyra sanjuanensis V. Krishnamurthy
  188. Porphyra saldanhae H. Stegenga, J.J. Bolton, & R.J. Anderson
  189. Porphyra sanjuanensis V. Krishnamurthy
  190. Porphyra schizophylla G.J. Hollenberg
  191. Porphyra segregata (Setchell & Hus) V. Krishnamurthy
  192. Porphyra seriata Kjellman
  193. Porphyra sericea (Wulfen) J. Agardh
  194. Porphyra smithii G.J. Hollenberg & I.A. Abbott
  195. Porphyra spiralis E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
  196. Porphyra spiralis var. amplifolia E.C. Oliveira & J. Coll
  197. Porphyra suborbiculata Kjellman
  198. Porphyra suborbiculata f. latifolia T. Tanaka
  199. Porphyra subtumens J. Agardh ex Laing
  200. Porphyra subtumens J. Agardh
  201. Porphyra tanegashimensis I. Shinmura
  202. Porphyra tasa (Yendo) Ueda
  203. Porphyra tenera Kjellman
  204. Porphyra tenera f. kjellmanii ('kjellmani') Ueda
  205. Porphyra tenera var. tamatsuensis A. Miura
  206. Porphyra tenera var. tamatsuensis A. Miura ex K. Yamauchi
  207. Porphyra tenuipedalis A. Miura
  208. Porphyra tenuissima J. Agardh ex Frauenfeld
  209. Porphyra tenuissima (Strömfelt) Setchell & Hus
  210. Porphyra tenuitasa E. Fukuhara
  211. Porphyra thulaea I.M. Munda & P.M. Pedersen
  212. Porphyra thuretii Setchell & E.Y. Dawson
  213. Porphyra torta V. Krishnamurthy
  214. Porphyra tristanensis Baardseth
  215. Porphyra uedae E. Fukuhara
  216. Porphyra umbilicalis Kützing
  217. Porphyra umbilicalis (Linnaeus) J. Agardh
  218. Porphyra umbilicalis var. divisa J. Agardh
  219. Porphyra umbilicalis subsp. laciniata (Lightfoot) J. Agardh
  220. Porphyra umbilicalis f. laciniata (Lightfoot) Rosenvinge
  221. Porphyra umbilicalis var. laciniata (Lightfoot) J. Agardh
  222. Porphyra umbilicalis f. linearis (Greville) Rosenvinge
  223. Porphyra umbilicalis var. novae-zelandiae ('novae zelandiae') Laing
  224. Porphyra umbilicalis f. pudica Hamel
  225. Porphyra umbilicalis subsp. purpurea (Roth) J. Agardh
  226. Porphyra umbilicalis f. purpurea (Roth) Jadin
  227. Porphyra umbilicalis f. rosea Hamel
  228. Porphyra umbilicalis var. simplex J. Agardh
  229. Porphyra umbilicalis subsp. pacifica L.P. Perestenko
  230. Porphyra umbilicalis f. vulgaris (Ruprecht) Rosenvinge
  231. Porphyra umbilicata Ruprecht
  232. Porphyra umbilicata var. laciniata (Lightfoot) Ruprecht
  233. Porphyra umbilicata f. perforata Ruprecht
  234. Porphyra umbilicata var. sanguinea Ruprecht
  235. Porphyra umbilicata var. vulgaris Ruprecht
  236. Porphyra variegata (Kjellman) Kjellman
  237. Porphyra vermicellifera Kützing
  238. Porphyra vexillaris Montagne
  239. Porphyra vietnamensis T. Tanaka & Pham-Hoang Ho
  240. Porphyra violacea J. Agardh
  241. Porphyra vulgaris C. Agardh
  242. Porphyra vulgaris var. laciniata Lenormand
  243. Porphyra vulgaris var. laciniata Rabenhorst
  244. Porphyra vulgaris var. linearis Lenormand
  245. Porphyra vulgaris var. minor (Zanardini) Zanardini
