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cross Nevada, first to cross Utah from n. to s. [north to south] (Everett's Cat. n. ser., no. 93).

Baker, Ray Stannard. The Book of my Youth. (Autobiography). 1942.
Brother of C.F. Baker who botanized in Cal., in the first years of the century.

Marcon, J. Une Ascension dans les Montagnes Rocheuses. 24 pp. Paris, 1867. Bulletin de la Societie de Geographie (May 1867). (Accompanied by John M. Bigelow, the author left Albuquerque, Oct. 8, 1853.-Everetts Cat. n. ser. 93. c. 1942.).

Greene, E.L. His command of English: cf. Men and Manners, 14:82.

Bioletti, T.F. He was in body so disproportionate as to be misshapen. The circumstances put him in the same category with
C.E. Michener, although Michener was vastly more abnormal in body on account of his hunch back.

Coulter, Thos. Travels cf.. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. Vol. 33, pp. 65-70. 1943. By Rogers McVaugh.
(No description of travel in Calif.)

Nuttall, Thos. Acer macrophyllum; _we did not observe it in the vicinity of Monterey._ _N. Am. Sylva, 2:78. This record helps to validate my statement that Nuttall did not travel overland from Monterey to San Diego. He did not even explore the coast line south of Monterey or he would have met the Big leaf Maple. (cf. further note in Men and Manners, 15:99.).

The early trails into Yosemite. Cf. Yosemite Nature Notes, 22:49 (1943). This note has relation to H.N. Bolander_s early trip into the Yosemite Valley.
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