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place on the mass of struggling boys. Even the littlest in the schools, who kept fearfully from the struggle at first, at last climbed joyfully on top of the melee. Pile-on! Pile on! Pile on! All had cried _pile on!_ at first, big boy and little boy. To encourage others to jump on! But now began shrieks from the bottom of the pile. Get off! Get off! Get off! Quit! You_re killing me! I_m dying! _ and similar calls of terror! And as the cry of _Pile on_ died away and the tangled mass of legs and arms unwound and got free, the luckless lads at the bottom cried out on their tormentors, once the breath crushed out of them returned, and ruefully moaned the hardness of the mob of boys, their fellows. _ Oct., 1934.
_Get off! Didn_t you hear me? I tell you I am dying!! _ cont. p. 151.
Pattern of the Hills
I knew the hills, every ridge, every point, every canyon, - their contours etched by the background of blue sky, their bulk strengthened by clouds or by gray days. It seemed to me there was not one unfamiliar slope or gully _ so lovingly had my eyes while on the roads studied every detail. And yet, traveling north Mar. 8, _36, on the Denverton-Elmira road, when I turned west towards Little Oak, there on the horizon, showing through a gap of the Araquipa Hills at the head of a swale Osage Canyon, were the tops of Twin Sisters Peaks of the Napa Range beyond Suisun Valley! This is the only part of the Napa Range that can be seen from the Sacramento Valley floor. Curiously, I cannot recall ever noticing these striking points as a boy! And yet as a (cont. p. 168)

_cont. from p. 150. Big boy and little boy. Fat _boy and thin boy. Dobie boy and Alamo boy _ all mixed up _ hopelessly entangled.

_There was no fat boy in Center School.
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