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Berkeley, Cal. 1904

-- Lewisia cotyledon Rob.
Examination of material near Marble Mt., Chandler 1594, June 24, 1901.

Count of Parts

Flower Petals Stamens Valves of Cap.
No. 1 _ 9 5
No. 2 _ 9 7 3
No. 3 _ 9 9 3
No. 4 _ 9 7 3
No. 5 _ 8 8
No. 5 _ 8 8
King City, June 14, 1901

King City is a forlorn hole.
It is a typical American or
rather Californian grain town.
It has two hotels. But what
is the good of choice
when the apples are rotten? However,
the Vendome, which is
further from the depot is the
better of the two. But the ride to
Jolon is most beautiful; one goes
up a narrow valley which becomes
narrower and narrower and ascends
to a canon leading over a summit.
The grade down to Jolon is long,
easy & beautiful, the horses going
at a spanking trot but not pulling
a pound. The road fine, the oak-covered
hills and little valleys
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