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Megiddo, Palestine

-cont. from p. 300.-

night falls one see the lights of NAzareth shining across the plain. To the right of the gap to the Jordan is Gilboa.

-No. 11,103. Acanthus syriacus Boiss. Corolla yellowish-white or greenish-white, its lower lip expanded above and a little 3-lobed, green-nerved and green-veiny; upper lip obsolete. Stamens 4; anthers woolly. Upper and lower calyx-lobes foliaceous, the upper exceeding, the lower equaling the corolla. Later calyx lobes roundish, submembranous, inconspicuous. All calyx parts distinct or nearly so. Bract broad and strongly spiny-margined; lateral bractlets nearly as long, very narrow, spine-tipped. Stigma 2-cleft. Raceme 4-ranked. Stem from a hor-
April 5, 1926

izontal rootstock, the base of the stem also developing underground runners which give rise to new plants. Correction: it is the rootstock which gives rise to roots which, in part at least, run horizontally and give rise to new plants.

-No. 11,104. Mandragora officinarum L. The heavy berries on their peduncles lie along the ground; and are somewhat hidden by the rosette of basal leaves, these very large and coarse. cont. p. 392.

-No. 11,105. Carex distans L. Swamp by the great psring.

-No. 11,106. Reseda. Rocky hillslope.
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