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Visit Home after Long Absence
Nearly always, from Berkeley, I went home on an early morning train and got off at Vanden. Sometimes I did not send word and there was thus no one to meet me. And so I climb the easy slope of the long hill to the Mile Square Hill, down into the swale and up to the rise opposite Pigeon Point. After a quarter miles comes a fuller view. There lies the expanse of the lower Vaca Valley and the eye follows northerly between the hills to the upper valley, Putnam_s Peak clear and sharp above it. My land _ the land of my boyhood _ all of it: the sun on the wheat fields; flocks of blackbirds hurrying to feeding grounds; - and here and there about the farms the people of simple ways
and direct speech. This is my land. My land because as a lad I knew it all on foot or by _ aid of my pony_s feet _ every slope of hill, craggy point or curve of stream endeared by a thousand associations and glowing memories and young adventure.
_we were/two lads that thought there was no more behind,
But such a day tomorrow as today,
And to be a boy eternal._ _ Polixenes, in the Winter_s Tale, Act. 2, Sc. 2, l. 63.

The Home. _ In the hot fall days a great thirst was developed, walking home from school. So we children rushed to the pump and pumped long and vigorously to get a cool drink of the far-underground waters. There was no running water.

_ the galloping pony_s back
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