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The Old College Bell
-cont. from p. 175. Since I wished to go to college, and I feared my father would be less receptive if had _graduated,_ which was a term to denote the completion of school days. Frank Platt used his best arts of persuasion _ I scarcely know why unless he was encouraged by Foster who wanted to make a showing before the public of our little village _ and finally offered to give up to me the valedictory which had been assigned him. But I stood fast. _ Sept. 10, _38.
This must have been in the year 1884 in May, I think, since I continued at the school another year after the Platt boys quit, that is until May 1885, entering the University in Sept., 1885. My only error above is this: I think Carson was the principal when Frank and Ralph Platt graduated.
W.J. Stevens, Principal, Aug. _80 to May, 1882.
Carson, Principal, Aug. 1882 to May, 1883.
Foster, Principal, Aug. 1883 to May, 1885.
That is Foster was Principal two years _ my reason for thinking this: At the time of the _Big Fight,_ _ Geo. Morehouse and Wirt Stice, - the Platts were in school and it is my remembrance that it was Foster who called me into his office about the fight; in the following year the Platts were not in school _ I was the _big boy_ in the school and Millie Thurber one of the _big girls._ It is possible I may run on to some old records which will check this matter. These early days one likes to review _ a liking reinforced by the judgment of Samuel Johnson. _ Sept. 10, _38.
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