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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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I looked with interest and maybe a certain wonder on the notary and his writing, upon my scholarly sister Frances writing always for practice and diversion and later for publication.
It is curious: my mind operates in terms of thousands of years or in geological time scales _ on account of my profession. It is only a short time since men had no alphabet, no written speech. To me, even as a child, it was a wonderful thing that men could make marks on paper and so convey, so send their talk to some person far away. But few persons nowadays feel that way about it.
In very early California, commonplace things were diffi[cult]
[diffi]cult to come by. Paper, pen and ink might be hard to get. All this reacted on the mind of a child born a little less than twenty years after the discovery of gold. One values most things strived for hardest. It is not for nothing that John L. Lewis, after a great labor battle, goes home and reads Shakespeare. _Dec. 6, 1940.

_Back East_
Our people spoke of _going back to the states_ Dame Shirley in the Shirley Letters speaks of Cal. [California] as if not part of the U.S., p. 244. Like so many she was fascinated by the new land: _Now I expect to be very happy here._ _This strange odd life fascinates me,_ p. 101. _Our California_ is one of her phrases.
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