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Megiddo, Palestine

with an oblique but complete ring of hairs under the stigma. Flowers solitary. Flat near spring; amongst Rubus bushes. FLowers sessile, axillary.

-No. 11,108. Lathyrus apliaca var. Flowers 1 or 2 on a long slender axillary peduncle, cor. canary yellow. Style hairy down one side. Stamens 9 and 1. Calyx_ lobes subequal, each with 3 transparent nerves. In tangle of Rubus on flat. Banner truncatish, not notched.

-No. 11,109. (Lathyrus) Vicia sp. Cor. white. Banner orbicular, strongly notched. 2 upper calyx-teeth very short, 3 lower long; calyx-tube marked. Style with a short-cylindric brush

_Calyx deeply cleft! -_
Apr. 8, 1926

below the stigma. Stamens 9 _ 1 in Rubus thicket on flat.

No. 11,110. Pisum humile Boiss. 2 upper calyx-pobes much broader and a little longer than the 3 lower. Peduncle 2-flowered. Corolla pink. Banner broadly [underlined] fan-shaped with a notch at apex, wings united behind keel and so separating keel from banner; wings not touching keel, forming a sort of pocket for keel, a pocket open in front. Corolla aging blue.

[see image for drawing] Style stigmatic on upper side, next to banner. Stipules very prominent! Cordate-perfoiliate! In gram
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