  246. Porphyra vulgaris var. umbilicata (C. Agardh) Naccari
  247. Porphyra vulgaris f. umbilicata (C. Agardh) P. Crouan & H. Crouan
  248. Porphyra woolhouseae ('woolhousiae') Harvey
  249. Porphyra yamadae T. Yoshida
  250. Porphyra yezoensis Ueda
  251. Porphyra yezoensis f. coreana Ueda
  252. Porphyra yezoensis f. kinositae Y. Yamada & T. Tanaka
  253. Porphyra yezoensis f. narawaensis A. Miura
  254. PORPHYREA Solier
  255. PORPHYRELLA G.M. Smith & G.J. Hollenberg
  256. Porphyrella californica G.J. Hollenberg
  257. Porphyrella gardneri G.M. Smith & G.J. Hollenberg
  258. PORPHYRIDAEA J. Agardh {subgenus of section of Iridaea}
  259. PORPHYRIDIUM Naegeli
  260. PORPHYRIDIUM Naegeli {info}
  261. Porphyridium aerugineum Geitler
  262. Porphyridium cruentum (J.E. Smith) Naegeli
  263. Porphyridium griseum Geitler
  264. Porphyridium magnificum Wood
  265. Porphyridium marinum Kylin
  266. Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) Drew & Ross
  267. Porphyridium schinzii_('schinzi') Schmidle
  268. Porphyridium sordidum Geitler
  269. Porphyridium violaceum Kornmann
  270. Porphyridium wittrockii Richter
  272. Porphyrodiscus simulans Batters
  274. Porphyroglossum zollingeri Kützing
  275. PORPHYROPSIS Rosenvinge
  276. PORPHYROPSIS Rosenvinge
  277. Porphyropsis coccinea (J. Agardh ex Areschoug) Rosenvinge
  278. Porphyropsis coccinea var. dawsonii Hollenberg & Abbott
  279. Porphyropsis imperfecta Kornmann & Sahling
  280. Porphyropsis minuta Womersley & Conway
  281. Porphyropsis vexillaris (Montagne) Heerebout
  283. PORPHYROSIPHON Kützing ex Gomont {tribe}
  284. Porphyrosiphon animalis (C. Agardh ex Gomont) Drouet
  285. Porphyrosiphon fuscus ('fuscum') Gomont
  286. Porphyrosiphon kaernbachii (P. Hennings) De Toni
  287. Porphyrosiphon kaernbachii var. samoensis Wille
  288. Porphyrosiphon kurzii (Zeller ex Gomont) Drouet
  289. Porphyrosiphon miniatus (Hauck ex Gomont) Drouet
  290. Porphyrosiphon notarisii (Meneghini) Kützing
  291. Porphyrosiphon notarisii Kützing ex Gomont
  292. Porphyrosiphon notarisii f. amazonense Drouet
  293. Porphyrosiphon notarisii var. canus Baker & Bold
  294. Porphyrosiphon notarisii f. neglectus ('neglecta') (Wood) Bornet ex De Toni
  295. Porphyrosiphon robustus Gardner
  296. Porphyrosiphon samoensis (Wille) Drouet
  297. Porphyrosiphon splendidus (Greville ex Gomont) Drouet
  298. Porphyrosiphon velasquezii Drouet
  300. Porphyrostromium boryanum ('boryana') (Montagne) M.J. Wynne
  301. Porphyrostromium boryanum (Montagne) P.C. Silva
  302. Porphyrostromium boryi Trevisan
  303. Porphyrostromium ciliare (Carmichael) M.J. Wynne
  304. Porphyrostromium obscurum (Berthold) Kornmann
  305. PORTACUS O. Kuntze
  306. Portacus aggregatus (Kützing) Kuntze
  307. Portacus atropurpureus (Kützing) Kuntze
  308. Portacus botryoides ('botryodes') (Carmichael) Kuntze
  309. Portacus brebissonianus (Kützing) Kuntze
