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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Went to Little Oak July 1. The apricot trees at Thomasson sta., lower Suisun Valley, are loaded with near-ripe but not ripe fruit. At Little Oak the crop has been gone two weeks and it was ripe on June 1! (-July 1, 1931)

Met Lee McCrary in Vacaville. He told a story of my sister Frances. She rode a spirited horse that had one defect. He wouldn_t go across the bridge at Alamo Creek. The determined rider backed him across! This peculiarity of the horse I knew well at the time _ but it had become dormant in my memory. _July 1, 1931.

There was, when I was a child, 3 to 5 or 6, much death in our neighborhood. The neighbors met at the graveyard to dig the grave. However, Jim Marshall would not come. He said he had

enough money to dig his grave when he died. The custom grew out of the early days when there was no regular gravedigger in the little community. And then there were poor people who could not afford the expense, but were eager to join with their neighbors and repay the debt to others. Jim Marshall lived to a time when the old custom quite passed out. _ July 31, 1931.

- The Pack Pedlar- We saw him coming far down the road _ moving slowly but steadily under his great burden. His visit was an event in the household. He brought atmosphere of far off worlds _ laces from France, linen from Ireland, colored silks from India, a rare shawl from Persia _ and strange odds and ends of all kind. The man himself with his alien accent, swarthy features and tricks of the trades was an introduction in a small

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