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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Some say they will sprout. In Glenn Co. and Tehama Co. the groves are terribly injured. L.W. Wigmore of the Orchard Register says that experts in his country say, that if the trees were cut down, preventing downward movement of the sour sap, crown-sprouting would take place. _ Feb. 25, 1933. cf. fuller account in F.B. 53:109.

The Home Landscape.
Every place, ever spot had the deepest interest for me _ every hill, every bend of the creek, every clump of trees, even the cross-roads corners had each some association or place in the memory. Everything observed and studied as a child became magnified. A tiny outcropping ledge of rocks on the low slope near Captain J.B. Chinn_s place was called Chinn_s Bluff. Years later, when I became grown, it had shrunken to nothing.
-cont. p. 121
The Flood Years
_The fold stands empty in the drowned field._
-Midsummer Nights Dream

Well I remember the wet years in the seventies and eighties when the Sacramento Valley was almost like a lake! Water, water everywhere! The problem was to get rid of the water in the neighborhood of Little Oak. Great pools or ponds formed in all low or semi-low spots. And as the winter wore on into March the water continued to run in the swales, and ditches. Down the road in front of the house at Little Oak, the water ran in a clear stream for weeks and weeks. The road was then a fine playground for two little lads _ a place to build canals and dams.
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