  310. Portacus lenticula (Kützing) Kuntze
  311. Portacus minor (Kützing) Kuntze
  312. Portacus mutilus (Kützing) Kuntze
  313. Portacus nitidus (C. Agardh) Kuntze
  314. Portacus parasiticus (Chauvin) Kuntze
  315. Portacus parvulus (Kützing) Kuntze
  316. Portacus plicatus (Carmichael) Kuntze
  317. Portacus pisum (C. Agardh) Kuntze
  318. Portacus pulcher (Cramer) Kuntze
  319. Portacus pygmaeus (Kützing) Kuntze
  320. Portacus salinus (Kützing) Kuntze
  321. Portacus sprengelianus (Kützing) Kuntze
  322. Portacus terebralis (Kützing) Kuntze
  323. PORTALITES Hemer & Nygreen {acritarch}
  324. Portalites confertus Hemer & Nygreen
  325. PORTERINEMA Waern
  326. Porterinema fluviatile (H.C. Porter) Waern
  327. Porterinema marina Jaasund
  328. PORTIERIA Zanardini
  329. Portieria cincinnata (Montagne) Grunow
  330. Portieria cincinnata var. pulvinata (Harvey) Grunow
  331. Portieria coccinea Zanardini
  332. Portieria dichotoma (Hauck) P. C. Silva
  333. Portieria harveyi (J. Agardh) P. C. Silva
  334. Portieria hornemannii (Lyngbye) P. C. Silva
  335. Portieria hornemannioides Kendrick, Huisman, & Walker
  336. Portieria japonica (Harvey) P. C. Silva
  337. Portieria kilneri (J. Agardh) P. C. Silva
  338. Portieria spinulosa P. C. Silva
  339. Portieria tripinnata ('tripinnatus') (Hering) Farrell, Critchley, & Aken
  341. Portphillipia australis (J. Agardh) P.C. Silva
  342. POSSONIA Hindák
  343. Possonia sestonica Hindák
  344. POSTELSIA Ruprecht
  345. Postelsia palmaeformis Ruprecht
  346. POSTEROCORNIA Kofoid {subgenus of Triposolenia}
  347. POSTEROCORNIA Kofoid {subgenus of Triposolenia}
  349. Postprorocentrum maximum Gourret
  350. Postprorocentrum ovale Gourret
  351. POTAMODISCUS Gerloff
  352. Potamodiscus kalbei Gerloff
  353. POTARCUS Rafinesque
  354. Potarcus bicolor Rafinesque
  356. Potentillina campanulata Korde
  357. Potentillina monstrata (Korde) Korde
  359. POTERIODENDRON (Stein) Bourrelly {sect. of Bicoeca}
  360. Poteriodendron epistyloides (Kent) Bütschli
  361. Poteriodendron petiolatum Stein
  362. Poteriodendron petiolatum var. abbottii ('abbotti') (Stokes) Playfair
  363. Poteriodendron petiolatum var. minus ('minor') Geitler
  365. Poterioochromonas malhamensis (Pringsheim) L. St. Peterfi
  366. Poterioochromonas stipitata Scherffel
  367. POTEROPHORA Wolle
  368. Poterophora donnellii Wolle
  369. POUCHETIA Schütt
  370. POUCHETIA {subgenus Pouchetia}
  371. POUCHETIA {Subgenus}
  372. Pouchetia alba Kofoid & Swezy
  373. Pouchetia armata Dogiel
  374. Pouchetia atra Kofoid & Swezy
  375. Pouchetia cochlea F. Schütt
  376. Pouchetia compacta F. Schütt
  377. Pouchetia contorta F. Schütt
  378. Pouchetia cornuta F. Schütt
  379. Pouchetia fusus F. Schütt
  380. Pouchetia hataii Kofoid
  381. Pouchetia juno F. Schütt
  382. Pouchetia maculata Kofoid & Swezy
  383. Pouchetia maculata Kofoid & Swezy
