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Upper Bubb's Creek 9000 ft.

Camped at the meadow under the West Vidette. We are surrounded by some fine peaks and cliffs. The East Vidette is a splendid peak and the view of it is particularly fine about sundown, when the lights strike horizontally on the sides. University Peak is in view from here. The Kearsarge Pinnacles stand out boldly and attract the eye always. Around the meadow are Tamarack trees 50 to 75 ft. h. and mostly 1 to 2 ft. in diameter (but some larger and many smaller). On the rocky slopes about is an
Thursday, July 13, 1900

abundance of Tsuga Pattoniana(_832). The meadow is rather swampy, rather close-cropped by the animals of the various parties that pass along the trail, splotched with patches of yellow (Mimulus primuloides Benth.). We saw two woodchuck in the meadow and afterwards saw one that had been shot. They were brown, fat, low, broad animals with short noses, and much larger than I supposed woodchucks to be.

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