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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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[entertain]ing her at recess at _little recess_ monopolizing her completely, at _big recess,_ taking her apart to eat the noonday lunch. Frequently Leila would take Carrie into the wheat field across the road from the school, a field rented by her father and therefore over which Leila claimed suzerainty as against the other children. Leila assumed headship of the school for the girls, and assuming headship it was therefore her trust and duty to act as hostess to the new girl to show her from the start that she (Leila) was the one important girl in the school. So the became very _thick,_ _too thick_ said some of the other children. Such intense (cont. p. 138).

-Small boy rhyme for the open:
_Oh come along, oh come along,
Scolding doesn_t hurt,
Whipping doesn_t last,
And killing they daren_t, killing they daren_t._

cf. Jepson Field Book, vol. 37, p. 24.
The Wheat Field
Cont. from p. 45.

Held aloft each a single head the height of a lad of twelve or a bit more. At that level the eye ranged the lusty heads in endless ranks across the wide plain of the wheat field. When the trades blew it was the breath of the trades, the wind, that was dominant; but on quiet hot days, breathless and still, there was a cleanness of air in the grain, only faintly suggestive or prophetic of the aroma that, in harvest time prevailed over the threshing floors or _settings._
-Poem on wheat or corn: Thos. Carlyle, _Corn,_ by Sidney Lanier.
-Cato. Roman Farm Management
-In the fall the great bands of hogs _ several hundred animals _ were driven across the plain to the main railway line and marketed. It was necessary to drive them in the early morning and we started about three o_clock. These early morning hours on the wide plain, the western range of hills lying low as we journeyed eastward, so that all above us and about was
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