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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Putak Creek near Winters, 18 June, 1934
-Drove today through Pleasants Valley from Vaca Valley. Even in so short a distance, the greater rainfall in Pleasants Valley is evidenced by the [---ker] wild growth along the stream banks. Drove on by the road along Putak Creek to the John Wolfskill place. As I remember the dates, John Wolfskill went to Mexico from Missouri (having been born in Kentucky) in 1828, staying there ten years, then coming to California and joining has brother William Wolfskill at Los Angeles where he stayed three years. Then he came north, spent some time with Yount in Napa Valley, and then in 1842 took up his abode on Putak Creek near the later John Wolfskill residence that I knew as a lad. While getting started here, the Vacas and Penas
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