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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Chamisso Botanical Club. Erythea, 2:171.

Shockley, W.H. He exchanged plant specimens with S.B. Parish and E.L. Greene, as shown by his herbarium.

Greene, E.L. He had great power with words. He tended at times to write impressively rather than scientifically. One of his new species say, occurs in a region well-known, well-known to him, a commonplace region to me. Instead, therefore, of a simple direct statement he writes of the range, of the field occurrence, of this species so as to convey a sense of importance, of impressiveness, even of grandeur, rather than a factual statement plain, unadorned.

Stacey, J.W. Died Oct. 16, 1943, cf. notice in Academy News Let[ter]
[Let]ter, (San Francisco), No. 48, Dec. '43.

Mocino, Jose Mariano. cf. note sub Davis, p. 5 ante.

Roso, Alexander. Adventures of First Settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River, 1810-1813. (Thwaites Early Western Travels. 1904).

California. First Steamship Pioneers. (San Francisco 1874).

In 1943 readers bought, in U.S., between 250 and 350 million books (45 million technical books; 15 million bibles and religious books; 80 million books of fiction, biography war and politics). A record. -Signs of Times, 2-15-44.

The pioneer of western pioneers was no rude son of toil, but a man of thought trained amid arts and letters. -Francis Parkman.

Michener, C.G. Date of his death seems difficult to obtain. cf. Helen Childers in litt. 5-17-44. Jepson Corresp. [Correspondence]

Gamble, Dr. Wm.; cf. Men and Manners, vol. 17, p. 159.

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