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Kew Herbarium, England
It is evident that he has great resilience. He gave Dr. Grant instructions re. the taking over of his work at the Missouri Botanical Garden. He has borrowed Senecio material from "everywhere", from Berlin, from Washington, from me, and probably many other places. He has had most of it as long as he has had mine - namely twelve years. He has the complete set from Pomona College which distresses P. A. Munz very much. Of course Greenman thinks that in a short time he is going to finish up his Monograph of Senecio, but probably he never will. He is a most refined courteous gentleman with a gentle exterior - so that when he referred to the Senecio loans he told
Aug. 29, 1930
Mrs. Grant that the material was to stop where it is now stored, referring to the particular cases. He said that letters might be received regarding these loans but to pay no attention to them. That is a hard-boiled attitude difficult for me to associate with him, but I know by experience over twelve years that his policy is just that.
- Dr. A.L. Grant says that Dr. L.R. Abrams is a Jew, at least part Jew; that he is very "close"; that Mrs. Roxanna Ferris (see. p. 122) wanted a copy of his "Distribution of Southern California Trees and Shrubs" but her only way to get it, [thought] his chief assistant, was to buy it! I had noticed that he gave me very little in the way of his publications but my mind had not dwelt on it or remarked it especially. (Cont. p. 197)
- A.S. Hitchcock thought I had given up further publication of the Flora of California, on account of getting out the Manual. It is clear that [cont. p. 134]
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