  384. Pouchetia maxima Kofoid & Swezy
  385. Pouchetia mutsui Kofoid
  386. Pouchetia nigra (Pouchet) Lemmermann
  387. Pouchetia panamensis Kofoid
  388. Pouchetia parva Lohmann
  389. Pouchetia polyphemus F. Schütt
  390. Pouchetia polyphemus (Pouchet) Kofoid & Swezy
  391. Pouchetia pouchetii ('poucheti') Kofoid & Swezy
  392. Pouchetia pulchra Schiller
  393. Pouchetia purpurata Kofoid & Swezy
  394. Pouchetia purpurescens Kofoid & Swezy
  395. Pouchetia rosea (Pouchet) F. Schütt
  396. Pouchetia rubescens Kofoid & Swezy
  397. Pouchetia schuettii ('schuetti') Kofoid & Swezy
  398. Pouchetia striata Kofoid & Swezy
  399. Pouchetia subnigra Kofoid & Swezy
  400. Pouchetia violescens Kofoid & Swezy
  401. Pouchetia voracis Kofoid & Swezy
  402. POUCHETLILLA Kofoid & Swezy {subgenus}
  403. PRAEARENARIA Vologdin
  404. Praearenaria bullulata Vologdin
  405. PRAECHARA Horn af Rantzien
  406. Praechara donetziana Saidakovsky
  407. Praechara elongata Saidakovsky
  408. Praechara glypta (Peck) Peck
  409. Praechara maedleri ('mädleri') Horn af Rantzien
  410. Praechara ovata Saidakovsky
  411. Praechara pseudoglypta Horn af Rantzien
  412. Praechara symmetrica Peck
  413. Praechara texensis (J. Groves) Peck
  414. Praechara voluta (Peck) Peck
  416. Praechroococcus catervatus Vologdin
  417. Praechroococcus hsiachiakouensis Vologdin
  419. Prae-epithemia robusta Jousé
  420. Praesolenopora formosa R.C. Tsao & Y.Z. Liang
  421. Praesolenopora furcata R.C. Tsao & Y.Z. Liang
  422. Praesolenopora liaoningensis R.C. Tsao & Y.Z. Liang
  423. PRAETHALASSIOSIROPSIS R. Gersonde & D.M. Harwood
  424. Praethalassiosiropsis hasleae R. Gersonde & D.M. Harwood
  425. PRASADIELLA Srivastava
  426. Prasadiella indica Srivastava
  427. PRASINOCARTERIA Chadefaud
  428. Prasinocarteria semiglobosa (Pascher) Chadefaud
  430. Prasinochlamydomonas impressa (Pascher) Chadefaud
  432. Prasinochloris sessilis Belcher
  433. PRASINOCLADIA Hori, R. E. Norris, & Chihara
  434. PRASINOCLADIA Hori, R. E. Norris, & Chihara {subgenus}
  435. PRASINOCLADIA Hori & Chihara {subgenus of Tetraselmis}
  436. PRASINOCLADUS Kuckuck
  437. Prasinocladus ascus J. Proskauer
  438. Prasinocladus curtus N.L. Gardner, inval.
  439. Prasinocladus indicus Weber-van Bosse
  440. Prasinocladus lubricus Kuckuck
  441. Prasinocladus lubricus f. subsalsus ('subsalsa') (Davis) Zimmermann
  442. Prasinocladus marinus (Cienkowski) Waern
  443. Prasinocladus subsalsus (Davis) Davis
  444. Prasinocladus verrucosus ('verrucosa') (Butcher) Parke
  445. PRASINOCOCCUS H. Miyashita & M. Chihara
  446. Prasinococcus capsulatus H. Miyashita & M. Chihara
  447. PRASINODERMA T. Hasegawa & M. Chihara
  448. Prasinoderma coloniale T. Hasegawa & M. Chihara
  449. PRASIOCOCCUS Vischer
  450. PRASIOCOCCUS Vischer
  451. Prasiococcus calcarius (Boye Petersen) Vischer
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