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Kew Herbarium, England
she did not say "imperfect," but "abbreviated." Fernald is a rather fine specimen of a man, good head, excellent shoulders, strong arms. He is stocky but his legs are so short, and his body is rather short, so that he seems dwarfish in a way - and yet he is, in my opinion, an excellent physical type save for appearances, that is our conventional standards. I admire Fernald's botanical output and while at the Gray Herbarium in 1896 his lack of stature I failed to notice. I knew Fernald at the Gray Herbarium thirty-four years ago. He was of course a man full grown then. But I have no remembrance of his small stature. A tall well-build man like myself is not conscious of short stature in other persons. Dr. Grant also says that Fernald speaks
Aug. 30, 1930
disparagingly or insultingly of Dr. Robinson behind his back. He did not to me, however, and I take it as a compliment to myself that Fernald and others do not tell me such things. (cf. F.B. 50:151).
- Those of us working in the Herbarium on Sunday (Aug. 31) were invited by Mr. W. Dallimore to tea at 4:30, Hanover House, Kew Green, which is next to the Herbarium. Ushered into the garden I found Mr. And Mrs. Dallimore, their daughter, Mrs. Dallimore's mother, Dr. Domin of Prague, Dr. Gluch of Heidelberg, Dr. Rietz of Upsala.
- I am constantly amazed that the men at Kew, on the staff, have no private places to work. Also I find A.B. Rendle at the Natural History Museum working "in the open" where everyone passes.
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