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Kern Canon

That which is called "Old Kern Bed" is high above the present Kern River and separated by a high mountain ridge, but this valley of Trout Meadow runs unto the Kern Canon just below Kern Lake and again Southward.
Fred Harvey, the ranger, killed two bear a few days since in a meadow south of Cottonwood, where there was a carcass of a cow and both bear came to eat. The second bear laid himself down flat and begam to chew away but it didn't please him and he gave the carcass just one blow with his paw and turned it over! Mr. H. says the
Aug. 5, 1900.

Brown Bear I killed could have stunned me with one blow of his paws. Bear about Redstone carry off hogs.

Left Funston's Upper Meadow at 8:45. The very pilose-wooly Hieracium is in Kern River above Chagoopah Falls - yellow fls.
Upper Kern Lake is a lake of recent formation. When I saw the tree stumps standing everywhere in the water I supposed it to be artificial. Caused they say by an earthquake in 1867-1868 winter. There were
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