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Mr. E. Janssen of Hardware Company:-The Tan Oak forms a belt inside Redwood; as one goes up the Pine (Douglas Spruce) and Madrona comes in; in these mixed woods one gets the Tan Oak.
The greatest amount of connected Tan Oak is in the Shelter Coves district. At that point there is a break in the continuity of the Redwood belt; at that place the Redwood belt has Tan Oak on both sides of it.
The Redwood is a tree of the lower [?best guess?] levels. Get in the higher mts [mountains] and the Redwood disappears. Of course I don't mean that there is no Redwood on the higher elevations but there is little of it. It
Aug. 1. 1902

gets its start on the swales or in the canons [canyons?] and then pushes upwards, making conditions of light and moisture suitable. I don't believe the Redwood would start on the high cairn [illeg.--best guess--looks like canm with dash over n] sides.
One of the very best places to see the relative position of the Tan Oak is between the [looks like Chi bit I think it's "the"] coast and Kneeland Prairie. Kneeland P. is 2900 ft. high. There open or grazing country begins. From Kneeland Prairie down to Mad River is 7 miles by road. Along this road there is no Redwood but Tan Oak. They are cutting a great deal of Tan Oak there. They pull the bark up hill on sleds and then by wagon out
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